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<br /> — — ^-^-�---�___"'_`-""'_" T^�'_T�"� . Cly -C.----r----r-r-C...�.-.._,�. _ —�.---r�. -, y _
<br /> `' _� Sa f�• �4 4c. '2. 4i� • � ' . , � .-4 � ., y �� .
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<br /> , �<. ;r.� ��.`�, 17.TransPer o�tQte Pcopwty a�eftcdal Iaterest ip�orro�ver.If al!or ao�of th o w rest in it ; .
<br /> is sotd or transfeaed(or if a beaeficia!inte�est in Borrower is sold or transferred and�"rrower is not a natural peis )withuut
<br /> ,. � . < i,ecder's prior written oonsea4. L�der may. at its option. cequire immediate payment in fuH of aq sums serured by tttis • -
<br /> � -.-4.': Securiry Instcvment.However.this option shall not 6e eacercised by i�der if eacercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date .�:
<br /> �`�-- of this SECUTity incm�ment,
<br /> �:'S`'•..���;' If Leader exencises'this option.Le�der shall give Banower notice of aeceleration.'[9ie noUice sMefl provide a pe�tod of not `(���,
<br /> ` + tess tt�aan 30 days fmm she date the n�uce is delivered or maile8 within which Borrower imist pay a!t sumc sccured by this •
<br /> � Sewrity Insaument.If Borrower faiis to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Leader may invake any remedies
<br /> :`.;::,:`;...-T�,-, permiroed by this Senuity Insunment without fuitiier notice or de�narid on Bormwer. --
<br /> - 18. Borrow�'s Right to Rein§fate. If Bormwear meeets cettain oonditions. Borrower shall dave the right to 6ave :
<br /> � `r enforcement of this Secarity Iastrnment discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(ar such other period as
<br /> -, :.�".-�::\:� apglicable taw maY specify for tEinstatement)before sale o€We Property putsnant to any power of sale contaia�d in this `��
<br /> - Securiry Instnmtea�or tD)enuY of a j�euforcing this Security Instrameitt.T6osc can�tians are tbiat Borrower:(a?PaYs �. =.
<br /> ' Ixnder al!sums whicb the.n would 6e due uuder this Security Insuume��nd the Note as i�no a�eteration had�:(b) F.. �
<br /> '� 4'` • `,<: aires aay defauIt of any ott�r cove�nts or agreements;(c)Pays a l l expeases i n c u r r e d in enforcin g dtis Seaui ty �ms^t, �=y._�'
<br /> %� A'�tt.
<br /> � . '.�.'�;.: � , including,but not limited to,�easonable attoraeys'fees'and(d)takes sitch action as L.ender may reasonably zequae w assare �.�,-
<br /> . that the llen of this Serucity Insuume�u, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums seeuted 6y � .
<br /> ' this Secarity inswment shall rnntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Securiry Instlument and the � ;:
<br /> `� ' :' " obligations secureQ hereby sha!!remain ftilly effec�ive as if ao acceleiaUion had aocumed. However.this right W reinstate s6all -
<br /> ` T ' u not apply in the case of acceleration umder paiagraph 17. �
<br /> �.��..����_�' 19. Sa[e of�1ate; Change of d.oan Servtoer.The Note or a partia! interest in the Note (togcther with this S�arity
<br /> er
<br /> .• ���s, :���`•"� Instmment)may 6e sold ane or mure times withont prior nodce to Borrower.A sate may result in a c6ange in the entity(known �_`T
<br /> � . � ,� as tbe"luan Senncer")t�t coIIects momlilg payme�us due aader tt�e Note a n d t h i s Security Insaument T@ere aTso ma y be one . � .-
<br /> ;;��'fY�!;�,.' or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Homuwer vuill be
<br /> :_:,.���j��`�,�: given miuen notice o f t l ie c h ange in acrn r d a n ce w i t h p a a a g r a p H t4 a b ov e and a p plicable law.The notice will state the name and �,`=.
<br /> • ..��i�r`';�y� address of tke new Loan Servicer and ahe addi+ess to which payments should 6e made.The natice wiil aiso ooirtain any ot�er e_-'�.�
<br /> '';���s�:;.. ' infoTmation b a licable law.
