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<br /> . � � 'POGETT�R WITH aU tIle impravemeats now ar he�eafter ereaxed on tha propcaty ts,app • � � .
<br /> � facaues aow or he�esfUer s part nf the pmpetty.Ail replacemeats and addi�ons shaD aLso be covcred by this Serurit�r 1nst�ument
<br /> . � • AB of the f�xegaing i�=efeu�d w is�t�is Securitg Iostrnmeat as the"Property►•" `� �.
<br /> �- � - BORROWER COVFNANTS thai Banow�is IawPuIIy se�sed of the esmte hereby wnveyed and lras the rigt+t to graai and , � :';; .
<br /> ..����;.,.� oonvey the Fmpesty asW thaz the Propc�ty is uaenaimbered.except for encumbiances of record.Bonower wairaats�d w�l .
<br /> -� -�`^-=_,;� defead geaerally the titte w the Pcoperty against all claims and demands.subject t,o any eacumbrdnoes of record. _ .. .
<br /> THIS SECURPT1t IIVS'tRUMENt combines unifoim cov�ats for nati�onai use aad non-unifomi cove�ts with is�ited _� �.
<br /> = . •. varisrions by jmrisdic,�on ro coac�ture a aaifoim secaaity�meat covemmg real prnperty. : - .
<br /> , UI�ORM COVENAN'IS.Bairoweraad IJcnder cove�ant and agree as follnws: < ,
<br /> L I'ayment o!Friacipal aad Interes�Yrepaymen4 asd Late C6arges. Bormw� sdall prompdy pay when dae We . .
<br /> " principal of and'mtecest on the debt evideaced by the Note and any prepaymeat aad late td�r8es due�mder the Note.
<br /> . . , - L Fonds for Tazes and Insnrence. Subjert to a�plicabte taw ar to a wriuea waiver by L�euda,Borrower s6all pay w
<br /> . '�' I.eadea on We daY���Y PaYme�ts are due under ihe Note.unn7 the Note is paid in fu11.a s+�("Funds"�for.(a)Ye�IY taxes , . -
<br /> . , :� -� �d assessmeats which may anain prinrity over this SeWrity Iastr�un�t ac a liea on ths ProPeatY:(b)Yearly teasehold payme.nts : :
<br /> � ..y or ground renis on the Pmperty.if any,(c)Ye�IY harBd ar ptapary insa�ance�mi��a:(d)YeaziY flood in.surence ptemituns,if _�.
<br /> . ` ; any;(e?Y�Y m�e��PT��•if�y,and(t�anY s�ms Payable by Barmwer w Leader,in accozdance with the ` '.t`
<br /> • .. . �� � gmvisions af garagrapb 8.in lieu of the paymeau of mortgage insmance p�+i�miams. lhese itans are c�Ited�saaw Itaas." - .:�,�':
<br /> � I,e�des may,at any tirne.colieci aad hWd Fimds ro�awonnt not to euceed the ma��amoant a lender for a fede�ally iela�d � ,,
<br /> . . � m�c�e 1�an�p r�nvr�foa Baaawer's essruw accuoni under the fede�al Real Est�Settleitieat Procedtaes E3s��f 1974 as . <i .
<br /> , , ,� ` aat�ad from time w time,B2 US.C.Sec�aon Zb01 et seq. �'RESPA'7,antess ffieother Ta�t6at applies to the Fuma�s set�a lesser , ,
<br /> .._� . ., .:,��.
<br /> --.-- .-.-.--�-,=:� , unam�t If av,L��asay,at anyr vme.ooltect ffi►d holci i�ss�ag amaunt nat c�e�c�ed tJie le�amo�t�,eader may . .
<br /> . �, � estimats the amas.�t of Fimds dne on the basis of aur�t data aud r�Ie estimates af e�dit�aes of fnwre Esava+Items or
<br /> r;�. 9�
<br />- � ' 1 OthCdWISC III SOCOIa8DC6 Wlfh 2�jlltCBbIC ISW. ,.
<br /> 7�e FuadS sliall be�e1d m an institution wQose deposus are ia�u�d�a fedesal^�cency,�sOrum�latin►,or ea�ty(�clud'mg ,_,;s�
<br /> ..}r . ',.. :,,, ., ,: .
<br /> ;-".c;• . . _ :.,,.<' Iander,if Lead�]s sarb an crstitation)ar m any F�al Home L�Bank I�d�sha11 apply the Fands m pay the Fsccow .•..
<br /> y„1._.�;....,-.
<br /> - - -. -_:,;.. Items.LeadeJ may aoi charge B�rmver f�h�g and aPP2ying the Fi�.annaallY�}r�8 the esaow acco�t.ar verifjrmg �,,;�. .
