.. , . . .+:� �'.��. ' _;.X...-... _ ' ' tt4 '��``�'a��'r :c_ ..
<br /> �' � �, � ' :�,:,'r-s ! r�d� - F f`" �-* '�o- _,>- � rr�< _ -
<br /> "� ' � .�: __ � 'r -.. i�.. ��.::__ ..u._ - -
<br /> ", Q //����/ a-ra r..�
<br /> � 97� � . �.
<br /> � �� E u i. .. �
<br /> � - 5. TRANSFER OF TNE PRCPF•EiTY:ASSUMiiT[ON.1!d!or erry part of the property or irtterest tl�erein is so[d.transferred or • �r z�,F'
<br /> �: , ER ' . :
<br /> � othptw�s�aomroyod by Tnrator wRhout Benofiei�ty8 pdcr wrdten Consert,mc�iuLing(a)tfie eroation of n Gen or enambranos :t�;�.
<br /> �ubacduusto to thW Qoc�ot Truat�b�ths etemtion ot n pureha3o maney seenrity fr�tereat tor haur��otd appiianws.Ec)e transte►dY `<
<br /> • dorkso Qoaoont ar 6y optueEOrs ot faw upoa!he dns!!+oi a►�iM tonuM or(d)the grant of eny[aasehold irrtorest otthme ysars or tesa ���.,'
<br /> , ,. y": c. naf��ntntntng en oytlon to purehasa aueh actton is a broaeA atthts agmemant and 8oneflciary may,at Benettetary'a option.dedare
<br /> aU tho oeima sscured by Ilu� Qaod of Tmat ta Oo unmadiataty duo and payabto.o►eause ths trustee to 6te a rtattee af Eafauti
<br /> • ' .. " ' Banorielarlt ahnU hmro�vaNad esueh opUon to ccaotarat�IG Drhor to tho ea�.transsfer ot oonveyance.BeneReicuyt and the Rerson w °`�t•.
<br />� , . wltom iho prapacly�to 0�on 1no aurns�acursd by thls Oes�Trust eha0 ba eu sud�mta sa Bon�oa6asry d��all►e�quest 8�efi� � '
<br /> ` ' end thallhe ir�ccat Paya� sud
<br /> ` 8. ACC£LERATtOAt UPOAI DEFAULT:RENIEDlES;8ALE.?hs faIIaire IIy Na Trustio�to make erry Paymenl or to{radorm arry of '�, �. :
<br /> . � ' 4 . the terms elrtd aond'�icw olthv Nots at any rana�mis.mod�s+�stans ar oxcansto►�S�ereaL ar the payment of enyr other indebtednesa
<br /> r--r`� seauod AoreDy m in th4 PoAormaneo of«ny ot ths wvena�m egroementa hereunder sAall he a bread�of this agreemerd and the �`�, <
<br /> .:.�r:,�^' Bonefleta�y may dedaro a dolauD t3nd may deefars e0 sums eoa►ed heroby immodietetll dus and payab
<br /> Ie er�d the same sfiaD ,�. '•
<br /> _ ______- lhereapon Deoome due and pt�yahL9 urthcut Prese�nent demertd,prot�sst or notiee af eiry kin0.7heroefter,BeneSemryry may deGver _
<br /> to Trusteo a wriCan dectsrdion of detauft end demand for salo.T�r egrees and hereby gtants thffi the Tn�stea shap have the r
<br /> , pawor of aats o!the Propedy and it BaneficFary deddes tho Property b to 6e sotd it sha0 Qeposa wdh Trustee tNs Deed ot Tms!and
<br /> - the Nate ar notes end eny other doeumerds ovidmc►dn8 exPendaurea cecured hereby.and shall defiver to 7ruslee n vrtitten notice ot -. ,
<br /> � � defavR and e[eet�n to ceuse the Pirapatty to be sofd.and Tnisteo,in ri�m.shaD prepace a sim�ar aotise m 4he tann required by Isw. . ..
