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- 201209917 <br /> Inslruxnent or tlie Nntc cnntlic[s ���ith Appf icn6lc T.a�v, suc}� eo��l7ict shall not flffcct n[het provisions af tliie Sccurity <br /> Tnsu•umenl or Che Note uhie,h can he gsven effecf wiFhou[nc�conl7icling��rovlsion. <br /> As uscd in lhis Se�uriiy Ii�tnunent: (a) words oP ihe masculine gcndcr xhall anean nnd includc cnrrespozxding <br /> ❑euCer words nr wnrds of�iie femiuine geudcr; (h] wnrds in the singulnr sl�nll mcan and include the plurnl and vice <br /> vcrsa; and (c) the word "ma�,•" givys sole discretiou �citaou[ any nbli6aCion to tnke any action, <br /> 1(, liorrower's Cap�. 13armwer shall Ue gi�•en one cvpy nf Ihe Nule uid of this Security InsCturnent. <br /> 17. Tran!�fer ul'Lhe Prvpciwc;Acceleralinn; Asai�mption. Tliia loan m:�,y de declnrcd immedialely dne imd <br /> payublu npon tranHfer nf' the prvpertf• eceuring sueh �win tu nny trnnsferee, qnlens thc ncccptubillCy nf ihe <br /> nssxztnplioia uf thc lonn La esiahlivl�ed�ur3vant to Soctfon 3'114 nf L'Iauptcr 37,Title 3R,Uniled Sti�fes Coda The <br /> ticceptabiliCy nf+uiy iissnmptian ehall also be snbjcx.t to the follnwing additiunnl provieinns: <br /> (n) I'pndin� F ee: A Yec.rqual tn nne-hall'iil'7 �ercent vf tl�e balance nf llais lonn as of the date <br /> nf trnaant'er oY tl�c prnperLy shull be pa�•ablc nt the tfine nf iransfeA•to thc loan]mlder or itn imthuriacd <br /> agent, as trnstee Yor the Departmeut of Veterans Affairs. If the assumer fails to pay this fee at the <br /> time of transfer, the Fee shaIl constitu4e an additional debt to thut already secured by this instrnment, <br /> shall bear interest at the rate hei�in provided, and uf the option of the payee of the indebtedness <br /> hereby secured or auy transferee thereof, shaIl be immediately dne and payable. This fee is <br /> automatically waived if the assumer is exextipt under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3729(c). <br /> (b) Processing Charge: Upon applicatiov for approvul to allow assnmption of this loan, a <br /> processing fee may he charged b� the loan holder vr its aathorized agent for determining the <br /> creditworthinesa of fhe assnmer and suuseqnently recising the holder's ownership records when an <br /> approved transfer is completed. The amouut of this charge shall not exceed the maximum <br /> established by tihe Department of�'eferans Affairs for u loan to which Section 3714 of Chapter 37, <br /> Title 38, United States Code applies. <br /> (c) Indemni[}•Liahility�.ssnmption: It this oUligation is assnmed, then the assnmer hereby <br /> agrees to ussume a22 of the obIfgations oP the�eteran under the terms of the instruments creating and <br /> securing the loan. The assumer Fnrther agrces to indemnif�tl�e DepaiKment of Veterans Affairs to <br /> the extent of an� claim paF7nenf arising fmm the guaranty or iusurance oF the indebtedness creuted <br /> by this insh�ument. <br /> If the acceptability of thc assnmption of this loan is not established for any reason, and Lender exercises <br /> its option to declare aII sums secured Uy tiiis SecuritF�Instrument immediately dne and payable, Lender shall <br /> gyg B�r�co_wer_notice of acceleralion._The-nolice shall_proMide a-period-of-not-less-than-30-days-from-the-date---- -- <br /> the notice is given in accordauce tvifh Secfiou 14 Kithin �vttich Borrower mnst pay all siims secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. If Borro�er faiIs to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may <br /> invoke any remedies permitfed b,y tUis Secnrit,y InsL•ument withont fnrther notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstute Affer accel�ration. If Borrower meets certain conditions,Barrower shall <br /> have the right to have enforcement of this Security I�munent discontinued at any time priar to the earliest of: (a) <br /> five days before sale of the Propem•pursuant io any po�i•er of sale contlined in this Security Instrument; (b) such <br /> oCher period as Applicabla La�c migl�t s��cci['y li�r �he tennivacion of l�nrrnwcr's right to rcins[ate; or(c) entry of n <br /> juclg�raenC enforeing tl�i3 tiecurli}• Insrrumenti, 1'}�nse cnndi lions are thnC T3nrrqwer: (,�)p��ys Lender all sY1mti which <br /> thcn would be due undar this Securiiy uishument nnd the Nolc as il'tao accelerntion had occuxxed;(b)cures nny dcl'aull. <br /> of any otlicr coven��xxCs or n€reeuicnts; {�)}�ttys all e�peusea incurrcd in unforcing this Seciu'ily Innlrinnent,inclndiiig, <br /> Uul noC limited tn, rea�nnable attorue;�s' 1'ccs, prnperly inspection nnd valualinn fees, .uid other fccs incutred t'or the <br /> purpoau ol'a�rotecting Leiidcr"s in�erest ia the Pmpertr a�id righl,s uaader thia Securicy Intiltument; and (A)takcs xucl� <br /> action ns Lcndcr may re�eaonn6ly rcquirc;i.0 ��ssure that Landrr's in[cresl in Cl�e Property nnd righf,s ui�der this Security <br /> In}lrua�aent, nnd llnrrntver's oi�fi�atian ta pa)°[he s���ureci by this Seeurity InslruxnetiC,shnll epntinue trnchan�;ed. <br /> Lender m;iy require thnt F�nrrnticer pay such reiiwcncement sums ;ind expenses in onc nr more nl'tl�e following Fnrrns, <br /> as selected 1>y L.cnde�•: (al cnsh; {l�)money nrder; (c]certifiatl cl�cek,hanl<check,trensurer'c cliecl<oa cashier's check, <br /> ptovided amy cuch chcuk isdrannupna 1n inylilulion whase deposits nre insurcdUy a Pedernl agency, inslrulne�rtality <br /> nr enlily;or(d)L+lectmni�FTun�l.Tr�3nsfer. Lrpnn minsiai��r.en1 i�y I3orrower,this SecuriCy Instrumen[nnd oblihaCinns <br /> NEBRASICA-Singlo Family-UNIFORIv1 I\STRl1PAEh1T DocMe Ic�t, pipul�i <br /> . MODIFIED FOR DEPARTPAE\T CF VETERAiVS AFFAIRS - FAERS www.docmaglacom <br /> IRev. 7/Ot) Paga 10 of 14 <br />
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