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<br /> ', ' . , . ,' r�. .. . ' .� . .�.. a : - i . .. .- . . • � ` . . } .� Y s: '
<br /> .. � . . . ` � , . . . . . . � . � . ' ' `' . , f� _C. . � t-' • .
<br /> , . w�S � � ... .,ti ` - ,' . .. .. . ' .._._ ._�. � �.�..�—._._.__ _. 1..:-- .. ' ...� ._. - .'__'t"�w.` 1 .
<br /> . . .. .. �--.>._.- _,.._...:�.:_: .<_. .._.,..�...�+ '� "�- - . -..
<br /> � � �� � � g7� 10$�51 . .. ,. ��
<br /> � . �f , .�.
<br /> . �.: payments aiay no longer be iequired.at the apSon of Leader,if mostgage uisivaace vovecage('in the amouat and for the periad ,� , <
<br /> . % that Leuder ceq�ms)Omvided by an it�r approved by l�eadcr aga�beoomes avaitable and is ab�ed.Bortower sdari PaY t�e , . � .
<br /> � . P��4�to mammin mortgage ins�toe ia effect.ar m pmvide a toss resesve.a�the require,ment for martga�e ... • : . ... .
<br /> _' "� ins�oe eads in acoordance witb any wtiuea ag�eematt beiween Baaowet and Ixa�der or spplicable law. � ,
<br /> � y-...t-' of the Prope�ty.Leader shaD gi�e a_
<br /> - _�.� 9.Inspecti+��. l.eader or its agent may make reasoaable��ies upoa and inspecaons .. ` -
<br /> � • `� � ; Bon�awa noupe st the wne of or piior ro an mspection specify�g reasonable ra�tse for che�ian. - u - ..
<br /> • 10.Cande�nation 'ltie pmc�eds of aay awaN ar ctaim for dama�es.direct�cons�4uential,m wnaecdon with any ° ..,
<br /> . � .� ? coademnation ar other takmg of any pa�t af the Prope�ty,or for conveyane�in tieeo of condearmauon,ate h e i e by assign e d a n d '. :�. ; ...�:-
<br /> � sha11 be gaid tn l�endu. .
<br /> ' ��.s In the event of a mtal taking of the Pragem4 the pmoee�ls sLa11 be applied to the sams secuied by tbis Secmrity Insuument, -- • ... ,
<br />` � whether or not thr�dae.wtth�►y e�cess pafd to Boaower.Iu the eveat of a partial r�sing of ihe Fmperty ia ahich the fair ma�et .
<br />'� '� befaie the tatting is equat tu or greatea ttmn the smo�t of We sams secaued by ihis Seca�rny
<br /> _; 9_ vatue ef the prnpe�tY immed�h► m the sums s�by this •�. _�_ _.
<br /> . • �.`, TIIS�i1Q1CAt�Y�OS�tllC�L1IIg,IIIl�ESS B07IOW�BIIS�I.PA�01LQW1SE�$[CC W111ID$� .�..
<br /> . �:1��: ' ��,` }, „
<br /> S�auuyr In.sl�nent shall be r�daced by the am+nuat of the pmceeds m�aitiPlied bY We followmg fraction:(a)the wtal amommt of := .�
<br /> .,:<�; the sums se�ed immedia�Iy befaie the�ng,divided bY(b)ths faa market value of the Pcopeaty immedi�edy befora ttre . ..: �-°�`s`'
<br /> '��` q�in&Any balance shaB be�oa Batmwer.In the ev�t o f a p a n i a l t a k i ng o f t h s&*��e r t y i a w L i c f i t h e f a i r m�e c v a l u s o f t h e
<br /> ''°��, befare the takm . untess , . . .
