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201209880 <br /> sentences sl�all not apply to the preseuce, use, or storage on the Properly of small quantitios of Hazardous <br /> St�hstances that xrc generally recc�gnized to be appropriaCe to narinal residentinl uses�i1d to tnainteuance of <br /> the YroperCy (including, but xiot linuCed�o, hazardous substances in consumer prodttctis). <br /> Bonrower shall pron�ptly give Lendcr writtett nolice of(a)any investigalion, claim, demnnd, lati�auit ar other <br /> Action by any governmentel or regulAkory ngenoy or private party involving the Property and auy Hazardous <br /> SubsYance or �nviroiunental Law of which Borrower hns achial lcnowledge, (b) any L+iiv3ronmontel <br /> Condi6rn�, including buf not]imited tq a�iy spilling, leaking, discharge, release or thr�at of release of any <br /> Hazacdous SubaC�nce, �nd(c) cmy conclition causecl6y tho presauco, Lue or releasa of a Hazardotts Subsiance <br /> which fldversely aff'eote the value of the Propexty. If Bormwec learns, or is n�tificd Uy any governmental or <br /> regul2tory autharity, or any privaCe pv�ty, that airy removal or other remediation of nny Hn�nrdous Substancc <br /> nffeoting[he Property is neoese�ry, Borrower shall prompCly t�lce all nccessary reineciial actions in <br /> accordnnce wifh FinviromnenYal Law. Nothing herein shall create any oblig�tirni nn Lcndcr for�n <br /> Envitomnental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borirower and Lender covennnt nnd agree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender sliall give notice to Bm�rovver prior Co acceleratin��Fnliorving <br /> Burruwer's Ure�ch of any covenant or agree�nent in tlus Sccm•ity Instrnment (bnt not prior to <br /> accelerrCion nnder SecCim� 1R an1oRN Appl9cable Law provides otherwise). The noticc shall specify: (a) <br /> the defanlC; (b) ihe action req�tired to cnre Che defnidh; (c) a date, noC less Cl�an 30 days fi•om Yhe date <br /> ttic noticc is givon to Boirower, by wluch tho defanit ivnet Uo enred; and (d) that fnilnre to care tlie <br /> def;udt on or before the date specified in the notice m:�y result in awceloration oF tl�c snms seenrod by <br /> Chia SecuiiCy Instrmnent and sale oP t�he Properfy. 'I'he noEice sl�all fiu•ther intbrm I3orjrower of the <br /> riglit to reiustate after acceleration nnd Ylie rigl�t to uring � com�t �ctimi Co assert�tl�e non-exisCence nf� <br /> defntilt m• nny otlier def'ense of Borrowcr to acecicration and sala Tf thc default is not anred on m� <br /> betbre t6e date specifiecl in the notice, I.ender at ifs optiom m�y reqnire unmediate paymcnt in fldl oP <br /> all snme secnred hy thie Seciuity v�efrnment wiCLoiit fur4l�er deinand and maq involce the power uf sxle <br /> and any other rcmedics permittcd by Applicablc Law. Lender alinll be entitled to collecC all e�enses <br /> inc�Grred in pw•suing tl�e remedies provided 'ui f,l�is Section 22, incLiding, bt�t not liuiited to, rcaeonable <br /> �Clm�neys' Pees and costs of liCle evidence. <br /> If tlie powcr of snle is involced, Truetee sl�all record a noYice of defniilt in ench cmmly in which any <br /> part of tlie Property is luc�ked :u�d sl�sdl�nail co��ies o1'aach notico iu Cho mauner proscribed by <br /> AppUcable Law fo l3orrower and to Che oCher persone prescribed by Applicuble Ls�w. After the ti�ne <br /> reqnired by Ap�rlicnble Latv, Trnstee sLall give pnblic noCice of sale Co Che persons and in the mamier <br /> prescriUcd b3�Applicable Law. TrasCec, withont demand ou Borrower, shall sell tlie Proper[y at paUlic <br /> nncUon to t}ie l�igl�cat bidder at the time and place nnd midcr tho tcrms doaiguated in the noCice of sale <br /> in one or mm•e pareels and in �ny ordor Trnatoe detern�lne,c. 'l'rustee mny}�oskpoa�e snle of all or any <br /> parcel of the Prnperty by public anuo�mcement at the thne and pince af nny previonsly achedided sale. <br /> Lcnder m•its designee mxy pnrchnse tlic Pro�crCy at any eale. <br /> Upon rcceipt of pnymeut of tlic pricc bid, Trnstcc shnR dcliver to tlic pnrchnser"Trnstee's deed <br /> cmiveying the 1'ruperty. The recitxls in the'Crustee's deed ahnll be priu�a facie evidmicc of the Wntl� of <br /> CLe sCaCemenCs made fhereiu. TrusCee sl�all apply Che prnceeds of Che sale in the following urdei: (x) ta <br /> xll coets ancl expenaes of exerciei�ag the power of enle, and the sale, inclnding Che pa3nnenC of il�e <br /> Trnsteds fecs nchwlly incm•rcd nnd reasonnblc nttorucys' fees as permitted by Applicable La�e; (b) Co <br /> xll Snn�s secured by this 8ecnrity Instrument; and (c) x�ry, excess to the person or porsous legnlly <br /> enlitled to iC. <br /> zqoozasa <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin91e Famlly-Fpnnio A1aclFreddie blac UNIFORh1 INSTRUMFNT Form 3028 1101 <br /> V11P0 VMP6(NGj(11�6) <br /> W olters Kluai er Flnanalal 5ervlws Page 14 011/ <br />