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<br /> -T � �.: � � � • g�_ la 835� . z. -
<br /> � .. 5.Hszerd ar Pro�erty Ins�nae. Borrower shall keep the imgmvements anw ea�isdng or Qereafter erected on tDe Picopeny �
<br /> , . �a�,affist loss bY f�re.l�rds iicccIuded wIihia the te�m °ea�teaded ooverage°and az►y other ha�ds,iaslud'mg flaod4 or . .
<br /> � . Qaoding,foi whic6 Leadea:eqaues insurauce.7riis iasiu�ce sl�aU�s maintatnc;d in the a�nnunts and for the periods that Lender ° ,. � . '.
<br /> ' � - � � reqaaes.TQte instasaoe t�rricr ptoviding the insu�ce shati be ciiosen by Emtow�subie�ta Leader's appimral wltich sh2ll aot � � ; .
<br /> - be umreasanabiy withheW. II Bormaer falis to m�intaia coverage dessnl�ed abave, Lender may,at Lendec's opdan.ob�in •� t.•:. < :
<br /> • ..: y;�.} oove�aBe tn pmt�t L�ade�'s rights In the Pmgeaty ia aqooidance with paragraph 7. ' . ;�
<br /> .�� All huv�oe poS�sies aad reaewals s6all be acceptab2e tu Leade�r aad shall lncWde a standard mortgage clanse.L�d�shaU Y z. .
<br /> . have the ri�t w�otd tIIe gafides and reaewals.�i'Land�req�es.Bosrnwer sflail pramptty 6ive ta Lea�es all�ts of pad -.. -_, -
<br /> � - _ preminms and teuewt�aorices tn the e�reat of loss.Barmwa shaD give prompt notice to the msurauce c�rri�r aud Le�der.Leader •�` -
<br /> � �;�. may make pmof of Ioss i[uot made pmaapdy by Hoaower. �,
<br /> ,�'_'_ . ,..� UnI�i�e�nder myd Baaowea athec�+rise a��e in writing.uisuraacc praceeds sbail be appt�t!W res0aiafinn or repair af the . .. ' .�����.°
<br /> x. , ._� pnrgeltY damaged.if tIle c�atinn or r�air is eoonamirally f�ffiIe�ul I.eadea's seauity i�nnt lesseued.If the resoo�ian or �. '' ',
<br /> �is not ecaunmicaBY feas�2e or L�der's seauicy wouId 6e lesseued,tfae insurance p:oceeds shall fse applied to the sums -_�;.
<br /> �,.'---
<br /> • .. , ���; �. secuned by this Sec�aity tasWmqt,whet�at noi t t t e a d n e.a i t h anY exo�ss p a i d w B a m uw e r.I f B o r m w e r a b a n d o n s t h e . � ___-
<br /> r�..� . ..�. Fmpeay.ar doas nat answet widiln 30 days a notice fmm I,e�drr tbat the insuranoe c�rier ha9 offered to s�tite a c3aim.th�u � � ; -
<br /> Ltader may coi�ect the iasmranoe psoceeds.Lender may ase the pmceeds to regair or zesmre the Rropeny os to pay snms sec�ed ` ,.�_ ,s'�--=.
<br /> �_,..,.
