:�:�:::=� - ��° _
<br /> . - - —: -- -�, - - - - - - .=:f
<br /> � - _ � _ <<, _ _ �
<br /> .> . _ . . . . . -
<br /> _ ._ _ . � , _ _ . _ _ . .. . . „ .. . _. ._ -- - - - ,:� -
<br /> � . _ . ' . .. . .:,. . ., . - . ..
<br /> -�:_ _ — _ _ � — � .i` . . —_ - _ ( —�_' ' _ __' - . _ -' _ . _ C.._.�.t�-_�� ,� �L�
<br /> ., ;- _. . , .- — - , . . ' �. - �� _ . � . � � � .. � , . — . , r`.. �k �
<br /> '� _ , `, ,' ` ,, ,'. - L .`' _ ( .�, , . `' ' i ! ` � . . t ` . __ c`c��' .`'
<br /> , � . ' . . . . "_" _. . ..�, .._-4..-..... s___,_ .c -._s�:_....�.._.�___...,_.._,..._.... ._.._.�_�"". " "_""" - ._..-...__-..�.. c, -L�. �_ . . .
<br /> . . Y 't ' . ... �.
<br /> ` ' i � �� id�3�� . . .
<br /> : ..{ , t� :� t� ..
<br /> - . 16.Bon�ower's Copy. Boaower shall be g►'vea one confoimed copy of ahe Note a�nd of this Seairity Instrum�nt . �,. ` .
<br /> � ; . � ��.:��. 17.Traa.sfeP o!the Prop os e Beaeffetal Inter�est in Bore+awer If all ar any gazt of the pcoperty or any mterest m it is �
<br /> . , ` sotd ar a�sf�reti{�if a b��al int�est a�Boimwer i�soid or t�aasfe�ed aad Bmrower is not a naanra!p�snn1 withaut , _ � ,
<br /> � t•� I�dci's p r ios wrlu,er►oonsent,Leader may,at itsopti�a�n,recluire imme�iate Pal+meut in full of all sums seciued by this Seauit�r � . ,; ,.
<br /> � �`'�. �-�'- Instmment Howeves.this op�on stsiall aat�ex e r c�e d by Lrmder if exencise is pmLibited hy fedecal law as of t he dat�of this ° .
<br /> _ _T��• $ Til m " __- - _ .:..
<br /> �un�r L
<br /> - - .-- If Icndei exercises t1�is option,l.euder sball give Bortower notice of acoeteratioa.The notice shaU provide a ' of not less -- --`, :
<br /> , ' than 3d days fcom the daie�tte aarioe is deliveied ar tna�7ed withm which Horrower must gay all sums by this Secauity .
<br /> �- Iostrann�.t If Boirower fa7s w pay these sums priar to the ex�ation of this period,Lender maY mvake any remedies pamiued � ;� .
<br /> tbis S I�ent ' Q7S Bortower.
<br /> � � IB.��'aBtgLt. '1rK �c���`�� oeriain onaditiaas. Hoirower shall have the rigbt w have �,�•�;` .
<br />'� eaf�teat af this S �aE�qy�ume prior to the eartier of: (a)5 days(ar�ch oth�period as _ : "
<br /> t . . applic�'e Iaw may ����e.cf:i�e Pcopeity Pu�svant to any p6wer of sa�e c�ataa►ed in this S�► , .
<br />; �: Instrumen�or(b)entrp�aladgm�t enfa�cing tbis Seauity In.4onmie,nt 7ltose ooadi�oac�e tbat Battower.(a)g� I.ettder att . :�. -.
