- 201209917
<br /> sccured hereUy th,ill remain fu]ly efiec[ive r,s if no accelerauon l�nd pecurred. Hnwever, this righC W reinRtate shall
<br /> not apply in tlie case nP acseferaLimi under Scclion 17.
<br /> 19. Sale uY Note; L"h�ingc nf T,���n 5ca��ccr; Nuticc af Crievi�ncc. 'l7ic Note or 1 parlial intereRt in the Note
<br /> (tngolher with thi}Security ]r�yW ument}can be sald onc or more times williout prior nuCice to Bnrrnwet. A s21c tnight
<br /> result in u changc in Uie enii[y {known nE thc "1.oan Seiviccr") Chnt collceLs Periodic P;�yments due under the Nole
<br /> ar�d this Sccurily Instrumen[ nnd perFunns other mor�gage loan setvicing pblig,ilions under Ihe Note, this Secnrity
<br /> Instrument, flnd Applicalflc L;i��•. Therc alao might hc one or more c}1�a�ages of the I,u.m Seivicer unrelnted[o x sale
<br /> of tl�c NoCe. If tl�cre is a chnngc n f lhe Loau 5crvirxr, Dorrnwer will be given written noCice of the chan�;e whicU will
<br /> sCate thc narne and nddross of tl�e new•.I.oan Sarvicer, [he nddreas Cu which payments shnrlld Ue mnde an�i any other
<br /> inforination RFSPA requPns in connec[ion H�ith n nnLPce of uvisPer ol'seivicing. [f the Noto is sold �uid[hereafter
<br /> the Lo.ui is serviced by n Lnan Sen�icer ntitier Ihan the purch�3ser of the NoCe,the mnrt�;xge lonn scrvicing obligalioaxs
<br /> to llprrower will retruiin c��irh i}ie I,c�vi Servi�er or 6e transCe;xed to n successor Loan Se�vicer and arc not assu�t�ed
<br /> Uy the Nole purcl�aser un�ess oiher�ise pro�ided b�•the�Iote purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrower r.or Lender ma; commence, jnin, or be joined to any judicial action(as eiffier an individual
<br /> litigant or the member of a c.ass)that aris�s from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument or that
<br /> alleges tha[the other pany has breachec an; procision oi; or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrument,
<br /> unti]such Borrower or Lendernas notified th2 other party{�r•ith such notice given in compliance with the requirements
<br /> of Section 14)of such alleged breach and afforded rhe o[her party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such
<br /> notice to take corrective accion, Ii Applicable Lan provides a time period which must elapse before certain action
<br /> cau be taken, that time period tivill be deeiaed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of
<br /> acceleration and opportunity to cure gir�en Eo Borrower pursetant to Section 21 and the notice of acceleration given
<br /> to Borrower pursi�ant to Sec[ion 1? shall Ue deemed w satisf�,� the notice and opportuniCy to take corrective action
<br /> provisions of this Section 19.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Snhstances. As used in diis Section 20; (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutazits, or n�astes Uy Enviromnental Law and the following substances:
<br /> gasoline, kerosene, otber Plarmnable or to�c petroleum prodncts, roxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,
<br /> materials contaiuing asbes[os ar formaldeh;de, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmental Law" means federal
<br /> laws and laws of thejurisdiction�rhere rhe Propert7 is Iocatzd that relate to health,saPety or environmental protection;
<br /> (c) "Environman[a] Cleaaup' includes any response ac[ion, remedia] action, or removal action, as defined in
<br /> Environmental Law; and (d) aa "Emironmentzl Condition` means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or
<br /> otherwise trigger ui$n�imiune_ntaL�leanup_._ —___ — ________
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit ihe presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances,
<br /> or tlireaten to release any Huardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else
<br /> to do, anyfhing affecting rhe Property (a) tha[ is in �iolation of any Environmental Law, (U) which creates an
<br /> Environmental Condition, or (c) which, due to [he presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a
<br /> condition that adversel; afiec.s the value af the Propzrty, The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the
<br /> presence, usa, or stora;e on the Proper[; oP small quantiries of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized
<br /> to bc: approprialc Co normal residzntifll usw and [n rnaintennnec ol' lhe Properly (inclnding, but not limiled to,
<br /> hnznrduus subst�nccs in cousurncr producis).
<br /> Borrnwer sh211 pruiuptl� gi�°c I.cmder ari[mr� nocice nf (a] any investig,�lion, claim, demnnd, lawsuit or nther
<br /> netinn by nny govermneutal nr regulntnry a�;anc}�or priv��laparty invbl ving tl�c 1'ri�perty nnd any FTaznrdo�ls Substeuicc
<br /> or linvito�unentll Lawof which R�nowerhas ac�un]knowlu!l;e,(b)nny F,zivironmenl�il Conditinn, inoludinghuf not
<br /> lixnited tn, any spilling, leakiug, cii.chargc, rela,3se or tl�rni. oP relense c�f any IT2zar<lous Subsiauce, nnd (c) any
<br /> eorulicion eauticci Uy the presence, u3e nr refense ni';� Haznrdoua tiubstanee whiclx adversuly ,ifPeeta the v;ilue of the
<br /> Prnpurly. If 13nrrower fearns, or is notit7ed lly nny on�,•ununenral nr rogulfitoiy aulhority, or any privntc parly, thnt
<br /> an,y removal or otlier remedinrPnu �C tm}' T-far.ifrdnus Suhnlifnee affecting Ihe Properly is necessttry, Rorrower vhriJl
<br /> pro�nptly faku till necessan remedia] ac[ions in nccord�3nce�vi[Pi [?��vironmental [,aw. Nn[l�ing l�erein sh;�ll cre�te an�
<br /> nhlig,�Cion on I..ender Por an F,nvironmcnl;�l Clennup,
<br /> NEBFiASKA-Single Family-URIPORhA INSTR::7�fENT
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