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201209880 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender No4 a W aiver. Fxfsnsion of the time for payment or <br /> modification of amortizafion of the swns sectiued by this Seciirity LnetrumenC granted by Lender to Borrower <br /> or any Suceeseor in Interest of Borrower sl�all not operate w rele�se the liability of Borrower or auy <br /> Succesaore in InteresY of Borrowen Lende�'sha11 noC be xequired to co�tunence proceediugs against any <br /> Suoceseor in Interest of T3orrower or to cefuse to exteud tima for paymenC or otherwinc modify amortization <br /> of tlie sutns securcd Uy thia$ecnrity Instruinenti by reason of any dcmaud macie by the originttl Borrower or <br /> any Successors in Interest o'f Borrower, Any£orbearane�by Lendex in exercising any right or remedy <br /> including, without lunitation, Lcsndcr's aocept2nce of payments from thicd persons, ontitic� or Successors in <br /> Interest of Iiorrowor or in emounts lesa Hian tlia ainotiint thet� duo, shall nol be a waivex o£oz�preclude tlie <br /> exercisc oP any righ[or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and 3everal Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. 13orrower covcxiauts aud <br /> a��ees thet Borrower's oUligations and liability shall be joinE aud several. L-lowevcr, any Borrower who <br /> co-aigns this SecLuity Instru�nent Uut does not execute the Note(u "co-sigiw�r"): (a) is co-signing this <br /> Seeuritiy Ins6tiimcnt only Co mortgnge, grant.and convey the co-signec's interest in the k'xoperty under fl�e <br /> te�n�s of thiF SeouriCy Instrument; (b) is not personally o6ligaled to pay the swns secw'ed by this Sa;urity <br /> Inalnunent nnd(c) agrees that l.endcr and nny olher Borrower can agree to extenc9, modify, forbenr ar m�lce <br /> nny accoimnodatione with rcgard to the terms of Yhis Security InsGumcnt or the Note�vithout the co-signar's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject Co thc proviaions of Section 18, any Successor in intcrest of Borrower who nsstunes Rorro�ver's <br /> obligationa imder this Secm'itiy Instrnment in writing, and is �pproved by Leuder, sha11 obtain all of <br /> Borrowei^s rightis aud Uenefits �mdcr this Secm�ity Ineh•ument. Borrower shall not Uc ralo�,sed frotn <br /> Borrowar's obli�*ations and liability undex this Secw'ity InsU�mnent nuless i,cnder agreee w such release�in <br /> writing. 'Che covenanfs ancC agreementa of tlus Security Instrume��t ehall bind(exoept ns providecl in Seotion <br /> 20) and henefiC the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. I,ender mny chn�•ge Borrower fees for sorviccs pei-formecl in oonnecUon with Borrow�i'a <br /> defnult, Por the pm'pose of piotecting Lctzder'a inCerest in the Property 1nd rights mider this SecLn'ity <br /> Listrument, inc1uciing, buC not limited to�, attorneys' fees, �roperty inspccfion aud vali��6ion fees. In regnrd to <br /> any other fees, the absence of express auTlioiity in Ghis Sa%urity H�slrumenC�to charge n speciiic fee to <br /> Borrower shall not Ua constxued as a prohibidian on tho oharging of auch fee. L,ender m�y not chnrgc£cce <br /> that aro expressly prohibited by tl�is Secm�ity]nstr�imcnt or Uy Applicable Lnw. <br /> [f thc L��an is subjeot tio e law wluch sets maxunwn loan cl�arges, and tl�at law is finnlly interpreted so that <br /> ll�e interest or othec loeui chuges oollected or to bc Lollected in conneotion with the Loen exeeed the <br /> permitted limits, then: (�) any siich]oan charge shall be reduoed by the�mounY necessary to reduce the <br /> ohvga to the pern�iricd liu�it; and(6) any sums alraady collecCed iroin Borrower wluc6 excecdcd permitted <br /> limits will be refimded to Borrowes. Lender inay choose fo malce tl�is rof�md by reducing Lhe principal owed <br /> under the Note or by inaking a direct paymont to]3on�ower. If a refiuid rednces prisicipal, the reduction will <br /> be tireated as a partial prcpayinent wifliouC t�ny prepa}nnent chtuge(whether or not a prepayment charge is <br /> providcd Por under flie Note). Borrower's aocaptiaaiGe of any sucl� rofitnd mado by direot pnyineuC to <br /> Borrower will constiYuYe a waiver of any right of acrion Burro�ver nvgh[h¢ve arisiug out oP such overoharge. <br /> 15. Notiees. All notices given Uy Borrower or Le�ider in cot�uccCion with Lhis Seourity Instrument muat be in <br /> v✓riting. Auy notice to Borrower in connectron wifl�Chis Secm-i6y It�sh•ument shall be deemed Co ha�e been <br /> given to Borrower when mailed by firsC class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address if <br /> sent Uy other meane. Notice to niiy one Borrower ahall constituta notice to a1113orrowers anloss A��plicable <br /> Law cxpressly requires otherwisa. Tha noYiee acldress eha11 be the Property Addres� unlese Bon�ower has <br /> zanazaza <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin91e Fam ily-Fannie M aclFreA�le bl ac UNIPORM INSTRU�9 ENT Form 3020 1(01 <br /> VM P� VM PB(NE1'(f 106) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnanaial5ervbee PaOe 11 oh 19 <br />
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