. . . 201209917
<br /> '1'H IS SP.,CURT'1'Y II�STRLihiL�T cUmUii�uni f�nn crn•eii�nts for ax�itiont�l nsc and non-unifnrm cuven�uits with
<br /> Iimited vnrialions by jurisdiuimi to cons[i[ufe a uniform scxutity instnimenl covering real paoperty,
<br /> UNIFORM COVEiVA1VT5. B�xznw•sr nnd Lender covenant aud agree � Follows:
<br /> 1. YaymentofFrin��pul,Intrreai, l�:su•oK•Itcm;�,N•epi�ymcntCl�ar�;es�nndLafeL'Uiirgcs. l3orrowershnll
<br /> pay when duo[hc pxincipril nf, and interes�nn, �he deUt e�idceicul by the 1Vntc and.my prepaymenC chnrgcs and IaCe
<br /> cliarges due unAcr[he �ote, IIorrrnver shall ,�lsn pa} fi�nds for Lscrow Items pursu;itd to Sectinn 3, P,ryments due
<br /> under Iho Note nnd thi.r SecnriFy InsLrwnent sh�ll he raade in U.S, cuzt•ency. Hnwevcr, if nny check or other
<br /> instrument ruceived by Lcnder a�paymcn[under the Notc nr Ihis Security Insltument is returncd to Lender unp�id,
<br /> L.encier mny requi��e Chat any nr a�i subsequent Frayments dne u�ider Uie Note and[his Security Tnsfrutaent be mnde in
<br /> one oi inore of tlic Following forms, as selec[ed 6y T.cnder: (a}crlsh;(h)muney order; (c)cea•tified cl�eck,bank check,
<br /> trenaurer',c check or cashicr's checl�,prn�ided�iny s�ich check i.drawn upnn an institution whnse deposits nre in.vured
<br /> by a federal agency, instrumentalicy, or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds TransPer.
<br /> Payments are dezmed receiti ed by Lender vrhen receir•ed at the location designated in the Note or at such other
<br /> location as may be designated b}•Lender in accordance�2th fhe notice provisions in Section 14. Lender may return
<br /> any payment or partial pay7nent if[he pa}ment or parciai pa;ments are insufficient to bring the Loan current. Lender
<br /> may accept any payment or partial pa}°ment insufficient to hring the Loan current, wiYhout waiver of any rights
<br /> hereunder or prejudice to i.s rights to rehise such pz;�ment or partial payments in the future, but I,ender is not
<br /> obligated to apply such payments at the time such payznents are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of
<br /> its scheduled due date; Chen Lender need not pa}°in'erest on unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds
<br /> until Borrower makes pa}�rnent to hring the L.oan current. If Barrower does not do so within a reasonable period of
<br /> time, Lender shal] either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. If not applied earlier, such funds will be
<br /> applied to the outstandir.g principal balance under the Vote immediately prior to foreclosure. No offset or claim
<br /> which Borrower migh[have no«•or in the future agains[Lender shall relieve Barrower from making paymants due
<br /> under the Note and this Securit� Instrument or perfonning the covenants and agreemenfs secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> 2. Application of Pacments or Proceeds. Escept as otherwise described in this Section 2, all paymenCs
<br /> accepted and applied b; Lende; shzll be applied in the follo�2ng order of priority; (a) interest due under the Nofe;
<br /> (b)principal due under the Note; (cj nmounts due tmder Seccion 3. Such payments shall be applied ro each Periodic
<br /> Payment in the order in which i[became due, :�ry�remaining amounts shall be applied first to late cl�arges, second
<br /> —_to_any_other_amounts-due-under-this-S�curih�Instrument;and�hen-to reduee the principal balance of the Note- —
<br /> If Lender receives a pa;ment from Borro�ver for a delinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient
<br /> amount to pay any late charge due, die pa}ment ma}• be applied to the delinquent payment and the late charge. If
<br /> more than one Periodie Payment is outiscaading; Lender may� apply any payment received from Borrower to the
<br /> repayment of the Periodic Payments iP, and to the extent that, eacU payment can be paid in full. To the extent that
<br /> any excess exists after the paymeac is applied to the full paymenc of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may
<br /> Ue applied to any late charges due. �'oluntary prepay�nent; shall be applied first tn any prepayment ch�rges and then
<br /> ��s descril>ed in Che Note.
<br /> flny npplicatiqn oP pnymenis, insurauce prnecedti, or hIisce112ncor15 Proceeds to princiPal due undCr lhe NoCe
<br /> sl�nll nol exCend or ppsl.pmie the due dflte, vr c:h�mge tfie amnunf, of the Yeriodic P��yments,
<br /> 3. I�'r�nd,s tbr��crnw fle�us. Borrn��,�cr ahall pny m Lcndur oai fhe dny Ycrivdio Payments arc due under tl�c
<br /> NuCe, until tlic Ncrie is paid in fiill, a sum(the "lninds") to provide I'or p,iyment of nrnounls due for: (a) Caxes amd
<br /> nsscstirne��Cs and other ifenis «lual� caii ,ivain priorir}• nWer �his Security lnslrumea�t �is n licn or eaacumbr�uicc on lhc
<br /> Property; (b)lcasehold payir.cn!y �r�rocind re:nls on tha 1'rnperly, if�iny; nnd (c)��razniums for nny ;md all insurnnce
<br /> rec�uired by Lendet undzr SecLinn i, These item5 zrc called "IIscrnw Ilems." At originxlion or nt nny lime during
<br /> thc form o1' Cl�e T,oan, i,ender�nny rcquiz�; ihac Coevct�unil�� .7asocifltion Dues, Pees, and AssessmentR, il'any, be
<br /> escrowcd by Rorrower, ar�d such duea, leca nnd assessmcnl� shall be nn Lscruw Tcem. Tiorrowex shfill promplly
<br /> I'ur��ish to LcndOr ��ll noi[cas r�l"amounSs to bc p:lid u�:dzr Shis �cction. Borrowcr sli,ill pay Lcndcr Ule Punda for
<br /> L+scrqw Rema unlcss Ler.der�vai�cs 13�vrrower's obligalian to pay tlic l+�mds foz•Fmy or all F;,ycrow Itema, Londex may
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-L1fiIFORFA �\�STRl1hAE�'T DocMa,glc�Oiv�,ma5i
<br /> (Rev. 1/01) Paga 4 of "4
<br />