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<br /> 5. Hpaard or Property G�r�• Bonower s0a11 iceep the improvernents ���ng
<br /> . ep - . .
<br /> '.' ��,'` `°1'. propert�r insured uga�nst luss by fire.haznrds insittded wittF�in the tenn'Bateaded oovemge'and any �aher t�amsds. iacludln� ,-�--.
<br /> ' ' ..L,;� ' ftaods ar itooding.for which I�tder tequIres insumaoe.Tids insuranoe shall be mulntuinod in the aanoemts aad for the periads r`� :
<br /> �A °'� ..� tha�Lensicr reqaices.Thc insutence carrier prnvIding 1he ins�rance sha}i be chasen by 8ortower subject to l.cnder's approval �. �.
<br /> ��u�' which shall am be unreasonabty w�thhetd. If Borrower f a i ls m m�in t a in oov e r a g e d e s c r i b e d a b o v e. Y.e n d e r m a y.a t I.e n d e r's a: .._
<br /> opdon.obtain ooven►ge to grat�t I.ender�s r�ghts ia the Ft+upeny i�acxardartce wiW par�caph 7. - --
<br /> F .' . a A l l i n s u r a n�e p o l i c�e s a n d re m e w a l s s t r a ll h e a c o e p t a b l e t o Ixader wid shal! include a standacd mortgage clause. Lender y '�`
<br /> , .{� ':.E'
<br /> • sLali dave the right to hola tbe policies and renew�ls-if Lender requires,Bormwer si�aA pmmptly give to Lender nU receipts of
<br /> ' '' ! ! ��� p a i d p i e m i u m s a n d r e n e w a l n u t t o e s.Ia the evant of toss,Borrower shall give prompt aouce to the insvranse c�rier aud I�ender. __ _
<br /> .. `j;�.,. . --
<br /> ° '�.� I.�der may malce pmof of lo�s if aot made pmmptty by Borroaver. _ -
<br /> Untess Letider a�Barnswer othenvise sgtee in writing,insuiance Pmcceds shall be apptied W ciestaiatiao or r�air of the �
<br /> e
<br /> ,.< . .� ProPerty►damaSed,if the testorat�on or repair is economicalIy feasibte and I.ender's security is aot les�od.If the resco�ation or _ .
<br /> , , `.F`:,�,;r' repair is not eooaomically feasibte or Leader's security woald 6e[essened,the insurance prnoeEds sha11 be apptied to the sums
<br /> .. <f . �H� �i . widi an excess d to Borrower.If Borrower abaadons the � j-
<br /> �• :f sewmd by tttis Security tnssiument,whether or aot thea due, Y P� T
<br /> .' : : property�ar daes not answer within 3�days a notice fenm I�ndsr that the insnrauce carrier t�as offered to seale a claure,tiren r-,�ti<Y
<br /> .. ,° 'f.• , .�`- Ixnder may ooUect the i�rance pmceeds. Lende�r cnay use ihe prooeEds to�pair or restoie the Property or w pay sams ��_r.:.-;
<br /> .:� �:..f; �`_-
<br /> _ searred by this Secutity Tnstnuuent.whether or not then due.The 30-day period will6egin when the aotioe is given. --
<br /> Unless Lender and Bormwes at6e�wise agree in wriaag. anY ePPliqrion af proceeds to pr�sipal shall not extend or !._._,
<br /> �'�, �. Posqwne the due date of the montlily payments nefeased w in patagraphs 1 and 2 or change the am�ant of the payments. if ��`._:.'
<br />-- . •��,..�;'; umder pa:agraph 2!the Ptoperty is acquired by Ieader.Eoaower's right to a�►insuraace policies and praceeds resulting fmm �_;�
<br /> , � -=' damage w the Pmperty Prior to tiie acquisition shall pass to I.ender to the exteat of the sams sewred by this Security Ins�uneat --
<br /> ._, ',ti.h::'- �.a_-.
<br /> ' �" ; r••• n'i lIDII18�IStC��/�120T t0 t118 SCq11lS1IlOI1.
<br /> �; � 6.Oae�ancy,Pre�ervatton,Mainienanee and Proiecdan of tl�e Property;Borrower's Lean Application;�.�Se�o4ds. �` _
<br /> , .,,� ` :; Borrower shall oaa�py,establisb.and use the Brapercyr as Bomower's principal res�dence widsin sisty days after t&e execotion of .
<br /> . - '...`�r�,�;:�' as Horrow�r's ai t+esideaoe fm at teast oae year atier "'r �
<br /> tLis Security Insvament and stmit oonaiiue w occupy the PmP�Y P�P
<br /> ' ��:; the date of aaa�pancy.untess I.ender otherwjse ag�ees in writtng,wiuch co�ent shall nm be uareasonably aritt�eld.or unless
<br /> Y.� .;.', 4;..; �..<i extenuating arwmstancxs eaist which are beyond Borrawer's wntroL Eor�ower shall aot desn+uy. dama8e ur impair,�e _
<br /> . .;x�:: :. ���...�� �P�Y,altaw tbe Prop�'ty to deteriorate. ar commit waste on tt�Pmperty.Borrower shall be in defarilt if any► forfe�z• .
