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<br /> .. TOGETHER WITH all the improvemeats now or he�nfier erected oa the pmperty.stM 1 easeatents.aP ;
<br /> �°`'�" fixnues naw or hereaRer a Qart of the ProPer►Y• � �Placemeats and additioas shall also be covened bg this Securlry '�.
<br /> � ' [nstruinent.All of the foregaiag is iefe�red w in t6is Se�urity Instrument ns the"Property."
<br /> - ,. ``�:,: <:' BORROWER COVENANTS that Barc+ower is t�wti�lly seised of ttie estate hereby conveyed ane!6as the right to srsnt and ' __ _
<br /> ` , ca�vey the Fmperty and that the Pcoperty is unencumbered.eacept for eacumbrnnces of�eoord. Borcower warranu and w[tl �.• �
<br /> _.�__•�, d e f s n d g e n e rn l l y t h e d t i e t o t h e P r o p e rt y a g a inst a11 ctaitns and demands,subject to uny encumbranoes of r�ord. . ,- '
<br /> THIS SECURIT1f tNS'i'�UMENT combines uajfotm oovpn�n c for nntional use and aon-�ni form wvenanu wi t h limi t e d
<br /> ;,,`. `°. • variations by jurtsdiction to wnstituts a+uriform secudty iastrument wvering real PropertY• ,^
<br /> ' �`' UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower mtd L�tder covemnt aad a�as foltows: �-
<br /> .. � 1. Faymemt of IMndpa!tm�int�E: QreP�Yment eutl Lafe C[�asge9. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the .. ;
<br /> nt aad late c6a�ges due under the Nate. `�` �'`
<br /> � : � principal of end interest on the debt evidenced by the Note aaW anY PTepayme Horrower sha11 pay tn ' . `:�-
<br /> .�a .. ` . � 2.�unds[or Taxes aad Insueaace.Subject w applicable!aw or to a written waiver by L,ender. n
<br /> . ., �:;s..+t��, I.eader an the d ay mon t h lY Fa9me n t s are d¢e u n d e r t h e N o t e,u n a l t h e N o t e i s p a i d i n f u l l,a sum("Funds )far.(a)YeartY tm�es �_,`���:
<br /> �,..�:°..< .`��� and assessmerts which mayr attain priorlty over this Secur�ty Insmim�ent es a lten on the Property:(b)YeariY leasehold psy�ents F:_
<br /> r :. .,ra�,.�... ��._. ..
<br /> �..,, or�ronnd te�rta oa the Pcoperty,if any:(c)YearIY har��d or property insaran�premiuins;(d)Y�Y fl4od insuiance ps�miums. __-
<br /> ,�.:- .. sums paya6le by Barrower to Lender.ia a000rdance with ��._.
<br /> ` if any;(e)Year1Y raortg�e insurance prcaaiums.if asry:aad ifl�Y _�_.__
<br /> °°-�..��;�. the provisions of paragiaph 8.in lieu of the payment af mortgaSe insurance Premiums.l�ese items are calted'Bsccovr Items." _ .. ..
<br /> `",'::��.• Leader m�y.at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amonnt nat w exoexd the maxi�m amount a lender for a federally "°`
<br /> � , � - telated moitgage loan maY reituir�for Boaower's escrow atxoant under the federal Real Estate Settlement Pmcedures Act of �'=`�'
<br /> axo �=` � -
<br /> �=�
<br /> 1974 as ameniled fram time to rime.12 U.S.G Sectioa 26fl1 et seq.("RESPA°),untess anothea taw that applies w the Fands :.-
<br /> . sds a lcsser amount. tf so,Leadee may.at any ttme,ooltca and ho2d Funds ia aa amounc not w exceed the tesser amamu. IL�`.' '=
<br /> ,^':�• . � ` L�d�r may esGmate ttas aznount of Fnnds due on t�e basis of c�meat d'dta and reasonable estimates of expenditnres of futute �.,_ ...
<br /> � ' Bscmw IteYns or othenvise ia asxor+��vitb applicable 1aw. � -
<br /> •' '�� � . 4'' The Fuads shall be held in an iastitution ahose deposits aie insare� by � federal a8ency. i��tumetttalitl+.or entity `
<br /> l the Faads to the �' :�
<br /> ' � "�� ('i n c l u d i n g L e n d e r.i f L e z i der is sach aa ia�tiWtion)or in any Federal Homs Loan Bank.T.eader shall aPP Y PaY `--=_
<br /> . . „ �`"`�; Esc�ow Ife�as.Lemdea r�aq.not chazge 8omnwer for holdtng and agp3ying the F u n d s,a n t t n a l lY a n a�}r z i n S t h e e.s c n a w a a�o u n t.o r ���
<br /> � •:�:�: Y�r i f j�ng the pscrow gq�,aniess Lender pays Bormwer intet+est on the Funds and applirable law perarits I.euder w make sath .��._..