<br /> _ hy tbns Sec�r Ins�ea�whett�or not thEn dus.7tte 30�day paiad w716egin ahc�the na�cce is glvea. - - ---
<br />_ � " � UNe.s4 Leader and Baaowa athezwLse�c+ee in writimg,snY gpPltt�DiQn of praceeds to ptincipal s6a11 not exoend or postpone �':'
<br />_ � �.�'.�.; the due da�of the mamII�ty payments reteAed ro�p�agraphs 1 and 2 ar ch�ge the amauat of the paymeats,ff nader parag�aph
<br /> � 21 the Fruperly is scqai�by 1�atde�Boaowe�s ri�t m aay insaranne galicies and praceeds�esnitrog from damage w the
<br /> • � �P�Y I�m��n�P�to Leader to tha extent of the s�as se�d by this Seauity�nsutune.at immediatety —
<br /> r a�::• __-
<br /> .__ .�,-�' g�Or to the a�qais�aa, ,. �
<br /> �„'=� 6.Oecapaacy.�seservatIon.Mainteaanoe aad F�ate�tfnn of the ProDert�r, Bozrmver's Loan Apglic�un;l.easeho�s. + �--
<br /> �� � Boaow�sball aaa�py.establish,and use the Pmpeny as Bmmwer's priptcipal�sidence within sisty days aftca the exeamion of .° . __ ��--
<br /> -.,� a
<br /> � . �i �y/ oocttPY PmPercY ' Pr�naP ��.__.,
<br /> this S Inst�nmeut�d s6all candnue w the as Bormwer s al reddeace far�l�east oae year�fter the . ::;��,�..�
<br /> . , -i;: date of oc�pancy��less l.end�odee�vris�agrees m wrttiag,wtuch consent sball not be unre�asonably witbheld. or unless ' -
<br /> - -� �:,� . .�� e�enuai�g c�s�nces eadst which a:e beyond Boirowca's contmL Ba�owea sUaU not des�oy.damaSe�i�Fais the PmP�Y• ,-.. �T�f
<br /> . ',� :- :} .�:::
<br /> . aIIow tLe Rapaty to det�aloraie,or cammit waste on the Prap�ty.Barmwes shall be in defantt if suy farFeimre action or °,a��-°
<br />_ - ,' .. ��� �oceed'mg.whether eBvs�ur ca3mmal,i4 begim diai in Leader's gaad faiih jadgment coaW res�It in forfei4ue of the Aroputy at � __-
<br />=•` • ':� othe�vise maie�ri�IIy�the lier►aeated by t6is S�r Ins�uuent or I�nd�r's ser�ity mte�.st.Brnmwer may c�e sacb a �' _ _.
<br /> ' . . .. .. '�" defaWe and�. ffi provided 1n ys�a�apb 18,hy cau�g the ac�ian or paoceEding tu 6e di�ed wah a raling d�at.in ;��:.��"�
<br /> �:� . ''
<br /> � � ' � ���. � LeBdea's good faid��don,Pr�cIndes forfemue of t�e Baaowds mt�est in the Anpe:cy or ottter mateaial impaimne,nt of -`� , _--
<br /> . . . the liea cmatEd by thss S�auity►Iastrament o:Le�der's s�y mte�st.Bamm�wer shaU also be in defanIt if Barrower,daring the `s<�(��, n,.-
<br /> h' �
<br /> .' .`.•�.� �aPP�n P���Y false or�na:e infom�atinn or�ents ta Leader(ar fa7ed t�providel.eatder vvith YS,j�.,''"��"
<br /> : .,ii:?..,if .-
<br /> -ey_ , ` . _��.� .,..-
<br />_= 3 , any matezial infarmarlan} m ca�nn witb Eze tuan cvideu�ed by ths lt includm ,bm not limi�d to. ��,{�,•°`
<br /> �. $ r�ffihnns ,�.�r.�;:s.t' _�,
<br /> -- : - c�recmng Boimwer's oa:upaue�+a�'t�te Frispaty as a��If tbis Set�ty I�t is ou a I�1�,�a�rr ��n-�Y —.-_
<br /> • � sha11 comply with aIl t6e provisions of t�e tease.If Bamawer��res fee dtle to the Pro�raty,the leacehotd and the f�c�shall . f,.��?'' �.��-°�-
<br /> � � � not merge antess I.eadeaagcees to the melges m cvs�c�, • '`r, �'',._�..,-T
<br /> • .. . . 7.Prot�tion oi�.ender's�b in the Pre�q. If Bo:rower fa�1s to�erfoim the covenants and�em�ts oantaine�in . _-,
<br /> _'�` � s', this SecArity Lu�ncat,ar theae Is a Ie8a1 Dmce�g 1Lat maY signifuandy affect I.ender's rigGts i�d�Prage�iy(snCb as a ' �',� : --
<br /> a
<br />-°; ,:;• . pmceedia8 in banlauPtcy Pmbaz��ar condemnatIon or forfdture or w�fosre laws or ngularians)�d�cas Lendea maq do�d PdY .�,.,.
