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201209880 <br /> BORROW�R COVLNt1NTS that Borrowex is Inwfully seised of the eslate hereby coirvcycd and has the right to <br /> g•ant and convey the Property and that the Properry is uneucmnUered, escept for �ncumbrenoes of record. <br /> Borrower wurrauYa and will defend generally tha title to the Property againsti all claims and demands, suUject to <br /> any encumUranoes of rec�rd. <br /> THIS SECURITY 1NSTR.UMI�N"I'combinca w�iform covcnants for nafional use vid non-unifonn covenants witi� <br /> 7iinited vaz'ixfions by jiu-iRdicCion lo consLYhiLe a nniform security instrun2enC covering real properfy. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower 2nd Lender cove�lnt anci agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sh111 pny when ciue Che prineipal of, nnd inCerest on, the debt evidenced by the Nole auci nny prepayinent <br /> charges and late chuges due wider the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds far Fscrow Items pursuant Co <br /> Section 3. Payments due Luider the Note and this Security inat��umcnt shall bc made in U.S. currevoy. <br /> liowaver, if any chocic or ot'l�er insCrunsenC reoeiveci by Lender ne payincmC undar Che No�e or this Sectui6y <br /> Insh•umenC ia return�d to Lender uupnid, Lender mey require thnt any or nll subsequent pa}nnente due under <br /> the Note and this Sectu•iYy Instrtunent be made in one or more of Ihe Following farms, as selected by Lender: <br /> (a) eash; (b) money order; (c) certified chec7c, banlc chock, Lroasurar's cl�ccic or cashior's eheck, providedany <br /> such chccic ie drawn upon�n insliLuLion whose deposiCs nre ineured by a fedexal Agency, instrumentality, ar <br /> enCity; or(d) Elech•onic Funds Transfer. <br /> Pnyinenls are deemecl reeeived Uy Lender when received aC tlie location designated in ihe Note or at such <br /> other location as tnay be designaCed by Lender in accordance with Yhe notice pr�visions in Section 15. <br /> Lender inay rehun any payment or partial paynicnti if tl�e payinenf or parfial�ayn2enka are inauffioient to <br /> briiig tl�e Lomi current. Lender may nccepu�ny peyment or parrial payment ineufffcient w bring tke Loan <br /> oiu�rent, withouc�uaiver of nny rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial <br /> peymente in the fuhu'e, buC Lender is not obligated to apply snch paytneuts at the fiule snch payments ara <br /> aacepted if'each Periodic Payment is a[�plicd as of ila scheduled due d�Ce, theti Lender need not pfly interest <br /> on Lmupplicd fiuids. Lender may hold such unapplied funds tuitil Borrower u�akes paymants to Uring the <br /> Loan curxent. If Borrower does not do so within a reasonaUle period of frme, l.ender sha11 eifher appiy sLich <br /> f'unds or return them to Ron�owe��. If not applied carlicr, si�ch funds will be�pplied lo lhe ouCstnnding <br /> principal balanco iuidcr Che NoCe iuvnadiately prior to foreclosure. No offset or claiin wliich Rorrower inighY <br /> have now or in tihe lirttue a�gainst Lender shall relieve Rorrowor from mttl<ing pay�ncnts due under the NoCe <br /> aaid tlus Security 1nsU ument or performing tl�e covenants and agreenZents secured by this Security <br /> [nstr-ument. <br /> 2. Application of Payments nr Proceeds. L+xcept as otherwise desoribecl in thia Section 2, all pa}nnents <br /> accep�ed 1nd applied by Lencler shall be applied in the following order of priority: (a) iuterest due imder the <br /> Note; (b)principal due under tlie Note; (c) amounts due under Section 3. Snch paymon�v shall be a��plicd to <br /> each Periodic P�}nnent rn the ordcr in wl�ich it becanie due. Any remaining ninounts shnll be applieci firat to <br /> latc ohnrges, secotid Co atiy other emotmte dna under this Security Inshuinent, fmd then to reduce the <br /> pxincipal balance of the Note. <br /> If Lendex reeeives a pnyinent lYoin Borrower for a deliuque�rt Pe�iodic Pnyivent which includes a sufficient <br /> amounC to pay uiy late charge due, the paymc��t may be applied tu the delinquenC payinenC and the lnte <br /> charge, Tf more than ove Periodio Payi2ienC is outafnnding, Lendex mny a�ply any payment received fi•om <br /> Borrowcr to the repayment of the Periodic Peyments i�t; end to the exYent tlu��t, each payment oan be paid in <br /> fiill. To the exlenE that any excess exisEs a'ftar the payinetrt i� app1ied to the fuU payineat�rf rnie or inoro <br /> Periodic PayinenTs, such excess may Ue a,pplicd to aiiy]ate charges cii�e. Voluvtaiy prepayu�ents ehall be <br /> appiic;d firnt to auy prep�yinent chArges end then ae desoribecl in the Note. <br /> zaooaeza <br /> NEARASKA�Singlc Famlly-Fannle MaelFreddle PAac UNIFORM INSTROMENT Form 3020 1/01 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(1106). <br /> Wolters Klmver finandal SerNces Pnpn A nf 71 <br />