..t—+� ' . , • _ _:\ c�'
<br /> _"_-�-...�—.T .t ^,y'.,, i. 2 � z _ -�C y{ . � { -'A�..c�b G.
<br /> •� �:9 -� r .�'. ...� y\ . � - r- �:7'l; i- .. � t ,�,'�At .
<br /> a` "- � -.�ht '� .4 .,,, . :, .1� x4� J ���
<br /> 4. ��,.� `s•4` - -� __ —s---_..__5,1',:'x.c.+t'�c_ -a�. ._,.....>.._.....d.�..�
<br /> .=� - � 9�� /d�3�� i
<br /> :r .: � ,�°' 4. INSURANCE. 7nistor.at dn o�cpanse.rriU mairttattn wdh�neurere�proved by Bonofiaary.msaranoa wdh rospcad to iha ` � '�t .
<br />_ . � .,<.
<br /> < .� �;
<br /> � ���: , " improvements nnd perttond proporty.eonatifWng the Rrape�ty.againat Io�6y firo.lighhiu+g.tam¢do.tind othor perils and hauuds . 4
<br /> • , .. wverod Ey etandard e�denQed eavorago or�arsomard,m an emount oquel to at teact ono hundrod porcont o!t!►e tuli rep�aeemont • <• ,.
<br /> . � . vatua thereof and inearmzco agn�nai eueh athor�and�n 6uM amau�s aa ia cuatomarity eemad by owners cnd cperatars of �`° '
<br /> -. � s�nfilflr prcportias ot as BoaoBclety may mquuo tor itn ptot�ritlon.Ttu9Wr rnnfl�ompty v�rth oueh atAet roqwromonta s9 BeneRcmry mny �r'� ,
<br /> 0
<br /> •� : trom mne to t[mo roquoat for tho pmtocUOn dy maurcnce ot the in:oresm a1tAe roapocUVa O�a����"CO poUaea mmntefnnd ,
<br /> ' p � pursuar�t to Ihrs Oaed o!Ttuot eha11 aemm Tnusfor artA Benofiaary es msureda.a�thov respoWvo mtarasts mnY aDRoar.and pravnda .
<br /> • that thora shall ha no cesReeOffi�an or modHtr�stron wdhou!no tese thnn 18 daya prror wrdten notrfleation to Truatoo nnd Bn�efic�iuy.In
<br /> ' tho ewnt any paGry hereundor ea not renewad on or botoro t$disya pdar to Cs mcpuaLOn data.TrusWo or Banafiaery may proeuro , • �
<br /> , rya
<br /> such Insuranco in exordanq witl+tho pro�i:tlon9 a!parrsgrapA A8 horoo�T�sSor shaD dofrrer w 8or►efidary tho ortgind pottdtt9 of , �.
<br /> � ' msuranoo and cenewab ffie�aof or me�no wpins of eueh po6etos and renewa�theraa�Fa�ture to fum�sh sueh insuranoo by Tnistor, '` `
<br /> �� • . �� or renewats as required he�eunQer shal�nt the optlon o!Benefldary.wnstduto e deffwii •� �.', . .
<br /> ����'""•'°'� 5. TAXES.ASSE6SMEtdTS ANO CHARtiES.Tnistor sha0 pay aU texoa assassmer�ta end other eharges.in�udmg,wAhout .
<br /> a •
<br />- -�-- .: Gm�7etion. fines end imposRions ffitr�butabte to the Proporty.and IenseAotd paymenb at gtound rettts.if arry. beta�tha stttsea ,_- - �t - -�-
<br /> ' � Eecome de6nqaent Trustor sheU promptty tumsh to 6enefieiary dt noli�s ot a�aurtta duo unQer th's paragmPh.aed'a►the everd F "
<br /> < ' � Trustor shaU meke payment direcyh Tnisto►shaD promptty fum�h to Benefre�aiY reoe�ts evidencing sueh payments.TrusWr sha� . �' ' �
<br /> � , pay sl!taxas end asses,amerda whleh may be tevi�d upon 8enefrclacy/s interest hexein or upan this Qeed of Ttt�t w�thout regatd to ,r. :�`• .
<br /> . �;:i anylawthstmaybeenazmdimposingpaymentofthowhoteorarrypartthereot�rpontheBeneBefary. ;-. ,
<br /> r'.�,< . �� 1 g. RDDiTiONAI UBd3 AND PROTECTION OF BH�(ffiCIA�V'S S�CURIiY.TnrsWr sha0 meke all paymerts ot interest end �`'.