<br /> ' r ;:�=�,t: unmediately bef�t�ae taldng is iesg than the amo�t of the snms� imsnediate�► 8 ,,W`=---
<br />�s � �.'��?ry��`-� �a�nd I�der otherwise agpee in�s�ing or�app�c�bte 1a�ath�wise psovides,the�oce�s shall be app3ied tn t� - - _-
<br /> �r`'` $�Ia,Q awwuaw�1�1 9.����QT QOL[I1C SIIIi1.S 8�'f t�t QaC. ' —
<br /> ,,' ` 1f tbc pmpeny is a5�ed bY Bmmcva,oz i�a8ra notice by I,e�des oo Bon�twed that tHe condemnor offas m make s� '`��� :.m.=
<br /> . f_., _ —
<br />.�..l�:' � a.. .. _ _ G�.. �'��-
<br />:4--;' � . award a�seule a cia�far daznages.Barrow�fa�s t�sq�ond to Leadea witbin 3�c�-±s aitar the dat�tDe notioe is g�veu,I�
<br /> . . -�; is aniharS�.ed to cnllea and appiy the ptooead.R tit its�,eithe��o reswralion oz�air of tto�Pmpeity ar w the snms sepued ��_
<br />, . �„{�';i' by Wis S�y I n s t:u metl t,w h e t h e r o t n o t t h e n d n e. =�`f l=
<br /> . ,�' Uutess Lendes and Boaowa ot�awise ag�ee in wr�m8�a�►Y ePPHc�an of pmceeds m gr�sipal shari not a�t,end or postpnne x �, ,:E
<br /> ��. ..,
<br /> - '�`7�"'� �he dne date of die maathlY PaYmeats referred t4 in�t�1 acd 2 or c�sge the amountof snch payme.a�.
<br /> ��:
<br /> ' '�`�f``% Fopbeareuce B 1.�n1Y►�'Not a Waiver. F�cteos�of the wne foi payme,n�or madif�on =—
<br /> . `'' = �,. ]l.Botrower Not RelQasedi y � .--
<br /> - � ,,��:! �amort3�tion of the sums�by this Sesvrity Insaumeut g�anted by I�ender r�aay sacce.ssor in Int�es[�Boaawer shall
<br /> `�� �,"�r;{�. ��a m�eatc the Tiab�iry of the ariginal Boimwei ar Bo�row�'s s�ae�s in mu�t I�ender s�aIl nnt be r�W -
<br /> :�;,,:a, ` T.�i ' ,'-- -
<br /> :,.`'i?;" aa su�in inteaest or refuse tn�d�f�cr payrnwt ar otherwise madify awor�asf
<br /> �,' ' ' ' ' ccm�neaoe g�in�s against Y < � .-�
<br /> cam ' •;;:.;:
<br /> ;�`�;�.�. ` t�Z snms secmed LY tdis SecuritY�bY�On of any des��e 6y dae a:iginal Batrowa or Baaowa's suaa� : -
<br /> F ,'.
<br /> �`� un inte�t.Auy forb�by Le.ndea�n exea+cisi�ng any rigdt or reasz�y sisaD nas be a waiver of or piecIude ttr�ace�of a.y �, -.- �,�,�-
<br /> �r ... —.—
<br /> �,. � zIg$tOiIP,II1C�y. eig. 'I116 COV�2llis 8IId �18 Of fl3L4 f`�' �
<br /> . `-' . lE.Saooessore and Ascigns Bor�d,loint and Several Liab�ity,Co�sign 4�.
<br /> .:,;•: - ��`'�, Ser�ity Inst�um�nt shall bmd and ber�t the suocessors�d assigns of I.eud��u Baatowei.subject to�e pravis�af Fq :_._-= -
<br /> :: . � _ p�h 17. Bmrowea's covenants a�d ag7ceeunemts sbaD be joint and several. Any Boaow� who co-ffigns tHis Secarity , ,,.;�; _�---
<br /> a
<br /> rns�ameal Dnt aoes not executa rhe Not� ca)is om-�aing ttiis se�t5►rnsttnm�t ont�r to wortgag�,�t ana camrey u�at �_:.
<br /> � ` ' Barmwer's 9aterest a�the Pioperty�mder the terma c�'t�is Secariry�ea��(b?is not gasonaliy obligat� to pay the sams '�:°-;±.�.
