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. 201209917 <br /> IV�N-UNIFORM COV�IVp�NTS. Itorrnwer and I.ender fiuther covenanC:md agree as fnllnws: <br /> 21. AcceIerf�tiun; Rcancdie,v, l,ender sl�all give nntice tu Borrower pwior tu SICCCICCALIOII fnllnwin�; <br /> Iiurrowcr's urcacki nl'any co�rnant nr agreement i�i this Sccnrity fnxl�•mnent(bnt not prim•in a�celerntimi andcr <br /> 8ectinn 17 u��lcss Applicahle l.�iiv pinr•idr9 oCherwike). Thc notice sha11 specif'y; (��)thc dcPnnlC; (}>) �he ue�tiun <br /> rerynired Cn ex�re ihe dcYault; (c) a dute� not less tlian 30 day4 1'ru�ai thc dnte the nnlice i��pve�i to Borrnwer, hy <br /> whicli thc dcPaulL muyf 6e cwirr.d; r�nd{d} lhal fuilnrc to cnre the del'ault un or bePore the dale v�eciYied lv tl�c. <br /> nntice may resnit in ncceleralion oY thc sums Aecr�wed by tlain 8ccnrity InsCrument ua�d etile of tl�c Prnperly, 'l'he <br /> notice sl�all I'iu•tl�er inForm Bnrrnx•eG• of thc right tn weinciale xf'tra•acecici•ntinn and lhe�•ight to hring a cnuri <br /> uctiun tp nescrL Lhe nan-existcvcc af a del'anit ur ti�iy othcr defence nl'I;u�•cuwcr to c�cceleralinn and sulc. If thc <br /> dcfaull ia nut ciircd nn nr hel'uir.thc datc specified in tl�e noticc, Lender al il,y u�tium m�y rcryuire immediute <br /> pnymcart 1�t I'ull of' fill sums 9ocni'ed hy tius Sccnrity InvLrument witliont fta�ther�emand u�ad mny invnke i7ie <br /> power of salc and any ��thea• rcvzedi�s pern�ittecl by Applical�le l.,endcr sliall be e�itilled to cullcct all <br /> ex�enses incurred in pursicing the remedies provided in this Section 21,including,bat not Iimited to,reasonable <br /> attorneys' fees and costs of ude eFidence. <br /> If the poK�er of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of deFault in each county in which any pact <br /> of the Propertr• is located aud shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by Applicable Law ta <br /> Borrower and to the other persons prescrihed by Applicable Law. After the time reqiiired by Applicable Law, <br /> Trastee shall give pu6lic notice of saie to the persous and in the manner prescribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, <br /> withoat demand on BnrroFcer, shall sell the Property at pnblic auction to the highest bidder at fhe time and <br /> place and under the ternus desiguated in the notice oF sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trusfee <br /> determines. Trustee ma��posipone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by pnUlic announcement at the time <br /> a��d place of any preF�nnslF' scheduied sale. Le��der or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt aF payment of the price 6id, Trastee shafl deliver ta the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying <br /> the Property. The recifals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima Facie evidence of the truth of the statements <br /> mude therein. Trnstee shall eppl�•the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)to all costs and expenses <br /> of exercising the pon er of sale, and the sale, inclnding tl�e payment of the Trustee's fees actnally incurred and <br /> reasonable aUornef's' Fees as pe.rmitted bF�Applicable Law; (b)to all sums seciired by this Security Instrument; <br /> and (c) any excess to the persou ar persons legally entitled to it. <br /> 22. Reconcerunce. Cpon pa;men[of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee <br /> to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument nnd all notes evidencing deUt secured by this <br /> �Sec�rly_Instrument[aTrustee_Trustee sh211reconvey-the-P_roperty without-waeranty-to the-person-or-persons-legally -- — -- - <br /> entitled to iC, Such persoa or persnns shall pay any recordation costs. Lender may charge such person or persons a <br /> fee for reconveying the Propercy,but only if the fee is paid to a third party(such as the Trustee)for services rendered <br /> and the charging of the fea is permiued under Applicable Law. <br /> 23. Subsfihite Trustee, Lend€r, at its option, may Prom time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor <br /> trustee to any T;�istee appointed hereunder by ui instrument recorded in the counYy in which this Security Instrument <br /> is recorded. ��'ithout con�e}°znce of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,power and duties <br /> cnnl'urrcd upon Tinstcc hmcin ,3nd h}� Applic�l>lc Law. <br /> 24, lteryueht f'ur Naticc,9, 13nrruwez requests tlilt copics ol'Lhe notice of dcfnrrll an�i sale be sent to T3nrrowcr's <br /> ��ddress whicli is the i'�vperi�� �7dd�ss. <br /> NEBRASICA-Sin^le Famly-�'VIPDRP�4 IIJSTRUM1;IENT � <br /> MODIFIED FOR DEPART.V-MT OF VETEPANS AFFAIRS - MERS �w�docmag(� <br /> (Rev. 1/01) PTge 12 of 14 <br />