<br /> .`� lien holdera or rior � �.�":�
<br /> - principal and paymenta ot any►other ehargeA tees ena expenses eo�d to be paid to ar►y exishn9 d d�harge e�yP� -
<br /> ' • benefrdaries under arry p[ior desd of trust or mortgege befare the dffie they are delinquent and promplfy p y � � ;
<br /> - , ' eU othet Gens.d�ns ar charges whteh maY i�Pard'ae the seeurny granted heretn.M Tmstor feds Lo meka erry sueh payment or feits `,
<br /> . `:� to perform eny oi the oovenarrta end eg�eemenb oor�irfed in this Oeed of Tnis1.or b�arry p�ior maRgage or deed of trus�or d arry :`..•� �;.:�:
<br /> . .x e�tion or proseeding e eommeneed whid�mmeriaDy afteds Beneflciar�f9 mterest m tho Property.b�dud'e�g. but not Gm�ed to�
<br /> _ � . :` eminerd dama�proeeed'mga or praoeedmgs mwt++uig a deeeCent.or dTnistorte�lsto pay Tnesmr's debis generat[y�they 60come
<br /> • � due,then Ber►�.at Benefiria�y's option and wdhout notiee Lo ot demarid upon Tnistar and wdhout releasing Tiustor ftom arryt
<br /> _ _ . . _ o6trga�on he��-�'1er. may make sud� eppeuareas. disburse sueh eums and teke sueh ection as is neeessery to pratect i -.;_
<br /> ' � ;..t 8�',.a5naryrs fi��t uulufimg. 6ut nat�unded ta.d�sbufsemant of�aasonabie atmmey's fees. PaYmerd p�sa ootRest a► ,. ,., `
<br /> � .: r."'� � nb7/aDat�ths Pm w rtuiSce repaira.trt Yhe evat�t the�2 Tnmtor shelt 4�tu � �,,� •
<br /> %Fw�'t;:�.�°�a�;. car9Pr�mise o!arry eneumbrance.�erge or Gen.�d e PB�lr
<br /> � .. ".,`;c�;. ' � p.�..�e m s u r e r�e e o r�o p a y t m c e s,e s s e s s m e�.m m ry a tl t e r r h e r g e e o r t o m e k e a r ry p a y m e rt t s4a e a y exls�n g prFor fmn hotdete a. ._����zi'��!z=:•
<br /> c :;_._._.w;��:'.:;'�,`-c ....`�;, . . ., :
<br /> :. �fdarie�Ee'i�iarY maY Proeure su�ins•uamae and m��sucb paymer►t My amourds dis�icesed hy Ba��fttdary puisuant to a���� •_:
<br /> `�-:3� this Patagrayh A6J�sha0 6aoome addalonal inde3ffi�ess of Tnrsmr seeured by this Qeed af Tnu3. 8ueh amauc�Is she116e payahle ��i
<br /> .s.a:
<br /> _ �� . ;�� upon notia� Qrm �znefidary to Trw^tor re4:�i-i�3 Rayment thereof,and sheU 6ssv interest from the date o4 a�sbmsemem ai the , �.�;'.�r .
<br /> - !-••::;•: '� <"': �Payspfa�i,L�,a to time on outsOandia�p�apat under the WoLa untesa payment og iMerest at sueb rate�a�nWd Ee oontrary to �-' e.' ;:f�:.::
<br /> , •..=�;�:,`=:��;^` �l�ta�va,rar ehieb ever�t�enwu�s s�hsar int�est at the hfghest►ate pertn'ssble unQer appfccabta taw.Nothing `.` ,:�ri�~-'
<br /> �r•>.,�•>�
<br /> -'v%�t� �aed rtt L°rs Peisgr8ph a6 sha0 t0quve BeR6fid8ry t0 inGa+sr+)I+�cAsnse at tIIkO 811y ttCd0I1 h8telmdei. . ����,�,lr;:
<br /> .x{��`
<br /> . • i 8. iTISMIiYilALLYAGREEDTHIIT: C . _.
<br /> � 1. ASStGNMENT OF RENT9.Benef�ciary slt�Uhave tha dghR power end euthordy Quring the eortrt►uanac3��Deed at Tnut -
<br /> -- '_... to ao4ed the re�.lssuea snd profi�s of ths Property and of arry petsonaf property fomted thereon wdh arwiB�actOeiamg Po�:en ''�ar'<<' �;
<br /> � � of the proye�ty eHeei�d hereby.and Tnismr hereby rsbsofute�y and unoon�dionaRy e�igns all sush renSa.'ssue9 and Draffi91a ;�::_-
<br /> . � . Benef�eta�yr.Beneflctaryt,�owever.hereby conseMs t�the Tnutor's mtiection and�eteMion of�rente.is�es end p�ofds as they ,
<br /> ' +, aoaue and beoome puyabie so tong as Tnistor fs noL e!sueh time.in defautt w�h rospeet to payme�of arry indehtedness seeurod
<br /> ' hereby,ar�the pertarmanee ot arry agceemerrt he�eunder.Upon any►sucb QafautL Benefidary/may eterry ticne.eithor in pe�san.hy :�:i'� :.;.
