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- 201209917 <br /> (()) "PeriodVc I'a�ymcnL" me;3ns the reguta�ly schedulcd amnunt due fnr (i) pz•incipnl and inlerest under lhe Note, <br /> p1r75 (ii) any mm�upCs nndee S:,cLiun 3 of this Sc�urity Ii�atrumcnt. <br /> (P) "ItP:SPA" mcans the Ren[ 13slale Set[lemen� Pmcedurea Act (12 U.S.C. §2601 eC seq.) and its implementing <br /> re�*ul2tinn, Re6ulation x {l2 C.r.R. Yarf I U24],:�s thcy mi�hC be cunended('rom timc tn lirne, or nny addilion�il or <br /> sucuessor legislalion or �gulalion that goccrns �lie same subjecf matter. As used in this Secuaity Instn�menl, <br /> "R6SPA" refera[n;�R requireancnGs and restrictians i.haC are nnposcd in to a"1'ederally related mnrCg;iga lonn" <br /> even if fhe Lo.m does nol c]iealiiy as a -lcc:crally relfltcd mnrl�;xge lonn" nncler RESYA, <br /> ((2) "Succecaur in Intcrec��i'.6vrro�sci�" cneans un pnrt}� t}�al h��s taken ti[]c I.0 (1�e ProperLy, whether or not thal <br /> parCy hE�s nssnmed Rorrok�er's n}�ii�auons uudcr ihe Nate andror this Security TnslrurncnC. <br /> TRANSF�R OF RIGHTS IN TH� PRpPERTY <br /> 'Phe beneficiary of this Securit} In:,trument is h4E12S (solefy as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and <br /> assigns) and the successors and assigns of IviERS. Tlus Security Instrument secures to Lender: (i) the repayment of <br /> the Loan, and all rene�i�al�, cxtensionc and modificacions of the Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrower's <br /> covenauts and agreements under this Securiry�Instr¢meat and che Note. For this purpose,Borrower irrevocably grants <br /> and conveys to Trustee, in trust, ��,�ith po��,�er of sale, the following described property located in the <br /> CGUNTY of HALL , <br /> [Type e:Recordino Inrisdicdon' [Name of Recording Jurisdicpon] <br /> resr�x (4), arz�,�r�a�rc�,, �r�T��c��c��, �a�, �� <br /> A.PN.: 40IX713Q3c3 <br /> which currently has the address oi 1318 PARK AVE <br /> [S[ree[] <br /> GRAND ISLASID , �ebraska 68801 ("PropertyAddress"): <br /> [Ciir] [Zip Cbde] <br /> TOGETHER WITH all the impror•emencs no� or hereafter erected on the pro�erty, and all easements, <br /> �q���urtennnecs, arid flxtEires uo�v nn c�iti;�!'[er n pnct nP �he prupei�ty. All repl;�ceuaenta nnd addilim�s sla�ill nlso bc <br /> coveru�l by I]iis Securily B�sixnmenc. A]] oP ihe foragoiug is rnr"crred W in this Sccurily InnCz•ument ns thc "PtoperCy." <br /> I3orrower rm�lersCands fuid agrecs 1h�3i�iL+kS hnids unly legal utle tn thu inlerests gr2ntcd by Ruxrower in tl�is Securil.y <br /> I��slrument, bul, il'necessnry[n cnrrip]}� ��ith lnu nr cus�um, IL'ZERS�F�9 �101Ylltl(:e�'pT I,CIICIC[�1lll I.CII(IBP�S 8l1CCCSSOPB <br /> and aYsi�;ns)has thc riglu; to e�ercisc any nr all of thosc Pnicresis, ixicluding,br7l r�oC lin�ited to, thc righC Co Poreclose <br /> nnd scll lhe Property; nnd u� �u[ce�ury actinn rcyuiraei of Ieuder includi�xg, but nnY lirnitat Co, relensing ancl anueling <br /> lli.zs Sacuri[y InslA-ument. <br /> 13()RROWL�R CCJ�'Efi,�VTS chac 13nrmwcr is la«�fi:lly 4eisod ol.'Che estnte heruby conveyed and h;ts Ilae right <br /> lo grant nnd convey the Ympe:�y mid tliat the 1'rn}�urty is unencumbeted, except I'or cn�unabrvicea ol' rcenrd. <br /> l3nrrnwex wnrrnuts and�i211 defeeid gencr;�lly Fhe ritic rn thc Property ngainsf all claims and demands, subject to nny <br /> enewiib�anccs of recnrd, <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famlly-G�:°ORft�1 IIJSTFiJ.4fEM1IT DocATaglc��mil� <br /> MODIFIED FOR DEPARTP�fENT OF V2TERANS AFFAIRS - P:1ER5 www,docmagic,com <br /> (fiev. 1/01) Pa�e 3 of 14 . <br />