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201209880 <br /> in the Proper�y and rights uncler 6his Sec�iri6y Iusfrumcnt; and(d)takcs such action as l.e�ider may <br /> re�sonably xequire to Asaure that Leuder's interest in the Property and righCs imder thiF 5ecuri6y Inutrinnent, <br /> and Borrower's obligatron to pay Yhe sums secwed by Uris Security Instrument, shnll oontinue unchanged. <br /> l,ender may reqtiiii�e that Borrower pay sucli reinstateme�it suans �.nd expenses in one ox inore of the Collowing� <br /> Porms, as seleofed by Lenc�er: (a) cash; (h)n�oney orcler; (c) eerLified chee;k, banl< chccic, treasm er's check or <br /> cflshier'e cheek, provided any such cheok is drewn upon an institution whose deposits nre insured 6y a <br /> fedaral ageney, inetrwnentality oc entity; or (d)Elect��onic Punds TrausPer. Upon reivstatemant by Borrower, <br /> this Security Instriuncnt a�td obligations secured l�orc6y nl�all remain fti71y effective as if no acce1eration had <br /> oocurred, IIowever, thie right to reuistate shell not apply in the case of nccelerntion under Seotion 18. <br /> 2D. Sals of Note; Change of Loan 5ervicer; Notice of Grievance� The No�e or nparfinl interest in the <br /> NoCa(iogetiher wifh tl�is Security 1nsErument) can Ue aold one nr more times wil:hout prior notice to <br /> Rorrower. A aala migl�t result in a change in thc cntity(known as tho "Loan Servicer") tl�at collccts]'criodic <br /> PaymenEs due Luider the NoCe tuid this Seci�riCy Insk�ument and perfarms olher n�orCgage fonn aervicing <br /> obligationa under the Note, this Security SnstrumeuY, aud Applicable Law. There nlso might be one or more <br /> ohanges of the Loui Servicer umelafeci to a sale of t7�e Note. If fliere ia a chu�ge of'Uie Loen Servicer, <br /> [�on�ower will bc givct� �n itt�n� nntice of$ie chttngo which will ela'te tha natnc and address of the new Loan <br /> Servicer, the acldress to which payments should be m�de and Any other infarm�tion RESPA requires in <br /> connectiou with a notice of tr-ansfer of servicing. If'Uia Nota is sold a�id tliereAtter tha Loa�i is serviced Uy a <br /> Loan Sesvice��oflier than the purchaecr of thc Note, thc mortgagc loan sorvieing obligations to Borrowcr will <br /> rcmain witU the Lov�Servicer or be fransferred Co a succesaor Loan Seivicer end are noC asaumed by lhe <br /> Note purchaser unless otherwise provided Uy the NoYe purchaser. <br /> Neithcr Borrower nor Lender m1y ooimnence, join, or be joined to any,judieiel aetion(na either nn <br /> individual litigAnt or the member of a clasa) that arises fl�om the other partq's�cEions pw�sutuit to fliis <br /> Sectu�ity Instrwnant or 11iaC alleges that Uie other party has Ureached any provision oE, or uiy dnty owed Uy <br /> reason of, tl�is Sccurity inshumcnt, uiitil such Borrowcr or Lcndcr has notificd tho othcr party(with euch <br /> notice given in ooinpliznoe with the requirements of Section 15) of such nlleged Ureach aud nfforded Yhe <br /> other perCy hereto a reasonaUle period atTer the giving of such nfltice to take corrective action. If Applicable <br /> provides a timc period which must clapsc bcforo ccetaiu actiuii�can be take�i, that timc perioci will be <br /> deen�ed to be repsonable For purposes o£this paragxaph. The notice of�ccelernCion and opportunity to cw•e <br /> given to Borrowe�'ptiirsuant to Section 22 and the nx�Yicc of accclortttion givcn to Borrower pursuant to <br /> Section 18 shall l�e deemed Co sntisfy the notioe anci opporhmi6y to talce corrective netion ptovisions of this <br /> Seation 20. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used iu tkus,Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances"are those substauces <br /> defined as toxic or haza�dous suUstauces, pollutants, or wastes Uy Enviromnental Law u�d the£ollowing <br /> substances: gasoline, kcrosene, uthcr fltunmablc or ioxic peLrolc�un producte, toxic pesCicide�and hc�rbicidcs, <br /> volalile solvents, materi�ls containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radio�ctive materinle; (b) <br /> "E'nvdr^onrnenaal Z�w"meane fedarallaws and laws of'the jwisdiction wliere Uie Property ie located that <br /> relate to l��lt6, safety or er�viromnental protection; (o) "Rnvironrroero#al Cleanuy" incltiidcs any responso <br /> action, remedial aelion, or removal aotion, as defuied in L�nviroiunental Law; and (d) an "Envi�°onmental <br /> Cor�diCion"means a conciition that cAn cause, conY��ibute to, or otheitivise tsigge�� an Enviromnentfll Cleanup. <br /> Borrower sliall not oauae oi•permit the presence, use, eliepoeal, etornge, or release of pny II�zerdous <br /> SuUstances, or threaten Yo release any Hazardous SuUstances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, <br /> nor a11ow Tnyoue else to do,anytlwig affeeting tlie Property(�) thaf is in violation of viy'F,nviromnental <br /> L,aw, (b)which crc2tes an EnvironmenCal Condition, or(c)which, ciue Io Lhepresenoe, use, or re]ease oPa <br /> Haznrdous SuUatnaice, creates n coudition that adversely flffects the value of the Properry. The preceding�va <br /> xaaozeza <br /> N C6RASKFl-Sing le Gam fly-Pannle A1 ae/Predtlle�A ac U W FORl4 W STRU M ENT Form 3028 47�7 <br /> VMP(n� VMP6(NC)(7106) <br /> N.'ollers KWwer Flnenclal Se�vlcas Pnqe 13 of 17 <br />