<br /> ■':�..--
<br /> ,. • �"'``��'� 2 0.�S n b�.s l a a�. B o m o w e r s h a l i n o t c a u s e o s p e n m it the p r e s e n c e,�ase. d i s Pusal, sw r a ge.or release of any �':�w
<br /> �,� •� � '• �� ` �Hazardons Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, anr allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the F,.,.,
<br /> '...�.r..:;�.�� Property that is in violarior�of airy F.nvimmnental Law.The precq�ing taro sentences shaU not apply W the presence,�se, or Er.-:_
<br /> ' '-:�{:;' c :. stoiage on the Property of smatf quantities of Ha7ardous S�st�that are generally re�wgu'szed to be agpmpriate to normal ` ,-
<br /> '�::,.��� , residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. —
<br /> �:`�'�;��:� Borrower slrall pmmptiy give Lender writtea notice of any aace,stigation,claim.demaad.Iawsvit or other action by any _--
<br /> , I.,":' ;�F"•• `� govemmental or regulatety agency or private party i�lving the Property and any Ha7ardnns Substance or�nvironmental Law ---
<br /> � �� •%�'•• of wluch Hnmower bas�al l mow t e dge.I f Borcovrar l e a m s,or is notified 8y.�y governmental or re g�il a to ry authority.ti�at _
<br /> -- "• ;,.�;;�� .": atry remaval os other re�ation of arry Hazardotts a�bstance affecRing tI►e Prc�y is nece�sary,Borrower shall pmmpUy ta�e
<br /> ;;�°�,r� aU neoessary remedial scaaas in accaidance witb Env;ronmental Iaw. _-- -
<br /> ' ��..���(I�ty�N"�,. - e °
<br /> '„ �.5°1Y%�tt,;,- ;., .. As ased in this pasagraph 20. �Esr�rdous Substa�aces �ra those substances defined as¢auc or ha7ardous snbstances by �
<br /> ` ,:''�� Enviroiune�tal Law ancl the folto� sabstaac.�s: gasoline. kemseae, other fIaaunable or tpxic petroleum prodacts, toxic W::-�
<br /> ,:.,...:�,'�;;�, .�•�� �
<br /> pesticides sud ficerbici8�es,�rotatile soivents,materialscoataining asbestos or fom�atdehyde.and radioactiye r.�terials.As used in
<br /> ,.: •• this paragraph 20. "Env�ronmenial law" means tod.eial Iaws and taws of tEe jurisdiction where the Fw�ety is tocated that
<br /> r.=£�--=� relateta health.safety azen+�imurnearta!groteaian. �. _.
<br /> - •.'� NOl�-tJNIFORM CUVENANtS.Borrowcr asid l:�nder funher oovenant and agree as foftows: . �:_:
<br /> ` ' ' ;� Z!.Aeoeleration;Remedies.I.ender s6aD gtve QoSce!o B�rmwer prior to acceterattoa foQawh��orrower's breacb
<br /> ....;.„� of ea� oo�ant or agceetnent in this Secaritq Iastrument Nut uot psEor to acoeleratlon �er paregraPh 17 anles9 �--__
<br /> � � '� appflcabte law prov[ds�soiherwise).The notice�aD spesify: (a)the defaW�(b)the acttoa reqalred to cure We defauIt; _
<br /> ' .`� (c)a dmt�not t�s t�t�'B days fmm the date�notice is gEven to Borc9w�,by'wP�tch the defaWt aust be cared;amd -
<br /> . (dp Wat failare to ss�e t�e default on or before the date spedited!n the a�ttce may resalt in sace�"�aaifon oi the sums -- -
<br />_ . ``;.� sesar�d by this Sec�6�y Iasbumer�►aad sale of the Property.'I7te notice sball furWer issfarm•Borava�6er of the rigltt to _ -
<br /> ;, I�C�I15�8LC d�Ct'806CI8L83IOD SIIa�ff�lt�O bl'p�3 COIU't S�OD�O 8S54i4 ZIIC ilOII�O@ OY 8�"'..�BWL O!Aily O�eT
<br /> � - � defease of Horrower io acceieratio��nd sale.�f the defanit is not cared oq os 6efore t�e date s�,3f�ed in the aottoe, -
<br /> � , Let[der,at its op9i�,caay tegalre itnmediate p�yment in full of all soms secared by tt�is Seautty�ashvment wltltout o .
<br />_ ' � � `,r f fw�tber demand and�ay invoke the�uwer uf�and any ottrer nemedies permitted by agpllcsble➢a�v.Lender s6aD 1� . _
<br /> � . .. � -',,. entitte�D to collect all expeasev iaarrred in pnisai�tHe remedIes provtded in thLs ParagraPh 21,iactu�ng.bnt not tJmitcd -
<br /> . � to,reasomQ!e atto�aeys'fees and casta of tdtie evidence. � �"
<br />-- �•�;: If tBr�pawer of sale is invoked, Trostee shaf! reaor�a antice of defanit In eacb county in whicb suy pasi aY t4e =
<br /> � � � �; Property e�located and s�atl mail copks of suc6 notice in¢�e aiaaner prescribed by ap�ltcable law to Borrower and to �;- =
<br /> ..� �,� the other persons prescribed 6y appliqble law.��r the t�me reqNred bj+appilca6te 1aw,Tnutce sball give public nottcp =
<br /> cr
<br />° . � ; '� of sale to the pessons and in tfie manner preswa"�e�i by applicable law.Tr�.s4ee,without demaad on�orrower,shaU sel! �? -
<br /> � • : � tiae Froperty at publlc sucttou t�the Wghest i�id�r at the time aud place�l nttder tLe tenns desigaated fn the nottce o! ''• '
<br />_ .. �,;,_
<br />- '' '�� i sate in one or more parcefs aad in any order'i'eusiee determ?�es.Trastee may postpoae sale of all or anY Pgroel of 4he �--
<br /> ,.,.,.;.? .
<br />_ ;.,,(�{; ..�.. � Property by publtc annouacemeat a8 the time and ptace of any prevtoasly schedale��te.Lender or Its designee utay �-:::_
<br /> . . ' � parchase the Property at any saie. . � ';
<br /> ` . ' �� ��_
<br />_ . . � �,: � Form 3028 8J90
<br />. � ' . 1 . Vago 6 oi 6
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