<br /> { snms wmrL th�woWd be du+e�m�this Secauity Iastn�ment and the Nate as ef no accete�atinn had aoaured;@)cimes a�►Y �'�_� ����
<br /> n
<br /> d e�f a W t o f a n y o t h e r o o v w a n t s o r e g t e e m e n t�:(c)D a Y s a ri e x p e�s�s m c�r e d i a e a�f a n�g this S e r a u i t y Insuument,inct�din g,but
<br /> ' � not�nited to.�nab2e atdnmeys'fe�mmd(d)takes srach acxion ffi L�ndes may reasanabl3►�lnire w at�ue that the 1�of tfis - --
<br /> - ' Se�it}r Instrumeat, Leuder's rigAts in the Fi�opeity aa d B o s m w e a's o b l i g�t i oa w pay the sams secared b y tAis Securit�► • -_•
<br /> ' . •y' Insunmeat s6a11 oontinue micHaaged. Upon re�s�eat 6y Bomnwer,tl� Sec�rity Ins�ni and the o sec�ed -
<br /> 6 e r e�sy s 1�a D te�am f u IIy e ff e c t i ve a s i f t t o a c c e l e�a ti u n h a a a c c�r e d.H o w e v e r,t h i s ri g h t t o r e i n s t a t e s U a i l n o t a p p�m�t h e t�s e of
<br />�; .• �:`{ acceleaauon ander p�aph 17. _�'°;�:,:._
<br /> � = 19 Sale olPlo4�C6ange of I.oan Servicer. 'llie Aiote ar a partnal � m the Note (wBdher with this Sec+uity •� -,
<br /> . . ` :...;;< Ins�um�t)may lte so2d one ar mo�e ti�without prios uotice tn Bormwer.A sae may resnit in a change m the eality(tmcwa ;
<br /> In am .. �
<br /> , ' as dte"Loan Seivicer'�that culleas mantt�iY paYateut�dae nndet the Nole&ad dtis S�iiy fis0umeat TQece aLso may l�e one os ° ,:�` <:f,-
<br /> �- '� mare cbangFs of the I.oan Seraiicer�n�etated to a sa�e of the Note.If theae is a cD.�,�e of the I.o�5erviser,Hoaowei an'II 6e ,;�, � ;.��
<br /> �° ,�-�,- give.a wriucn notice af the change in a�cosdanoe with pa�aph 14 above an�ap * law.�he no�ce w�71 state e�e name and --
<br /> ?'�, :. -
<br /> . „ a�ress of the neav Loan Se�vicear and the addiess ro wWch payrtaeuffi shaaild be•m�sde�.The aorice w�71 also conszm any other `�s�. -•,.-.
<br /> � r �:' infora�alion reqaaed by appliqble law. � ' ``''
<br /> .., . __,. 20.Baa�rdaus SnBstaaoes. Barmwa s6all not cause or p�mit the preseuce. use. d�s�,�ar relmse of any -
<br /> - -- . �dous Subsiances on ar in the Propeaty.Bo�ower strafi nat do,nar aIIow�yane cLse oa do.anything affecting tlie Prope�tY - =m =.-
<br /> ` :uT�- c�s is in violation of a�Envaanmeatal Iaw.lhe y�g two seno�oces shari not�ply t4 tAe pre�►se.ase.or sooiage on the - -.-
<br /> a
<br /> • � :5 ,�. �ry of small qaant�ies of Aa�rdovs Substm►ces thaz�e geneaaIIy rec:ogn��be appropriate to nounal ces�demial ases _
<br /> • � an�to main�tce of the Pc�ag�ty. -
<br /> - ����a.;� B m�w r r s h a II p ro m p t i Y g[v e L E ader�vriva�notice of aa y iav�.n�oa,cia�a.de�d,lawsait us other aqion by�p� • _
<br /> ,e
<br /> .:�,;" ' •' `;'•-. govranmeatai or�egalawiy ea�►ar�+atE PactY uivolving tLe Propeny and muy N a�a r dons Su bstance or E n v l mmnen�l I.u� . � _
<br /> .,,
<br /> F�,,•.�� Of whIC6 BOaOwed 683��nowed�e.If Bormwes leaza9.or is uati5ed by any�anme,ntal or:e g a l a m ry a u t h o ri i Y,diata� ,. ,,
<br /> �'�;. � �� or othea zemediadon of aayI I�dous Substaace affe�xing the Yrapc�ny�n�essaiy,Boaowea shall pranpily take aII �Nx' _ -_
<br /> �� n
<br /> � n�yr remedlal acdans in accosdanoa wLh En�tal Law. �.
<br /> , :•6.:i As ussd iu this paz�grapb Z0,"Hazardous Snbstances"are those sab.�ns�de f in e d as toxic or h a z a r d o u s su b s t a a c a s by :��: .. _
<br /> -- =-..,,�,� F�vaoann� Law �a the fo3�awing subsmnces: g,as�line.kemseae,dter flammab2e or wxic petmleum pmducts. touc �,
<br /> ` . � g�tiades and herbiades,volaa'1e solvents.mateaial.g contammg asbes��as foimaldehyde,and radioat�ve ma�erlaLv.As asea m �a:� ` ;._
<br /> thisp�8gf8pb Z0."EnvIIOnm�ml Isw"means fede�al laws aad laws c�:3e J�s�Ictian whece the Pmpeaty�S tocxied tbat re1a� � ;:'�s::
<br />' :� �. ; . fO hBeltb.88fC[y OI a►vi[oIIment2l pmtealOn. ` . --
<br /> '�._ :
<br /> � . s�
<br /> ' NON UN�ORM COVENANfS.Boimwerand LendMr faMer covearautand agee a9 foiiows: °
<br /> � , .`f�,� Zi.Acce�erat�on;ltemedic�.l.ender shaU give aotic¢to Boreoe��or M acxefern4toa toltawing Borr�er's breach�f -� ' '
<br /> � -.
