<br /> salisfactinn, provided thaY sucl� inspection shall Ue tuidertakan promptly. Leuder may pay for the repairs
<br /> �nd resCoraLion in a single diebursemcn�t�r ii� a series of prog�ess payinents as the worlc is oonlpleted.
<br /> Unless an agreeu�ent is made in writing or Applicable Law requ'rres interest to Ue paid on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lendar shAl] notbe required to pay Borrower ai2y int�mcst�r carnings on snch
<br /> Misccllaneous Proceeds. Jf the resT�oration or repair'is not economically feasible or Lencier's �ecuri6y would
<br /> be lessened, the Misoellnneous Piroceodn s1�a11 Ue applied to the sums secmed by thie Sectuity Instrumenti,
<br /> whether or not then due, with the exoess, if any, p�id to Borrower. Sucli Miscellaneous Proceeds sha11 be
<br /> applied iu the order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> In fhe event of a lotal taking, destrtwtion, or loss in value of the Property, the Misccllane�us Procccds sl�all
<br /> bc applicd to the sti�ms secured by fl�is Security Histirmneni, whether or not then due, with the excess, iP any,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of apettial talting, des[tuclion, or loss in valuo of the Property in wl�ich the fair market valua of
<br /> the Property immediately befare the ptu�tinl taldng, destrnction, or los� n�vnluc is cqual to or grcatcr tl�au the
<br /> amount of the sums sectu�ed by tliis Seow'itiy Instrument iinmediately before thepaxtial talang, des[ruction, or
<br /> loss in val�tc, unlcss Boerowce and Lendcr otherwise agree in writing tl�e stuns secm'ed by this Security
<br /> Inetrwnent shnll he reduced by the amount of the Misoell�neous Prooecds nndtip1ied hy the fo1lowing
<br /> fractiou: (a)Ehe total aanount of the suins secured immediately before the parrial taking, deslr�rction, or loss
<br /> in valuc dividcd b,y(b)tl�c fair marlcef va1,ue of tl�e Property immediat�ely before the pv'tial t�king,
<br /> dastruction, or loss in value. Ang bnlanee ahall be paid Co Boerower.
<br /> In the event or a parCi�l Lalring, destructioii, or loss in vttluc of tl�c Property in whloh the fair ma��keti value of
<br /> the Pxoperty immedi�tiely before th�p�rtial klking, desfiucCion, or lc�ss in valuc is less than tlie amowit of tha�
<br /> smns sectiued immediately bePar�the partinl tnlring desh•uetion, or loss in vnlue, uuless Borrower and
<br /> Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proeeeds shall be applied to the snme eecuced by chis
<br /> SecuriLy u�strmncnf wlicthcr or not the etiuns are then due.
<br /> If lh�Property is�bandoued by Borrower, or if, aftar notice by Leuder to Borrower tihat tha Opposuig P[trty
<br /> (as definec�in the next aentence) offere Lo maka an awtu'd Co aeLCle t�claiin for damages, Borrower fails to
<br /> respond to Lander within 30 days aSter Yhe date the uotice is given, Leuder is axrthoxized to collece�nd apply
<br /> �Cho Misoc�llaneous�Proccede oithor to restor�ttion or repair of the Pi�operty or tio the sutna seom•ed Uy this
<br /> Security Ilistruineut, whether or not then due. "Opposing Party" means the tlurd pu�ty thnC owes Borrowcr
<br /> Miacellaueous Proceeds or tha party against whom Borrower has a righC of flotion in regard to Miscellaneous
<br /> Proeeeds.
<br /> Borrowcr shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or crinunal, is Uegun that, in Lender's
<br /> jiidgtnent, could resul[in forPeiCm�e of khe Property pr oti�er material imparrmc��t of Le���ier's intere�st iii the
<br /> Property or rights uuder this Security Inshument. Borrower cnn cure such a defatilt and, if acceleration has
<br /> nwurred, reinstata as provided in Section 19, Uy cutsing Uie action or proceeding to be dismiased with a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's judginenk, prechides PorPeiCiue of tha Praperty or other maYeria1 impairmcnt of
<br /> Lender's interasY in the Property or riglrie uncler this Security Instrumeut. The proceeds of uiy nw�rd or
<br /> claim fm�damagcs tl�at are attributable to the impairment o�FLender's interest in Y$eProperty nre hereby
<br /> assigned nnd eh�ll I�e paid lo Lender.
<br /> All Miecellancotss Proccccis tlittt arc not applied to restoration or repair of the Property shall Ua ap�lied in the
<br /> order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> — — — --- zqoozazs
<br /> NEBRA51(A-Single Family-Fannie h1ae/Pretldie Mac UNIf-OFM MSTRUfv1@NT Folm 3028 7101
<br /> VM P� VMPB(NE)(110b�
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