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201209880 <br /> designated a eUbsCitute noCioe ndch•ess by notioe to Lender. Borrowex ehnll promp[ly ciolify Lender of <br /> Borrower's change of address. If Lender specifies n procedm•e f'or reporting Borrower's chAnge of ndclress, <br /> than Borrower sha11 only reporC a cl�ange of address through th�t specified procedure. <br /> There may be only one designated notice adcLess under this Secwity InshmnenY at any one time. Any noEice <br /> to Leuder skall Ua given by delivering it or Uy mailing it by first class mail to l.ender's address stated l�erein <br /> nnless Le��dar 1�as desibuated anothcr addr�e by itotice to Borrower. Any notice in connc etion with this <br /> Seciu�ity Inslrun�en[s1��11 not I�e deemecl to have heen given to Lender until netunlly received by Lender. If <br /> any notice required Uy this Securiry Ii�stnunent is also required under ApplicaUle Law, Uie ApplicaUle Law <br /> requireinent wi11 satisfy flie cora�esponding rcquirctinent undcr thie Scc;urity Insh'ument. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severabiliky; Rules of Construction. '1'his Security Hzstxuuieut shfdl be governed Uy <br /> federallaw and the 1aw of the jtiriscliction in which the Piroperty is located. All rights and obligaYions <br /> contained in this Security Instrumeut aaa suUject to a�iy requirements a�td linutations of tl�plicable Law. <br /> Applicable Law mig�hY explicitly or implioitly allow the p�trties to a�•ee by contrxct or it miglit be silent, bqf <br /> soch silence shall not Ue covstrued as a prnl�iUition against a�roan�cnt Uy contract. In tho evc��f that any <br /> provision or clauso of this Security ItvsWwnenC or Che Note oonflicts with Applioable Law, such eonIliot shall <br /> noC aPPect othec provisions of thia Security Insh•uinent or the Note wluch caii be given effect wiYhout the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As used in tlua Secw�ity L�struinent: (a)words of'the masculine gender al�all me�u� and include cortes�oi�ding <br /> neuter words or words of t1�e femininc�c2�dar; (b) worde in ilie singulnr shall mean�nci inehide Che phirnl <br /> and vioe versz; and(c) ehe worci "may" gives sole discretion without any obligAtion to take any action. <br /> 17. Borrow er's Copy. Borrower shall I�e given one aopy of the Note And oP this Security Inatrument. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used iii cliis Sectioti 18, "Inleresc in <br /> t�he Property" means any legal ox beneffcinl intexest in the Property, inelnding, but not limited to, those <br /> beueficia] inEeresta h•nnePerred in n bond for deed, contract for deed, instalhnent sales contraat or esorow <br /> agreement, the intent of which is the tranefer of fitle by Borrower at x fizfure date to a purchaser. <br /> If a11 or any part of the Property or any]nte�'evt in the Prope�ty is sold or t�ansferred(or if t3orrower is not a <br /> nat�iral person aud a beneficial inCeresC in Borrower is sold or h�ansferred)withoul Lender's prior wriLCen <br /> consenT, Lendar may rec�uire immediate payinent in f'ull of all sums sectiued by this Security Insta�mnent. <br /> However, tltifi optioi� ehall not 6c exeEcised by Le�ider iP ai�ch exeroise is�rohibited by Applicable Law. <br /> LPLender exercises this option, Lcnder shall givc Borrowcr noYicc oP acccicration. 'fhc noticc shall providc a <br /> period oP not lcss tl�an 30 daye fro�n hhe dnCe fl�e noSice is given in nocordanee will�i SecCion 15 witl�in which <br /> Borrower anuef pay all snms eemired by this Security Insh•ument. If Borxower fnils to pay these sums prior to <br /> Clie expiration of Yhis period, Lencler may urvoke any remedies peimitted Uy tlris Security Pnstrument without <br /> furthar notice or demand on T�orrawe�'. <br /> 19. Borrower"s Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. ff Rorrower i�,eets ccrtain coiiditions; Borrower <br /> shall ha�e fhe righC Co have enPorcement of this Security Ine[rument disoontimied at any Cime prior to the <br /> eacliest of: (a)five daye before sale of Yhe Properry purauant to zny power of sale contained in thie Securiry <br /> Hisk�mneut; (b) stiich oi�her pe�iod as Applicable n�iigl�t specify for tha termination of Rorrower's riglrt to <br /> reineCate; or (c) onh'y of a j'udgmenC enforoing this Seourily Instrumenk Those conditions are tihaf Borrowcr: <br /> (�)pays Lender �11 aums which theu would be due under this Security Inst�ume�it and the Note as if no <br /> aocelarA�tion hud oecurred; (b) oures any defaulC o4'any othar covenanCs or agreaments; (c)pays a11 e�enses <br /> incw�red in enPoroing this Secucity lnst�wi�eilt, inclnclit�g, but not limited to, r�easonable attorneya' fees,. <br /> proporly inspcction and valaaCiov feca, and oLher fcos incurred�for the purpose of protc.roting Lender's int¢rest <br /> zaoozoza <br /> NFARASKASingle Family�Fennie Mao/Fredtlio Muo UNIFORM INSTRUM MT Form 3428 1701 <br /> VM P� VM P6�NE1(1 T05) <br /> Wolfers Kluwer Financlzl Sefolces Pags 12 of 1] <br />