<br /> ' ° D Y9 unf�s `�'" ,' '
<br /> _ �-,; any coveaant ut egreemmt in tdig S�y Iastramwt (bat � pitaur to acoeleratioa �dee P��P . .a=:�.::
<br /> � ` :',� ap��caple taw pmvlda aWerwiseb�e IIo�s6aD�:(a)the dePaott;(b)the actlon reqWr�to care tha del�nEt;teD 'f.'�°'°*-
<br /> ::���1'•�.. .:. _ _�:�; a�noi I�s t6an 30 fmm the daLe fhe natiee ie givw to Barrower,by�ich the defanit ffiust be cmre�;mtd fdj ��;..T�•��::;_
<br /> � x ...r_:_
<br /> - • ` - d�t 6ai�e to cuore tt�e defa�si!on ar 6etore the date spesccifted in the no4toe may raWt in ccceieratlan ot the sa�s secored Lr" .. -,
<br /> �: . ' t,e�Sec�Itp Instrament snd sa2�et�Ptoyerty.The nottce TM� Pm�ther Infor�Bormwer of the rt�t to reinstaie .�:�«_
<br /> f. ` af�i eo�%�aaA the right to 6ri�„m aumt acNon to essgrt tlh�non�existeaae af e dePanIt or any o46er defense ot ' `='`_
<br /> €,'�� ��to�ttratioa tic�set��t the defanit is no!cared oa or Detose the date spedfied in the na8c�Len�4ct,at its - ,-.
<br /> ;:':��:�`�`� �
<br />` '>�. � � �� �ta�u,maq reqWre Imme�2e payment in taD of efl sams secmrc�l by tAts Secarity Iastrameat wit�aat turt�ea deffisu� •
<br />':'i:i•:: � . ; ..
<br /> -- : � '�: �may lnvngc tIIe power ot e�te and any ofber e�medi�permdtted by appuc�abIs(aw Lender shaU De ent[lZed W aolie�t . . -
<br /> . ; aD expet�e ircairred�o putsuiag ffie�mzd�cs pravtded in this aa�,grapb Zl,inctadtng,Dnt nat limf4ed to,reasoae6le - � °,:. ,�. .
<br /> -' ...... �• ;;;t;:. .
<br /> _.�' . �::;;;' attoraeys'fees and wsts of titte evideura
<br />'.��; � .' � U tDe power o!sate is invoked,7lrustec ehM reoard a not6�ot dePaWt in eacb ounaty in wblcb aoy part ot the � .,
<br />` ��+ � PiroPeray is�ocated end shaIll mail oopt�ot sacD Qotloe�fhe manner press�ribed by applh�a6ie I�w to Borrcrs�and to the =� � : •,� .
<br /> ;s�. � . . , � 9 ,.
<br />`�<;�.:'. . � otR�persoas pra�¢d�g�DDitcable law.After the taffie required bq applIcabie faw.Trast¢e sLaD give p�97ir notice ot �`s�; .�:.. ,.. :'.
<br /> :,..,, , saie to the peisons aad in t4¢e manaer p�ibe�by applteabte larv.Tra.a�ee.wlWont demaud on�orrosser.s6aD sea ll�e '._ �� ':a:.
<br />�:; . . �;;�,',��:
<br />_
<br /> . Property at pablic a�cuon to the dighegs bidd�at the time and�1��2 aad�mder the terms desIgnated in the not�ae dJ�e . .��.•��:._
<br /> n=�. � �
<br /> � forcn 80II8 8/90 , , ������•
<br /> �-0it(NE7(9212f.01 Vapo8of6 Initlala: - -- .- . .
<br />_ _ � , --!-
<br /> =�r' . . .._ � . . .. � � - r^----•.,..._.... . . _ , . . . . . .. . . . : • - . � � � ' , . �.. .
<br />• . . .. - � . - . . .� . . . . ' . . _ .. . ' . . - '. _.
<br /> , � _ � . . . � . , - - . ' . ' • � �- . � �e: .
<br /> . .,- . � � � • ....._.
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<br /> -_-�. . - . . . . -- . . . .
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<br /> . . . - . ' . . . � .�. i • �
<br /> .
<br /> _�_ _ , �. . � - - , . . .
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