<br /> , �.�'�`... .�.',;` a charge.However.Leader may reqai�e Borrower w pay a one-tims charge far an indegendent resi estate tax s�r�ing service .- _-
<br /> �' used by I.en¢er ia�connection with this toan. nntess applicable taw provides otherwis�. Uniess an agreement �S made or --
<br /> ,' ,. ''., .. � ;:ff applicabie taw requices it�teresc to 6e pa�d,Lender st�all aot be c�uired w pay Borrower any interese or eamings oa the Fundg. --
<br /> � ' �i Bormwer aad Lender may agee in writing.however,that intec�st.s6a116e paid on the F�nds.I.endes s�aU give to$orrower. - --
<br /> • ' � wtthout ci�arge. an annual accounting of tbe Funds, s6oaring credits and c'�its to the Fuads and the�pose for wtuch each
<br /> .. s_�•.�� debit to tise Fnnds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional secnrity for ail sums secured by this�.vritY Instromsn� ,. �-._�::�
<br /> . If the�wtds heid by Lxnder exoeed the mnaunts permitted W 6e hetd bY aPPlicable Las+,I.ender shatl accouni w Boirower �_-
<br /> _ _ _ .;:;;;= for tiie�exoess Funds in accordance witb the req�uremeats of applicable law.If the amo�2 oP the Fands held by Leader ac any
<br /> _.—.-':��i i�me is uoi suff�isni t�pay the Fscrow Items when Que.I.euder maY so notify Sosmwcr s`a a��rstiag.s�,ia such c�se BQnrc�wer c
<br /> `• .; shaU pay w I.ender t,�e amount netessazY to maice up the deficiency.BormR�r shall wake ug t6e defrciency in no more thaa _� .
<br /> � � �`' � tv�eive monthIy pa�s.at 1.eader's sole discretion. � ��d m Borrower any► --
<br /> ' • �..'%! Upon payment in fnll of a.3 siuns sectued by this Se�urity Instnimei�t. I�ndet shall Pro��Y . . ._.
<br /> ;�.'. . `:� Funds�'d by Lendet.If..under paragraph 21.Leader shail acquire or seU the Pcoperty,IIxmder.prior to the acquisition or sale -
<br /> ' '�� of the I'r+oyerty.s�a7�t�•�p1Y enY.Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquis:�fln or sale as s c�edit against she suws secASed by v
<br /> . - . .;;; ` this 5ecurity Insa�r�s. _
<br /> ,�.,.,z.,. 3.Apalication of Payments:Unless applzcable�law pmvides otherwise.w�payments received by�ender under para8raphq ., -
<br /> ' ':�� 1 and 2 si�all be spplied•first, w anY prepaYment charges due under the Note;secend,ba:moums payabte under paragtaph 2: e
<br /> . ''":��;` third.to int�rest due;fowtt►,to principal due:and last,to any fate cbarges du�under t'��. - _
<br /> . . . �� � 4.C6argcs.I.ttns.Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments,charges.fines and i�positlons aun'butable w the Property _
<br /> .:'� .�, whicb may attain�au��zity over ttils Security lnstrament, and teasehold paGUt.nts or graund tents.ifi any. Borrower sha11 pay ___
<br /> • '°' • t h e s e obli g atIons ia c�6e manner pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in d��t�anner,Borrower shall pay them oa ttme directly . __ _
<br /> ' j� to the pe:soa owed payment.Sorrower shall pmmptly furaish to 1-ender sI�antices of a�ounts to be pald under this paragzaph. --�-
<br /> ' ' ; �:
<br /> . If Bcszr�±ec"tnakes these payments dIrecdy,Borrower shaU promptly fumisli to�ndes receipts evidencing the payments. ' :-:=--
<br />_� � "-; �3�.-rawer sF�t promptty discharge any lien wblch has prlority over t4us Secvrity lnstrument unless Bormwer:(a)a$rees in •
<br />-• writiBg ta the p��t of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner aa�pi�ble to Lender;(b)contests in good faiW the lien ,.,,
<br /> ' . ; .' �s . by, or defends a�.-*an enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedinSs a'hir� in the 1-ender's opinian operate to pzevent the �::_;
<br /> � • ` ' enfozcPment of the lien;or(c)s�res from the holder of the IIen an agrecment satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to � �
<br /> �� � ,.. i �his Securiry tnsauiaem. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attaia priority over �.'-.
<br /> � • ' ��; this Serurity Instsamcnt.Lender may give�onuwer a notice identifying the lien.Boaawer shall satlsfy the lien or tak$one or �---
<br /> � � • ; more of the actions s�t fo�ih above within 10 days of the siving af no8ce. �,
<br /> , .i � Fatrti 3G28 9190
<br /> . . � _.
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