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201209880 <br /> rcquircd by Lt�SPA, and Borrower ahall p�ty to Lender the vnount necessary to make np the daficiency iu <br /> aocordance with RESPA, but in no more thvi 12 monfl�ly paymcnt�. <br /> Upon payulent in fu11 of atll sums secured by this Security Inshumenf, Lcndor�hall prouiptl�refund Co <br /> Borrower Any Fuuds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, as�aesainents, chargcs, fines, and imposilians attribntable to <br /> tlie Piroperty which can attain priority ove�-this Security Ii�strument, leasehold payments or ground rents on <br /> t1�e Property, if any, ancl Coimnunity Association Dues, Fees, aud Assessments, if any. To thc extent tUat <br /> Iheee ilems are Escrow Items, Barrower sli�tll pay them in the manncr provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower sha11 pminptly discharge Any lien which has prioriry over this Sccudty Ir�eh'uinent anless <br /> Borrower: (a)agrees in writing to 11ie pa}nneiie of che obligation seeured by tlie lien in a marmer acceptaUle <br /> to l.endcr, bi�t only so long as Borrower is performing�sttch agreement; (b) conteyts tl�e lien in gond 1"aith by, <br /> or def�nds Against enforcemenC of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lcnder's opinion operate to prevent <br /> the enforcement of the lien while fliose proccedings are pending, bue only until such proceedings are <br /> concluded; or(c) secm'es from tl�e holcler oP lhe lien an ngreement satisfactory tio Lender sttUordinating the <br /> lien to fl�is Swnrity Instruinen[. If Lender detennines YhaY auy part of the Property ie subject t�� a licn wl�ich <br /> can att�in pxioriCy over this Security Instrument, Lender vlay gi,vc Borrowcr a notice icienCifying the lien. <br /> Within 10 dtiys of the da�te ou which that noticc is given, Borrower shall setiefy the lien or take one or inore <br /> of the actions set fm't11 above in H�is Seetion 4. <br /> Lender may require Tiotrower to pay a one-6ime cl�iarge far n real estaYe tax vexificafion aud/or reporting <br /> scrvice used by Lcnder iu coimection with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance, Borrower shalll<eep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on tl�c <br /> Property insuxed against loss by fire, hazaz•ds included within tlie term"extcndcd covcrage," �nd any oCher <br /> haz�rds including�, bttt not limited to, earthqualces and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This <br /> insmance shall be maint�iiied in the an�outits (including dednctlble levele)and for the periods that Lender <br /> rcquires. What Lender rec�iirea pursuant to the preoeding sentences caai change during the terin of the I,oatn. <br /> The inam•nnce cerxier providing the insurauce shal]Ue cl�osen by Borrowcr�ubjcct tio Lcvder's right W <br /> disapprove I�onower's choice, whicl� ri�;ht shall not be exercised unrensounbly. Lender may require <br /> Boxrower Co pay, in oonnecCion with thie Loan, either: (a}a one-time charge for flood zone detexininatioii, <br /> cerCifioatioil anci h•acking serviccs; or(b) a onc-time chxrge for flood�one determinntion and cerGficakion <br /> ecrvicce and subaequenC chniges ench time remappinga or similar changes occw which rensonaUly might <br /> effect such determinnlion or certific�tion. Borrower shall also Ue respons'rUle for the paym�it of any fees <br /> imposed liy the Federal Emergency Ma�nageinent Agency in�crnnrccli<m with fhe review oP ai�y Plood zone <br /> determinatiou resulti�ig f}om an objecCion by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower fnils to maintain any of thc covoragcs dcscribed aUove, Lender may obtain insuxance coverage, <br /> at londer's optinn and Bon-ower's expense. Lender is undex no obligekion to ptiuchase auy pazticular•rype or <br /> �mount of covexage. TherePore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might oi�inight not protect Borrower, <br /> Borrowar's ec�uitiy iu the Property, or the conte��ts of fl�o Vroporty, against any risk, htuaid or]iability and <br /> i�iight provid�a grcatcr nr 7eseer coverage fhan was previously in effect. Borrower�clmowledges that the oost <br /> of Che insurance coverage so obtaine� might significeaitly excaed tlie oost of iusma�ice Ehat Borrower aould <br /> have obtained. Any aanowits disUursed Uy Lender m�der this Section 5 shall bceome additionel d�bt of <br /> Borrower secm'ed by this Security Tnstnunent. 'Chcse amounCe shall bear nt Che Nofe�rnCe fron�[he <br /> date of disburscrncnti and shall be payable, with suclx interest, upon noHce from Lender to Borrower <br /> requesting paymenC. <br /> zaooznzs <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fem IIy�Fannle M aelFretltlle M ec U N IFOWvI IN STRU M F7J"f Form 3028 1 i01 <br /> VM P 0 VM F'6(NE)('17051 <br /> Wolters Kluw er Flnancial Services Pege e of 1 Y <br />