<br /> = � ' :",.:�• oge�or by a receiver to be eppoorted by e oouA.without notiae anA wdhaut regard to Bta edequacy a!arry seeurtty tor the � .:a..
<br /> - � ' � indebteQne�s hareby ceeuteA.(a)eMer upo»artd�possession otthe Proyertyor en part�ereox artd in As avm namo sue tor ar ' "'`x•° '• :�:
<br /> y :��:.. ;.
<br /> � . . . � othac�xise eoQed sueh�ente.�ssue�m�d profda 1rtch�Qing thase past due and unpaid.and eDPN the samo.tesa eosts end wipenses ,
<br /> •..��: af opnration an4 ooRt�t�on.induQing reasanahto amomeys feea.upon a�ry indeDtedness seeured hereby.artd in such orQor as ,''�m�=,,
<br />- 8enott�try may QsOermine:N)Per(artn sueh aeb o1 repetr or prate�ion sa may be neeessary w propsr m aonservo ihe vaiu0 af the ' ':.ti-:. •. ..
<br /> :i. ,a�_��.•
<br /> • � � �i property(ej tease the same o►eu�y part�ereof far saeh re�terrn.end upon Bu�h eonditions ce rta judgmont may dida�or . y„„,,,.
<br /> mrmtrfate m afijust the terms and ounddicns of o�dating feasas.Untesa Trustor end Banofrdary tAereof eg�othecvdsse in wrrt�g. '-�r.:
<br /> .. . . . •�� mry etpp�tion af rerds,issues or proTib to nny tnQebfedness ceace0 hereEy sfia11 not�end or pos�one the Que date of the �,�,,, .
<br /> � . {nsGaIIntent ptsymenb a9 pravfQed fi seid promt�ory note or d�ange No amouM of suc�irtstaIImor►LA TRo entermg upan mtA € - .:� . :.
<br /> ', ' - ffiIdngposse�ion of IAe Properry.the cof[actlon of sud�ranb.tssues and profds.Md ba tsppGmtian thereof es atoresaid shdl not ,,: ��_�.t,
<br /> woivo or are srry defnuri a notlee M defauft hereunder ar imatidate+uty aet done p�tant to stteb notim.Tn�stor aiso assigrp to _ _ -
<br /> . � .:,•� Banefrdaryt a9 tuMar sewrily tor the perfarmence o!the o6�gt�to�saeured hecebyr,e11 prepaid retno arM aD monles whld�may .a.�r.;.
<br /> _ °= have bean or may hereeRer b�deposRed vr�saiA Tncstor bll�fl tesseB at Ne Property.to 6ciwte tha 0�lIR►���f/wnt m •. -----
<br /> � �.�� damnga9,or uyon detau�in the partormanw of any o!the pmvimicns hercot.Tnistor a�e�s to de§var eu�fi re�and deposds to - _— _ -
<br />_ _ � ' Berte9etary.QeGvaiy of v�tten oaUce of Beneflaaiye wcerdse W fhe rtghts granted heretn.to+ury tennnt aaupying add premEse9 '�__ .
<br /> Gva y
<br />__ • ;�_� ° shaA be sutfrderA to reQuce satd LenarR tu pay rent tothe BeneSriary ut�til AtMer noHoo� - _.
<br />-` . � 2 C O N D E M N A 7 t O N.i f t d t e t o a ry p a r t o t t h e P r o p e r t y s h a ll b s t n l a e n o�c c n Q e mm a G o n p m o e a d i n S a.L Y�i�s t o f e m i n ent Qomain
<br /> `' ^��-_=
<br />_ . ar sunder cdion.or afia0 6e Eotd under threat of candomnatcon.aD awerds.dtunaSss and pmoonQs are hereby essig�►ed and eha0 be � _ .
<br /> atd
<br /> ~�� , ... �.. Ddd eo BenoRetary who sha0 aPPN sueh etwards��rm�aSes nnd p�oeeoda to the sum seazred bI►thb Oeed of TtusL weA eho exc�a, ^
<br /> aar
<br /> - �G msy.peid to Tnesto►.If 4rustcr ro�ives arry rtoIIw or ather intarmation regnrdag sueh eWans m proaondotga,Trttstar sha0 gtve ,
<br />'-i:` � ' prompt wramn naUee thereof to Benefrdnry.Boreesdary eha9 be erddtsQ at as option,to eommerroe nppear tn end proseate tn ib . . . .
