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201209917 <br /> waive IIorrnwer's obligntinn fn pay to Lendcr Funcls tor Gny or nll L�scrow Items nt nny lime, Any such waiver may <br /> only ve in w�9tinb. In t1�e e��cnt nf such�i•vicer, Snrruwer shnfl pny dircetly, when nnd whcre p;ty�ible, the mm�ti�nls <br /> duc for .my L+scrnw I[ems for K�hich payznent of ihmds has hee�i w.iived by Lpndcr .md, if Lcndcr rec�uires, shnl] <br /> furnish lo I,ender reccipls e�idencing such p�yir.ent «�ichin such lime period ns l,cndcr an.iy require, Borruwer's <br /> obligntion [n rGa;�ke such paym��n[s ttnd w proridc receipCs shnll for al] purposes be deemed tc� be a covenntit and <br /> agreement cot�[ained in Yhis Securi[;° ]nsl�umeut, as nc�phrase "covenant nnd abreement" ia used in SucCion 9. If <br /> Borrnwor iy obllgated tn pa}•Fscm�n Ttems dir�clly, puisu�uit to a waivcr, mid Borrnwcr 1'ails Cu pny the nmounl�iue <br /> Por an T?scrnw ICem, Lender mxy exercise ita rigtus un�iu Section 9 nnd pay uuch amount nnd 13orrnwe�•shall then bc <br /> nbligfited undcr Scccian�io repay[n Lunder a¢}•such amount. L�ncler mny revnkc lhc w;�iver ns to a��y pr al]F.scrow <br /> Itcrns ;il�my timc by a nolice gi�en ia accnrJance�i2th Section 14 and, upon such revncation, Borrower aliall pay to <br /> Lendcr all Punds, nnd i:i such anwunts, llia[ ar� fhc�n xequired under this SecClon 3. <br /> Lender rnay, at smy timc, cnllect�md Lold I4inds in an ainount(a)sufficicnt lo��erniit Lender ro apply Clae Funds <br /> al lhe time speeiYied under RESYA, and (b}nnt to exceed the ma�cimum amount a lender can require under RESPA. <br /> Lender shall estimate the amoun[of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures <br /> of future Escrow Items or other�,�ise in accordance�rith Applicable Law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an insrituuon �r•hose dzposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or <br /> entity (including I,ender, if Lender is an insritution«hose deposits are so insured) or in any Federal Home Loan <br /> Bank. Lender shall apply[he Fwids to pay the Bscro�v Items no later fhan the time specified under RESPA. Lender <br /> shall not charge Borro��,•er for holding and app;ying the Funds; annually analyzing the escrow accounf, or verifying <br /> the Escrow Items, unless Lencer pay� Borrower interest on chz Funds and Applicable Law permits Lender to make <br /> such a charge. Uuless an agreement is made in�vriting or App3icable Law requires interest to be paid on the Funds, <br /> Lender shall not be required to pay Borro�ver an} in[erest or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree <br /> in writing, however, thac incerest shall be paid on [he Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge, an <br /> annual accounting of the Funda as required by RESPA. <br /> If Chere is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, 2s defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for <br /> the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If thare is a shortage of Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA, <br /> Lender shall notify Borro�i�er a�required Uy AESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make <br /> up the shortage in accardance �vith RESP�, but in no more than 12 monthly payments. If there is a deficiency of <br /> Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower <br /> sl�all pay to Lender the amount necessarc co make up the dericiency in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than <br /> ---- -12monthly_payments.---- — - - -- -- --- —_ <br /> Upon payment in f'ull of all secured hy chis Security Instrument,Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrower <br /> any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges;Liens. Borro�er shall pay all tases, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions attributable to <br /> the Property which c��n attain priority over this Securit; Instrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on the <br /> ProperCy, if auy, and Com:nunity Associarion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, iP any. To the extent that these items <br /> are Escrow Items, Borro�rer shall pac them in the manner provided in Section 3. <br /> TSorrnWC1 ,s•h��l),prompSl}•d'[schar�C ;my ]ien Hhich hns prsority nver I.liis Seaurity Instnimcnt unless Rorrower: <br /> (x) �a�;rees in writing fn i}w pa��men[of[fie nhliga[inn .r�x ured �y the lien in a manvcr accepfable to Lender,l�ul unly <br /> so lrn�g ;u Rorrower is perPorming such agreemcnt; (U) cnnlcsCs Glae lian in gnnd I'ailh Uy, nr defendR �gainsl. <br /> enforcement nl'lhe lieal in, legal�rnccerlings +nlvch in Lender'R npiniou upertiCe Co prevent thc cnfnrecinenC of the lien <br /> while Ihose prpcceding3 are pendiug, 6ur nnly un[i] sudi psoceadinge nre enncluded; or(c) secnres 1'rnm lhe holder <br /> af [hc licn an figreeme�ic sz�i31'�1�ry to Lendcr 4uhnrdinaii�x�; Che lien to dii5 Secur,ily Instrument, lf I.ender <br /> deCermines tlial any pari of thc Yrnp:;r�y is su6ject m n licn �uhich ca�� aCCain priority nver I.his Seourity Inctrumenl., <br /> I.ender may givc 13ornnvex a norice idenlif}•�t�g Lhe fien. Within ]0 days ol'Ihe ticite on which I.hal noCice is given, <br /> T3orrowc:r shall sntiefy thc ]icn ox lake oue nr mnre ni'i.ho;3cllons set forth ahnvc in (]iis Sectiqn A, <br /> T.onder may reqnire Bnrrnti�cr w p�iy a one-tin:c cliflrge lar,i z•eEil estate tax vcri I'icxCioia and/or repm•ting sctvice <br /> useci by I.endcr in comxectian wltl� thPs [a�u�i. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famity-J.V?DRP,4 INSTRl1MENT DacMaglcFL�:ppp'w� <br /> MOpIFIED FOR DEPARTi1dENT OF�.'ETERANS NFFAIRS - A-0E9S <br /> (Rev. 1/01) Paga 5 af 14 <br />