<br /> .._..� -�;,
<br /> �,,;;i;�•�� "� ' for wh�atcver la nece�ry to prot�ect the vaIae of the Ficopeny anA I.endea's rigbtl in the Ampeny.L�dar's acdans may iaclnda � - --
<br /> :•,Y.����, ?�;: � DaY�B�Y�ms se�ed by 8 liea wt�ich 6as�slority aver dds Secarity Lu�-trameait,eDpeacin8 ia�a,FaY�B reasonabie - :- _
<br /> ,, -.
<br /> , ,�..
<br /> ,.;.•, ' atoomeys,'foes aad�ng on the Pcoperty tn�e repa6s.Atti�angm l.e�may�ke acdon and�r��aza�aph 7�Leader
<br /> . ' _:��' �;,� do�nothavetodoa�. .. —
<br /> � ,.; . -r. � .
<br /> `..::.j;fr�;�..';.�:.;.• . ' i., , �..._-
<br />_ . Aay amouuts dis��sed 6y Lender uadea thLs pa�apb 7 sba}I 6ocorae sdditiwnal debt of Borrowe,r se�red by t�Securlty . =r:��k`,,..-._�
<br />°��'::���`;;�il�:� � � Instramea�UnIe�Bmmwea ansl Ix�nQca agree tn othea ta�of paymeat�these amounts shall bear interest from 4�e�are of �. � -
<br />��;,.,�v. ;��,., � . .' .
<br /> . :�'.:,?.:r.. �� disburs�nent at�e N.x�e rate and shall be payable,wiQ�iat�st.apon noitce fmm Leudea w Bormwer ze9�8 P�� � ,
<br />-��� � . � S.Mortgege I•�aace. If I.end�r reqaired�¢tg�$e Lesurancc as a�:tiun of malQng tAe Ioan seciued by Qiis Seca�ity - . " _
<br /> � - ' lastrnma►t,Boa��st�ll ysy the premiums r�u:.-=�d to ceaintain the mortgage ins�rance in effect. If.for any reason. the .: '. .
<br />.- ,: . mort�insusance coverage m�u�ed by Lead�lapses ar�to be�effest.Bora�st�aU pay the pr�ams r�si:ed w �` ��� •� .
<br /> :-� � � obiahu arvaage substanti�aBy eqsi:s�teant w the mortga;�e��!�p pn��iousty in effec��a cast anbstandally equiv^4T�t to the ' .. ,
<br />:_�: .'� , cost m Bmrowed af ihe mortgage msu:ance previously m�"n`ea, from aa alt�nate mar�age ins�approved by$.endea.If _ ; . - . .
<br />°;`L"'`-.. substantiaIty�-`°t m�ga8e uis�uance ca�a�.,�e is not avm'}ab2e.Bo;ma�shall pay to Leander�manth a sam equai to : � .
<br />___ . ' � , ane-tweiftb of the yz�rly martgage insiaance p�:am bein8 F��Y BorroR-�s whe.n the imsurence oaverage lapsQd mr ceased to • .. � . .
<br /> _ � . be in�ect.I�der will aocept, me aad retain dtese paymears as a Ioss reserve in ti�a of mmtgage ins�uaace.le�reserve ��',>�;,�,� • . .
<br />-= �;'•J i):? �. .
<br /> -_ . �f��;,,�;��� �
<br /> '. Form E328 9190 ^::�{1.�;;. . �. •
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