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201209880 <br /> Any applioation of paymants, insurance proceeds, or Misccllaneous Proceeds to priu¢ipal due tiuider the Note <br /> sl�all not extcnd or postpone lhe due c11te, or chazige hhe�mounl, oP Che Periodic Payment�. <br /> 3. F'unds for Fsccow]tems. }3orrowcr shall Uay h� Lcncier on tl�c day Yoriodio Yaymcnfe arc duo undcr thn <br /> Notc, unti] the Note is pvd in full, n aum(the"Punde") to provide for payment of amounts due for: (a) taxes <br /> and assessments nnd other items which can attain priority over thia SecuriYy Instrwnent ae a lian or <br /> encutnbrance on the Property; (b) leaeehold payinenfs or ground rents on the Proparty, if any; (c}preinin�ns <br /> for any and all ineurancc requircd by Lnnder under Seclion 5; aud(ci)Mortglge Ineurance premiLuias, if�ny, <br /> �r any sums payable by Borrower fo Lender in lieu of the paymc�it of Mortgnge Insw�ance premiums in <br /> a�coxdance with theprovisions of'SecCion 10. These items u�e called"Pscrow Items." f�t origination or at <br /> any tiuie dtuiug I:he term of the l:oan, I.ender may rcquire that Comn�imity Ansociation llucs, b'ces, and <br /> Assessme�its, if nny, Ue escrowed Uy Borrower, and such dues, fees a�id assessments shall ba z�i�scirow <br /> ICem. Boxrower shtQl proinptly imnish to Lender all notices of ainount� to be paid under this Section. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the l�Linds for P,ecrow items imlcss Lcndcr waivcs Borrower's obligation fo pay <br /> the Ptinds for any or all L+sctaw ICems. Lender may wnive Borro�ver's ol�ligation to p�y to Lender Punds for <br /> any or all L+scrow Iteins at any time. Any euch waiver may only Ue in writing. In�1ie event of suoh waiver, <br /> Borrower ehall pay directly, when and where p�yaUle, the amoLmts due for any Rscrow Ttems for which <br /> payment of'Fmids hay Ueen waived Uy Lcndcr and, if Lender requires, ehall fin'iush to Lender reoeipts <br /> evidenciug suuh payinont wiCliiii such hime period ns Leiider may require. Borrower's obligakion Yo maka <br /> such paymenta and to provide receipts sh111 for a11 pw�poses be deemed to be a wvenant nnd agreeme�it <br /> eonYained in tl�is Secm'ity Histxument, as tlie pl�rase"covenant and agrecnnenP' iH useci in Seetion 9, I�f <br /> Borrower is obligated to pay L�crow Ife���s direcCly, pursuanf to �w�iver, and Borrower fails to pay Yhe <br /> �u��ount due for an L+serow Item, Lender may exeroise its righte under Section 9 and pay sueh unomrt and <br /> Borrowex shall theu Ue obligated under SacCion 9 to repay to Lander any such amount. l,ender may revo1ce <br /> the waiver as to a�iy or all Pscrow ltems at airy time l�y a no6ce b�ven in aa ordttncc�vith 5cction 15 and, <br /> upon such revocakion, Rorrowcr sl�all pay to Loncler all Fiuids, anci in suoh an�ounts, thnt are then requned <br /> undcr tl�i� Seotion 3. <br /> Le��dcr may, ttt avy fime, collece�nd hold Punds in en emount(a) euffieient to perinit Lendei Yo apply tha <br /> Funds et the time speci&ed under RESPA, aud(b) not to exceed the maximxun amount a lendor cait require <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall esti�nate the amouut of 1'nnds duo oii the baeis oP atn�enC daha anci reasonnble <br /> estin�ntes oP expenditures of future Escrow IYems or otlierwise iii accordance with Applicable <br /> 'I'ho Funds shall be held in an instihitiari whose deposits are insw�ed tiy a�Pederzl agevcy, instruinentality, or <br /> entity(inchid'uig Lender, if Lender is an tnstitufion whose deposits are so iusured)or in any Federal Homo <br /> Loau Banlc Lender shall ap]�ly tho Rtimds to pay tho Eserow Iten�s no later 11�an the Lime epeeified uncier <br /> RESVA. Londcr ehall nol chlrge Borro�ver fox holding nnd a}�lying the Pimds, amivally an2lyzing the <br /> eserow nccount, or verifying Yhe Eacrow Itoms, unless Leiider pays Borrower inCerest on the Fnnds aud <br /> Applicable Law pennits Lende��to il�ake snch a che.rga Unless an agreeincnt rs made in writing or <br /> Applicahle,Law rcquires interest to I�e paid on lhe Punds, Leuder slaall not be xequired to p�y Borrower any <br /> inCeresf or enmiinge on Che P'unds. Borrower aud Lender c�i agree in writiug, however, thaC inCerest shall Ue <br /> paid on the Fttnds. Lender ahall �iVa to Roi�rower, without charge, an annual aceounting of thc Fimds as <br /> requu�ed I�y RF,SVA. <br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held in oscrow, as deffnecl ui�der RLSPA, Lender shall ncoount to Borrower for <br /> the excess funds in accoidanoe with I2ESPA. If there ie a shortage of Punds held in escrow, as defined uuder <br /> R�SPA, Lende��shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, znd Borrower sUall pay to Lender the amount <br /> neoesev�y to make up tihe shortage iu accordauce with RF,SPA, bitt in no inore than 12 rn�ntbly p�yine��ts. Tf <br /> Uiere is a deficiency of Funds l�cld in escrnw, as defined uuder RLSPA, Lender shnll notiLy Borrower as <br /> '-----""--'— LhU02823 <br /> NEBRASKA-SIn91e Fam Ily-Fannie M ae/FroAAie M ac UNIFORM INSTRUA4 FNT Farm 3020 1101 <br /> VMP p� VMP6(NE)(1106) <br /> Wniterz Kluwar Flnnnalnl5ervlces Page 5 of 19 <br />