<br /> ;. s�,�? ackon or pmceed:ag,whetl�r civil or criminal.is begun t6at in Leu`F.r�'S good faith judgmeni�ald resvlt in faFfeiture a��: -_-
<br /> `� �.t . .
<br /> . .,a �property or atheraise materially impair the lien created iry tGis SecuritY Insmu�g ar I.ender's s�a�r in�r�. Borrower�y �,. - -
<br /> cure such a default aud reinstate.as pnovided in pa�grapb 18,by causing the ac�dr�oe proceEding w be disnaissed witli a zuTiag :�`;�,, ,.
<br /> � _k. ..°t� shat,in Lender's good feith dete=mination, prec:ades forfeiture of the Boirow�es's in�e�t in the Pmp�y or 'other r�o�a!. . �
<br /> .,,�+: impairment of the liem created by this Security Iastrument or L en c.►e i's sec,�i ty i m e r e s�H o a o w e r s h a ll a l s o b e i n d e f a��ff -
<br /> ;—�`•`.� B�rrawer.during the taan apalicat�on process.�ve m�s�1�p false or inaccu�ate inf�m�s�oA or statements to Leader(or -� �__
<br /> �, ..;,..� to prnvlde]I�euder with any materisl informatiop)in cunneaion with the toan evidenced by t6e Nate. ;s�c i u�:a g,l s n t uot 1 i c�t e a `
<br /> 'to,repres�tions conceming Borrower's uecupancy of the Property as a principal restdence.If ihis Sea�rity Instnunent is on a
<br /> � • �,'�� leasehold. lt�aower sl�alC cflmply wiW ell the provistons of the lease. If Bo:rawer acqnir�s fee tiUa to tke PmpertY..the �
<br /> . .: , .`;�,� �;� leaseho2d�she fee Htle shall aot merga�nWess Lender agrezs W th�perger in writing. � _ -
<br /> ,hruN':;:' . ----
<br /> � • � r � . 7.Proterxton of Lendgs's"�n�¢he Prop2riy.If Borrawe��ils to perform the cavenants and agrecme�►ts contalned in _
<br /> ' � ' 'a�as Ser�urity Insdum"ent.�s t'Sere is a;egai pmceeding that may si�raatty a�:�I.ender's rights.in t4e Property (sUch as a _
<br /> _ '' � �:'",.`��; : ��.viceeding in baakruptcy.'pmbate,foz condemnatioa�cz forfeiturc ez to eafomx�s or regWadons).then Leaaler�ay do sud —
<br /> �'-=��-ss� : .� .. -•� q�p far w�:,:ever is necessary to pmtect the vatae of i14.°.prope�ty:�d Lender's�:ghts in the Property.Lender's acdons may . v
<br /> ,.�,
<br /> `` , inslude.ga.�i�� any snms securecl by a lien which !�s priority �er this Sewrity Inst►v�ent. aPPeating In court. FaY�S _
<br /> . � �',`�•; re�san�J��:::omeys'gees and entering on the Propesry t�make repairs.Although I.ender may take a�tion under this p2r�b ' __-
<br /> '�•: �',�,et�tar�es�not have to do so. � ---
<br /> - -.- � ��•;�;; � Any amaunts disbursed by Lender iuider tlus�agraph 7 sha11 become addIriomal debt of Bonawcr secured�3r�th1s = -
<br /> � � ' ' �urity E.;�cument. Unless Borrower and I:ender a�^^�to other terms of payment.these amounts sha(16ear iateiest frc�the = -
<br /> ���` �� `. ;F •.date of ds�sement at the Note rate and�shall be pay$61e, wit� iW,�errest, uQm► notice from Lender to Homuwer req�c�ng �'-
<br /> ., . ,;,�}!..••�.� .�a�t,, , : � �:::..
<br /> , �'. ` . � . 8.Mortgage Insausaee.If Lender required mortgage insura.�x as a condition of ma3ciing ehe loan seetued by this Seecrity __
<br /> ' .. .s Castrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mar�-�e insurance in effect. 1f, for any ceason, the �. -.-:
<br /> :• ` c�ortgage i�surance coverage required by Lender lapsw or oeases ta be in efr�t.Bosower shall yay the pnemiwns req�aired to . �°--
<br /> .�.. :; � :..,
<br /> � �:' � o'btaia aa��eaege substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance I�reviously in effect.at a oost substantially equivalent to eha �, _
<br /> . ''..',", . :; � •oost to]Eo�aawer of the mortgage lasuranoe previousty in effe�, Trom an altt�ate mortgage inwres approved by Leader:If ��'=..
<br /> E_,.�
<br /> substandaily equivatent mortgage ir�urance coverage is not available,Boaower shall pay to Leader each moath a swn equal to .�
<br /> ! one-twelfth of the yearly mflrtgage lnsurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insuranoa coverage tapsed or ceased to �_;�
<br /> � ' . �.. .�; � be in effest.Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in Ueu of martgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> . . Form3�28 9(9� �'_,
<br /> ,. . ; '• � Fage a ot e �.-
<br /> i ._
<br /> , �:.
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