<br /> . , . :,:f;� � ihe Fsczuw Ite�.�mtess Le�da pays BwraRrr urterest on the Funds a�f applic�Is2e law pemnits L.eader to melce sncti a cdasge. . �'��
<br /> . '` Haweves.L�ndei may req�e Boaawed w pay a oae.time c,harge far�indepeadeai real es�te taa�eparting seavice used by �
<br />` ' Latder in cva�tecxian witb this 1oaa.unless applicable 1aw ptovides atkawise.UNesss an ag�eaaent is made at applipble law '�~°'
<br /> . . �-.-° � . �.' ., rac��ces inte�t w be paid.l�nder shaD not be:equued ta pay Bmso�rer any iuteaest or eamings an the Funds.Bosower aad �;; ::-�-
<br /> � i�dr�r m�y ag.�ee II►wiitiag,twwever.that in�rest shall.t►�p�d on t��tmds.Leaider shat�give to Basmwer,a-�aat ct�rge,an ,
<br /> , ;;;�1,-. �::al accoim�g�of the Funds,showiag aedits and debits to the Fmdc anrl the pw�pose for which ea�s debit ca r�:Funds wac
<br /> . � . :.f;��'•�,"- �:de.'1'he Fuur�are p2edged aS adduional s�ry for aII sua�secured by this Security Instr�meat ., --
<br /> ''� if the Funds aeId by L�dea e�cceed the amounts pe:mitted to be held by ayplicxble Iaw,Lender shaII ax��t u3 Damnwer for - -.--
<br /> ,� ' t�°�eucess Fimds in accurdannce with the reg�memeuts of app�icable 1aw.If the amount of the Funds held by i.�v:��3�ry mne is " '�°_
<br /> a
<br /> ` ' not sa�cieat to pay the Fscrow Items when due,LEnder may sfl aatify Boirower m writing,and.in suds rase Bo�tsw�shall pay '?°�'
<br /> . , w Lender the amouat nec�ar5+tn make up the deficiency.Borrower shall make up the deficieac.y in no mare thaa twelve � -.`'.-
<br /> i . . � • m��Y P�►ent�.at Leader's sole discretion. • � �' ;.;:�
<br /> � ' Upon payment in fiill of aD s�ns sec�u�ed by this Secnrity Inswmea6 Lendar shall prompity refi�.3 co Bos�werffi►y Fands `'_�,
<br /> . . hedd by I,endet.I�imde�paragapb 21.Leader shatl aaqaire or seD d�e Ropeaty,Lender,Drior w the acquis�a�c�sale of the ' '" .-
<br /> - �� " . pmperty.shall appTy any Fimds he18 by Lendea az the�rue of acqaisition or sate as a aedit againsr.the suas soc+�ed by das �: ;`�,�"
<br /> �. , .SECIltiL}I inetn�rns�nt •:�__
<br />- ' • 3 A�pHcatFon at�aymeats. UWess applic�ble law pmvides othe:wis�aU payme�tc reeeived by Leader�der paragrapLs . '.`°,
<br />- 1 �d 2 sLall be applied:first.to any preyayment charges due uadea the Note:secoad,to amounss payable�mdcr garagiaph 2: ::;�=��:;
<br />- : . .'� sL
<br />- � .,� j th�rd,m inoeaest du�fouct6,to pm�ciyal du��d 1ast,to any late ch�ges due undea the Note. „:_
<br />_ . : . 4.Ct�arga;Liens. Bomawar shall pay aD taaea.as�e.ssmea�ts,charges.fines and impositions atmb�ble w the Property . ��.. :
<br />-. , � ` wriicb msy anain yrioriry ovea this Seauiry Insuumen�and Ieasehold paym�nts or go�md rents.if mry.Bmrowea shalJ pay these -
<br />- ..�it';��:• obli�tion�iu the mannea ymvided 3n para�apb 2.or if not paid�thai manncs,Boim�wer sdall yay tte�on dme d'uectly w the � ,-
<br />;.�,...•; ��.�;' _._;r:�': � '� person owed yayme��. Bo�mwer shaD promptty fumisb to Lmdes all nouces of amounts w be paid�nded tDis paragrapb.If �;. �,
<br />;tie;;�.� Bormwer u+aices these paymeats directty.Bmrawer s6at1 pmmptty fumish tn L�der receipts evidea�ang the pay�r�ts. � .
<br />�±%r�'�' � � Barmwrd shall promptly discharBe any lieA wtucb has prio:ity over this Seauiry 3nsuumeat uNesg BmroRt�(a)agre�s 1n
<br />�-..,rs� � .
<br />::�i' . wrldng tn the payment of the obligatian seaued by the tien in a manner acceptable w Leader:(b)oontesrs in good faith the liea .
<br /> � , by, m defeads against e�nforcement of the lien in.Iegal praceedings whicb in the Y.enda's op'vuon operate w prevent tDe . .•
<br /> e�forr,emeat of the liea:or(c)sea�es from the ho2der oi the tiea�an a�t satisfactosy m Lender subordinating the lien to � ��
<br /> _ � this Securiry lnsbument If Lead�detelmines tAat any pan of the Propeny is subject to a lien whicb may at�in Drioiity ov�this '.��;<.: .
<br />-- . Seauity,Instrumen�1,�der may give Bonower a nuuce id�►4fymg the lien.Botraa�sha11 satisfy the li�or tahe one or more . � . ,
<br /> � . of the ac6ans set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. '
<br /> - v� Form 8028 9/C0 .
<br /> .� ;.' ��eR(N��oz+z►.o+ o,y.ao�e �nntatt:_._�._ . . ` �
<br /> � . ..
<br /> -y: . _ �. _ _ " . . . - . . . . - . . .. � . � .. . . - . . ' �
<br /> . . '. � ' - . .� ' ' ' . , al' ' •. . • . ' _ . . .
<br /> .' .�' ' . . .. .. -. . . . _ .� . ' . ' ' . . .
<br />.:....' ._"_ ' ' _ '—t_ ..'�.. . . .. .. . . .. ..__., _ .. . '. . _._. ._' "_'___" '"'_"_'—_—_"_ '_ . ._._..•.. __.�._._.. . ._...._.._...._'_'._
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