<br /> _ .. .... . ..._ which sfiaD Ee dul�Lted tor reoord by Troatee. . .
<br /> ... (a)After the fapss olsueh dme as may bo requtred by law toUowing the cecordffiion of Nottea ot Qefau�and Notiw ot Qetau� _ -.
<br /> - and NoUcB o4 Saie kavtng 6ean givsn as cequtred by iaw.T�a.wdhout dmnand on Trustor,sAeD seU the Propetty in one ,
<br /> ' o'c
<br /> �. � ' � or mo�e pasoeb and in such ordes ae Tncsmr may determine on the daDa and the tune and plaae d��ed in eaid Hot� - -.
<br /> • " '' ot Sate,ffi pubf�mution Lo tho highest btdder,the purehase priee payabte in eesh in�avMl morrey of the UnteO Sf�tes�
<br /> � � � � the time of safa Tha persan eonducSng the sats may,tor eny►eause he or she deems expedierd,post�nm►e the sale f�m
<br /> •�. � '�%Y tune Lo time u�13 shaD be oompfaDed ert0.in every s�d�ease notiw o!postpnnement shaD 6e givan by pnbfie dedaration - - ..
<br /> ! ' thereat by such person�U�e tims end pfsee lest appotrrted tar the safe:Provided.if tRe sate is pastpansd for loager than
<br /> _ .�`:? one(1)daY�Yon�the day designffied in the Natioe of Sate.natiee thereof she6 6a given 6n the seme manner aa the - . .
<br /> c�iginai N�moa of Sate.Trt�sOee sl�aU execum and defiver 9�ffie purdu�ser de Oeed eamreying the Property so aotd.but : ,
<br />- �_: _� �haut arry aovenartar vvartartAt•�8�or impfiied The�m tP�e Qeed of any treanneis os tacte sheU tre oondusiva ,�,,u '�.
<br /> .• '':�.�,.� proofaftheWtMutr�ecsther�Anyperson�indudingwdhoutGm�ationBeneScisryorTrustee.mayWrd+asezElftasate. ,,..
<br /> ,,[:. . 'r<�:.;'� :.'
<br /> ..Ri�;.,: •(��ii'!�en rn�eo se¢s parsuer.':us v!e vowers herebt.TrwOae snau ePa�Y the pmoeeds otnie��o pay�ct�� _ .. -..._
<br /> �-- - —�';��';' �rterttctt'�a'sfs2:a. • ¢-:,.. :,�.�".._�.
<br /> , . < .l a:d e�qeaf�asd exerdsu�g t�s povter of sa'e m^.d of fhe sat0.ine(ud'utg.without fan�fion,fz�m�ray• ,,•
<br /> sa
<br /> r�r.�:a�v1.ki3�TrusLee's Fees shall nat isr Rs�,grogats exeeed ffie toQowmg amowrts based upon the c�a:s�saaueSs r_ .,-.: -. -
<br /> � _ . L�aty��"sin�g unpeid:5 perceMu:cs rn.�[4e batanee thereot and then to tha�ems irt subparagr�4Te G'�u-a.1e oriSas _
<br /> � �1= � �.ets� :., `.'".:
<br /> .. ' •;`<
<br /> . . ,.`:,:�;-.-: {�j;/�►PaY,��fhe aema speci6e�in subparag�aPh (b)�i9 ffi9 saie is 6y Tntstee.or the proAar eourt and c;�er eosts aF ,
<br /> ` '` ,� fiaredostue mrtd eeie�7 the sa{e is puisu8nt b�adidal foredosure.the proteeds of safe sMD De aADLed in�ot3�t 8� `' - �
<br /> .���tt�` ee(owtoHr��ymeMot _
<br /> . , �i�-._ '
<br /> : t���;�; (1)A�omo�i:as end eosfs of ooQsetio��a;� ` :
<br /> ' nS�r.�,: e2)Cost�mayavidenw of t�la proa�axa�eWon w�h euch eeta and ofu�syrevicenue required to�e� `��.. , �
<br /> �r`fs,,, C�� ,��� Ttti�tdtas$ f�'.`•
<br /> i 1 4',!},�1 !��-: AOOb" ti71�� r�'. ,"
<br /> ;"`�r:t5 4t�4��,. (4)The rema6tder.Harry,to Yna Rers���'��t�Ied thetetn. ., . ,
<br /> . ,�,.r.; . ���- r
<br />.::_i � • -,-
<br /> . , R ADORIONAL SECUR171f INSTRUMENTS.Te�cstar,at ite oxperese.wU aiceeute end defiverto the Beneftdary.Drom upon : „ :` '
<br /> � . • demand.suct►sacur�Ty instrumentc as may be tequirad Dy Benefieiary.in form end suDstaneo sstisftse'fory to Benef.dary.eavertng .
