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201209880 <br /> 23. ReconVeyance. Upon payinenC of all sums secured by this SecnriCy Instrwnent, Lender eha11 reqiiesC <br /> Trustee to reconvey tho Property�nd ahall surrender fhia Security Instrumenf�uid a11 notes evidencing debt <br /> secLu'ed Uy tl�is Security Instrumant to Trustee. Trustee sh�ll reconvey Che Property without wan'anty to tihe <br /> porson or persons 1egally entitled to it, Such persou oc persons shall pay any recordation costs. Lcnde��may <br /> charge such peraoti or peesons a fcc for recom�eying the Praperty, Uut only iP the fee is paid to a fhirci party <br /> (sueh�s the Trtiietee) £or services rendereci and tl�o charging of tha fee is permitted under Applicable Lt�w. <br /> 24. SubsYiYute Trustee. Lender, at i{G �p�ion, inay frmn titne fo time remove TrusYee and appoint a successor <br /> trustee to uiy Trustee appointed hereunder by nn ins6rument recordcd in the county in wluch tliis Security <br /> Instrmnent is recordad. Witliout conveyance of the Properdy, the sucoessor lrustice shall suocecd to all the <br /> ritilo, power etnd dLrtics con$rred upo�i Trustee herein aud by Applic2ble Law. <br /> 25. Request for Notices. Borrower recluoste Ll�at cop'res of the notice of default aud s11s be sent W Borrower's <br /> address which is the Property Address. <br /> znoozaza <br /> NEBRABICA-Slnflle Fomlly-Fannle M eelFretldla M ac 0 N IFORM IN9TRUM FNT Form 3028 1107 <br /> VA4P O VMP6(NC)(7706) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Ginancial Se�vices Papo 15 of 17 <br />