<br /> - � , own name ami su�aetian or prowada�gs end�D 6e entitled to meke tury►eampramiso or seStstment m oormeCton wdh t�ny sucA . _
<br /> — , . . adron or pm�tdirtgs. •
<br /> 9. FUTURE ACVAHCE9.UFon request of Trusbr.Benefletury►�BeROB�ryfo optioa prlar to reoanveyanee of the Proparty to ', � �
<br /> ' TNStOi.may make tuWce sdvru�oos to Tnistor.Such tY�ue advan�.wrt�orterest thmeon.shcfl De se�ued ti11 fhis Tnut Qeed •
<br /> _ . ' � �uhen evidenoed Dy prom�ssory c�ms sffitmg that sa�notes are sewred hereAyr,pra�Mod that ttt rtotimo sAnD ttm sowrod ptindpa4 . .
<br /> -- ' . tutuce advanaes.not indudmg sums edvaneed to prated the sewrGy.exceed Two ltwdred paraerd(�0096)of t?�e or�inel P�A� � .
<br /> — ' amourt�seaued hereby.
<br /> 4. REMEDlE8 HGT O(CWSIVE Tnistca and BeneBeiery,end eael�of them, sha0 Ee er�ttad to¢ntarce paymerrt artd •
<br /> � � peRormenm ot eny mdeEtedness c►o6Cgahans seaintd heceby and tn mcercise aP�r�gfit9 and poa�rers undor thb Qevd of Tn�st or , '
<br /> _ . undet em►other agreemeM exoa�¢d m eanne�nn herssvCfi ar eny►4nxs aw�or hareafter m toroa na�nQing sorrt9 m cDaf fhe �
<br /> -- sucA irt6sbtednes9 end o�LgaCarts saaued hereby rtmy now a hereafter be athervvise seeured.rfiather by mortgngs.Qcted attrust -., -,-_.
<br />--. . - __-. , � pSedge.Len,assignment or atAam6e.Nerthar ihe aaeptanw o1 fhm Qeed of Tnut nar ds er►toroemert rrAatRer Cy oouA aetion m •
<br /> • pursua�to tho Frnrrer of sril0 or aMer pawere herem w�rse+l.sNafl preluQc�or m m�y menner e1[ed TrusLeea ar Bertc��carye •
<br />_ � nghe to renfrm upan or entaree eny►other cew►rty naw ot hereaftot he6d�yr Thutes ar Bonef�eiary.d treirtg egreed 1hffi Tnestee artd .
<br />-- � � � Benefie�y.end earfi of UtertL ShaO Ea ernetad to enforae ttas Oeed of Tnist crid ar►y►ather sewr�Sy rtew ar herenlEet hetd tiyr .
<br /> , i Bertefieiaryr or Trusiee m sud�orQer en0 m9nner aa thay ar edher of them may in tAas e�oA�te disveimn de�artnme.[Vo cemedy .
<br /> here��ontertcd upan m reserved to Tnrsfe0 m Berre�Ctary m cimrtded to b0 mc�snre af erry a`,he►reme6y►herea�o►Oy taw
<br /> - � 1 pmvtded ar permiHed.but eaeli shaQ De tim�dativa artd shafl6e b�cdd3iaA to every other remady givan haretmdar m rtmv m
<br /> " , heteafter m�ting at ttm o�m equdy a hy s�.Every pm�ver ar rt�medy prwiQad hareurtdar thi9 Oaed of Ttusl to Tn�stea a
<br />- F Bertofp�ary o�Oo rrhi�h e�het of them m8y bs atherv�isa ent�aQ may Qo mtetasad.aorsotrtantN ot utQep82deritly.trom time t�o Cmo •
<br />_ � . j and e9 o1�an es may Ee Qeemed�edcar►t by T�w�sse ar 6enetncary artd esher of them may Pursuo trtcansisOsnt remeQis^.MWhmg .
<br />_ � . _� herom shnD Qe eonstruo0 a9 pmhmfing HenuAemry trom seekmg a defsmrml Ndgnent sgamst tlre Trustnr t�cRe e�QeM sudf acimn � -
<br /> == -,-, < _ :� cs per,-r+iGeG Lyr tar+.
<br /> � � - i 60T6�t nt�asen 0075�7 .. �
<br /> .. i _ _
<br />