<br /> z
<br />=�� . elry of tha Proparry wmroyed by this Deed of Trwt��gec�udY instrumeMs shaU be additianal seeur�l for Tnr�YUrs fadMuf .�-�i.,t'. �
<br /> . . •�4, per(ormanoo of eD ihe terms.eavenerrts and eond'Rions of thta Oaed o1 T►usi tho promissory notes ceared hereby.and ar►y o9�er :•'�:..z.:,;�
<br /> ' - security►instrumertts exewted in connectian with thb transaetian.3ueA h�struments shaU be reeor�ded or fi!ed s1Tn�nPs expense. Y�"°-"
<br /> . ���''�'-�"^:
<br /> 8. APPOf[JTflAF11iT OF 3UCCESSOR TRUBTEE.Banefrdary may.irom ttme to Ume.by e writEen instrument exeated and .;..�a;.
<br />- . . . aumpy�teQged by Beneflci�Y.mnit�od to T�r and reeorded in tha eaunry ar oountles in xfiHfi the PcopaKy is toeated end by '��s.::• ,
<br /> � � athenviss aomDtyfnB w�h U�e provlsbna of the ayD�to Invra ot tho Stete ot[�Iebraskn subst�o a sucoessor or suxecsora tolhe E-°?;:'�.>
<br />= _ � TrusteenttmodherolnoraGinghereunder. .:,;;i�;
<br /> � �r��� 9 INSPEClIONS BeneSdary,or�a agcr�.reFresentaUves ar workmen,ere authorued Lo eMer at erry�aasoneble fime upan = -
<br /> or in arry part ot fhe Property tor ths purpose of inspeetlng tRe eamo and fattlta purposs of pertcrming arry of the ar�d b author(ted = __
<br /> � . ` � tupeAom�unQorthetermsafthaDeeaotTrusi _ .- _ -
<br /> ' •� 10. OFTIO,V TO FORECLOSE Upon the oowrrenae of anY bretuA and upon the deelatstion af defanR Aaceundtr,BeneSdaty/
<br /> , sha0 haw the o�tion to toreetosa this Oeed aSTrust in Cro manner provided by taw for U�a toreclosure ot mortgnges on ceal properry. _-. _-
<br /> � � 11. FORWEARANC£ BY BEN�1CtAFiY OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIYER.My fore6earenca by BeneBd�l or Tnrsteo in , _-_=
<br />_ • � exerdsing eny d�l or remedy hereunder,or athetw"se allorded by appGeable faw aha11 not ba ewaivet of or predude the exercise � _--
<br />- of aiyl aud+rtgM o�somedy hereunQer.�vtse.the waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee af arry defauft of Tnistor under thb Qeed of - -
<br /> . , Trust shflO not tre doei.raodto 6e a waiver M tury othcr ar sim�v Qefaufte subsequetniy oawrtmg. ` , .
<br /> ' , � 12. 7AU9TOR Le➢�T RELEASFA.6densbn at ttu9 ttme for payman4 or modifi�stan a emarCaadan of tho suma coaued by this •-f.s .