<br /> ` secamd b this Sec�ity lnswmen�an�(c)ag�ees th�I�der and aay othea Barmwer may agcee tn exoead,madifY.faibeat ar :�-='�"-----
<br /> s�� ��. � . . ��. Y :����.;,�.
<br /> `, • �-� matce aay sccommodauons w�h regard to the trims of Wiv Sec�ity Instaament or the Nota withontthat Borrawea's conseat ���'�:`:�
<br /> �:, . . ��� 13.Laan Chatg�. If the Ioan seca�ed by ttds 8ec�uity Ins�ai is subject w a taw which sets maximam Wan charg�,
<br /> aad tLat Iaw is fmariy interpm,ted so tbat 8�e intesest�ao�ea Ioan c'''..�es colle�ted or to 6e co�Ieaed ia eannearan witb the toan J
<br /> � . ,� the�:(a)any saefi tnan c�a sbail6e redaced try th��1olIDt A0CC33Ary W rCduOC ihB Chffi$8�0 thC
<br /> °r� exceed the pt�mitted limita. ' -
<br /> � � . . . .r. peamiVeA 1imi��nd N)mry�ams�2�8Y eoIIecttd fm�Hmmwer which exceeded pamrttEd Wnita w�l be tefuttded to B�mwPa.
<br /> " � . � owed nndea the Note or by malang a direct payme�tt tn 'TM�'-�=
<br /> � � I�eaider may cbaose oo make dus zefuad by redudng the principal �
<br />=�. ."�y�• Boimwer.If a refimd reduoes princtpal.the reQnction will be�eated as a partial ynyayment without any preyayment charge _ :..-.- :
<br /> unda Qie Note. .�`'�t���,�.<.
<br /> �, ' 14.Notiees. Any notice w Borrower provided for in�his Seauity Instrument s6at1 be givea by deliveaiag at ot by mailiag it � ::'.��., ::. .,�
<br /> „-:.. . � . - i ry fust c1a�ma�7 aaless apFlicab2e law requfres nsa of anothe.t method.'i�e natice shaU be dueacd to the Fh¢geatyr Address or ,.:.�: , .
<br />��:'. � ' �..l� any othed add�ss Bmmw�dest�ates bY natice w I�enda.Any nQ�ce to Leuder s6aU be g�vea by fust ctass ma�w�.er.�s's : :,;;�`.;,��::.
<br /> °±� address stated Derein or ffi►y othea address Lestdea desi�ates by vr•,.t�e to Boaow�. My nstice provided fos in this S�}r ��.';'����;;: .
<br /> ��� . . ,. ., .
<br /> �j , . �`' lnstrame�t sLall be dee�ed to have beea givea to Boimwer or Lendea afien givea av provided'm th9s pafa�aph. . . .
<br /> � . :} l�Cav�ing Law3 Severabi�Y ZUis SecAnity Instrument shall be govemed by fedeis�l laar aad the Iaw of the ..,
<br /> ��� , . f jmisdicdon in whicb the ProDenY is tacated.ln the event that any p m v i s�i on or c t a v s e o f t h i s Secariry I a s�u me�t ar t h o N o t e . . .�. ;
<br /> pmv
<br /> canflicts with applicable 1aw.sacb coat]t�t sLall not affect oth��visions of this Securiry Ir�swment or the Nate whic6 e�sn be .� .
<br />,�; ' t giv�effect without the conflicdng Dr'ovision.To this ead the pmvis'sons of Ws Seauiry lnsorument and the Note are doclared w � . �
<br />,,�''� '. be sevetable. � .
<br />_��.. ;i . .
<br />�i�. � Form 8020 8/g0 .
<br />--,-t:- .
<br />_:,'. .. i�-OR(NE�ls2�s�.m vaso�o�e mmau: —.— .. .
<br /> �``. . � . j ' . .
<br /> ::', _ .� � ..� _ — __.
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<br /> ; ______. .�._-.---�..__......----,--,--�-• . . .. . . . , � .
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<br /> .i � . � � � � , • . .� � :_� :�� ,.. • � ` .--- .
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