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201209880 <br /> Nl insurance policies required Uy Leuder and reuewale of such policies shall be subject to Lender's right to <br /> disa}�prove sud� policies, shall incltiidc a standard inortgage clnuse, and shall name Lender as mortgagee <br /> �nd/or as an additional loss payee. Lendu�-shall have Cho right to 1»ld fhc policics and renuwal certificaten. Lf <br /> Lender r€quires, Borrower shnll promptly give to Lender nll reoeipta of pnid premiums and renewal notices. <br /> If Borrower oUtains any forin oP insuranca coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, for dntnage to, or <br /> desbuction of, the Property, such policy shtill inchtde a standard mortgage clause and sha11 naine Lendar as <br /> mortgagee and/or as an addilional loss payee. <br /> In H�e evenC of loss, Borrower shall give�ronipt nolico to flxe ineurxnce carricr and I.onder. Londcr may <br /> mnlce proof of loss if not mnde promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Bon�owei otharwise agree in <br /> writiug, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insmance was required by Lendar, alk�ll be <br /> ap�lied to resCoration oc repair of Che Property, iP the restoration or repair is econo�nically Pe�usihle and <br /> Lender'e aeourity is uot lessened. During such repeir And resCorntion period, Lender sha11 hnve the right to <br /> hold such ineurance proceeds until Lender hae had�n opporhrniYy Yo inspect suoh Property Yo enswe the <br /> work has been cmnpleted fo I,ender's satisfaction, provided t1iat such inspection sha11 be undertaken <br /> pe<»nptly. Lenticr�may disbm�se proce<;ds Por tl�e�rcpairs and re,storation in a eingle paymcnt or in a ee;rics of <br /> progrese paymeuts �a the work is eompleted. Unlese an agreeinent is mtide in writing or Applicnble Law <br /> reqixires inYeresi:to Ue paid on such insm'anca paoceeds, Lender shall not Ue required to pay Borrower any <br /> interest or earnings on nuch procccds. Ncc�for publio adj wsters, or other Ehird partios, retainul by]3orrower <br /> aha17 not be p�id ont of the insurance proceeds avd ehall be the sole obligation of IIorrower. If the restaretion <br /> or repair is uot economically feaeiUle or Lander's secwity would Ue lessened, the insm•anca proceeds sha71 be <br /> applied to the stiims secured by thia Security Tnstrument, whethor or not tl�cn due, with tl�c oxcess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrowor. Such insnrance proceeds ehall be a�lied in lhe orcier provided for in SeeCion 2. <br /> If Rorrower ab�idons the Vroperty, Lender may file, negoliatic and sottlo aziy avai]ablo insuraucc clain�and <br /> rol�ted mattere, If Borrower does i�inC respond witliin 30 days to a nofice from Lender thet the insnrsuice <br /> c�rrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiale and setCle the claim. The 30-day period will <br /> bagin when the notiice is given. In either eveut, or if Le��det acquires the Pr�perty under Scckiot7 22 or <br /> otherwise, Borrowcr horcby a�eigiis to Lender(a)Borrowex's rights 60 �ny instvtuice proceeds in a�i aznount <br /> not to excead the amounts nnpaid under the Note or this Seow�ity Instnunant, and (b) any other of <br /> Borrower's rights (other than the right to any rehuid of unearued premiums paid by Rorrowcr) uncier all <br /> insmanoa polioies covering the Property, insof�r es such rights ere�plioable to the coverage of the <br /> Pxoperty. Lender uuty use the insurauce proceeds either to repair or restoxe the Property or to pay amoLmts <br /> unpaid midex ilie Note or tliie Secnrity tnstrLunent, whctl�er or not t1�en duc. <br /> 6. OCCUpan6y. Borrov=er sha11 occupy, estaUlish, and use the Property as 13orrower's prit�cipal residencc <br /> within 60 days after the execution�f this Security Inet�'ument�nct shall eontinuc to occupy the Property as <br /> Borrower's prinoipal residenoe for at least one yeax after the date of occupancy, untess Lender otherwise <br /> agrees in writing, which consent sha11 not Ue um•easonably withl�eld, or unless extennating circwnstances <br /> exist wl�ich are beyond [�orrower's cor�tral. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspectipns. Borrowdr shall not cies�roy, <br /> dan�age or im�air the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate ox commit waste on the Properry. Whether <br /> or not Borrower ia residing in the Propertiy, Borrower shall inaintalii the Property in order to prevent the <br /> Property from detieriorating or decreasing in vahte due to its condi6on, Unlcss it is dctcrmined p�ir�uanti to <br /> Sectiou 5 that repair or restoration ie not economieally feasible, Borrower shall promplly repnit the Property <br /> iF dainaged to ��oid furflaer cleferioration or demage. If insurance or eondemnation praceecis are p�id in <br /> coimeoCiou�vith dnsnnge to, or the tnldng of; the ProperCy, Borrower sha11 Ue respousiUle for repairing or <br /> rastoring Yhe Property only if Lzude��li�s released procaads for such}�urposcn. Lcndcr may disbur�o proceecls <br /> znaoxess <br /> NEBRASKA-SingleFemlly-FannleMaelFreddlafdacUNIFORW INSTRUMENT Form302II 1/07 <br /> VM P� VM PB(NE)(110ti1 <br /> WnllPrs Kluwer Financi�l Sefvicas Page i oi 77 <br />