<br /> I9 _
<br />'� " :. Qesd W Tnu!granffid by Bes�efidury to any suoeessar in hrterest alTrustar ehe11 not operate to refease.in auryt manno�fhe Gab�y►of -_-.
<br /> + the ortg�stil T�usto�and Tn�store sueee�or in interast Benefleiary BheO not 6e roqvaed to ernnmence proee[sd'm8s againsf suct�
<br /> suoaessor or reNso oa m�md tirrte tor paymerrt ar otherwise madRy amortlmttan ot the eiuna eeeuroa by.t�b Deed o!Trusi tsy .
<br />- . reasan of rmy demar�maQo by the orlgb�al TrusDor mnd Tnistot's auae�sore in intere3t • „ ,.
<br /> 13. BENfEFlC1ARY'8 POWER8.Wdhout aHecfiag or celnesL�g the Gabi@y of the Trustor or t�nyr other perari fiabte for the
<br /> , payment of any oE�g�ton h�rsin memianeQ anA w4haut atfecting the 6en ar ehmgo of tl+b Deed of Tn�.st upon ezry portton of the �
<br /> .� PropeAy not then a the�etotore refeased a�senufly tor the fu0 amount o1 n0 uepatd obUgado�.Benafldary may.�om Umo to Umo
<br />-� • and withaN notloe a!the request o1 ona os more Tnistnra n reiease arry person 6o Qab!e,�a)extend or conari the mah�rity or after nny ,
<br /> - of ffie tem�a af nny seteh obtigm3ans,(da grant other indu(genoos.(M retoase or tewnvey.m t�use to be reteasad or reoomreyed�A . .
<br /> any tlmo et Beneficlrst�/e opttons any parceb OoRion or atl W the Prapetry.(�fake cr retsase ar►y ather ot ndddionnl searriry for arry .
<br /> - • . oEtrgat�" n herort�ma�aned.M)mske compos�tona or other ertangemenb aritf�debtora in reteGon thereto.M Trustore shaA be
<br /> � � �eurtiy and severaltyy ob�eated end Eound by th0 aetton9 of the Benefletary►ar rinyl trustor as herem st�sd.
<br /> .`
<br /> � � 14. ATfORNEY FEES COS"f3 AND E7�ENSEB.If the Ben�tesry of thb Qaed ot Trost 1s a bank as defined by Nebrastm(aw, _
<br /> , .. .
<br /> -`�'- ---- � eny sffiLemem wrrtsuisd On anyr othei seeCan of tn�s deed nmwrthsmndmp,the Bertetldaq►sha(l not be ennusA to reooNO or tako and ^
<br /> _ ' � debtor shn0 not De oLl3got,ad to pay or Aive:arry carttesston of juQgmenR P�+ot atmmey to eontess�udgmant Paa�zr a!attomey to . �
<br /> ..- •� , appoar tor o bortov�rea tn a judide�)proeeeding or egreement L�pay the eoste of mttadion m ths et[omeys'teea un4as�the interest �
<br /> ' Pnyab!e by the tartns o11ha tYate retarred to in lhis deed i91696 per nnnum ar bss.ar the nota neferted to in thb deed ia repayable in
<br /> - � two ar more eQuN or unaqe+al i�l►maMs and over o perlod W more than one hunQred fody-five(1457 monNa ProviQed,howsver.
<br /> . thal thb section does aot apply to the bustoe fea refened�o In Pattgtapb 8.6(b).ProvlQed tuRherthat this Parsgraph 8.14 shnll nat
<br /> ° eppry to this Deed ot Trust,A tho BeneA.ettuy herem o not a banlc
<br />::" . . .
<br /> _. �j .0 ORtti117A1(1� -
<br />- _ : - . . . � oo�52Cm -_
<br /> 601071 RE/.143NfCrt3la sor�ovr��p,►r�
<br /> . . .. . ;
<br /> asreemaNeoave+�
<br /> � =-
<br /> . . • � — -_..=..._e .._._..._...a.o��_.�._�._.._,..�..�_ _�.
<br />