.;. <<<, u� �.�'�_ . ,: . ,� ,y�`� _ . _.Mi•`._� ..� :_ �.
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<br /> - - -- ....,.,�- c_. _.. ...�. ... .. : .� --
<br /> -'�_'.` . , - ` a e` - - - -- � � - -- -- ,y���
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<br /> '�. y ., t .(+`' �C . .Q . c -.. i.6':Y - - ?' . .
<br /> . '.+�+' ._ � .G _
<br /> ��� g��, �Q�33� :�� � .
<br /> - -� 75. R�COAflfEYANCE BY TRUBTEE.tlDon rrt�Wn requast o!8onofleirry a�tln8 th�e0 sumo caiasrs�hareby havo traan patd. • .
<br /> . T .
<br /> = �` ,�.��'< .•F.�` ertd u p on eurtandor ot lht�Oaad ot Ttua4 en►d 1�+o tdab to T�ustse fm aena►�Ston and�mnt�n end upon pnymort by Ynustor ot
<br /> �. '. ,.: � .
<br /> ;.�`;_<` Tn�stees taos.Trusteo BhaO rozanvay to Tn�smr.or tAa parsoa o►D����n�d�°�0��o�w a c e a n t y.c r ry P o rt t o n af �
<br /> ffie Property�en hatd haroundor.Tho me@ob�n aud�m�mroyesneo of aay mmtaro or tneta atw8 Qo eondua►vo Drc�of of fho :�.,
<br /> n
<br /> -• �eso tlaereof.Tho gantaB in any rceanwyanao may be Qa.enlbad a�'tho pamon m porr.ona k�gniy antrtlod thosaso.' _f,
<br /> � te. Ni�{CE9.Exce p t tor arry notiwa domands.roquests ar Wh�r eommun�atlana requ�rad urtder oyplhxato taw to bs givon m • ,.,.��.
<br /> " �'i .�`�� enotAer msnner.whenever BeneBdarf►.TiusOor or Trusteo gives m sorvoa erry nat:eo pneNdtng.�vithout fimit�tan,notiee at Qofault •
<br /> r • : s and�rotiw o!selsy,demand9.�eque�s or otber c»mmunEeation r�re s y a�e t t o t h b O e e d of Trust ecch sueA natlex�Qemsnd. _ .�
<br /> � ..-�# requastor other eommuniseiion shan ba m w�ding artd�haD be eReetive on{y if the same is Qetive►ed by personat eereiee ar b maUes •
<br /> - � � �� by cer�ed mai,.Postage P�ep�.addressad to t}te ad�cm aet torth ffi the 6aginning af this Oeed otTrust AnY V�11�f+��►
<br /> � m °
<br /> ,- •,�� - -e t�e dian8s 8s addtesa tar sueh natieea by dsfiveang ar maiTsngto the ather paRy hereto.ae afaresaid,a natl�e ot sud�ehange.Asry :. -
<br /> � nadi�hereunder shaU be daemed to hsve been given tnTn�stor or Benefieiary,when given in the manner dest�d herein. �''`��_;"
<br />:r.,:"-...
<br /> • '`: � ' 1 7. R C�U E S T F Ola NOTICE TtusWr and Benefidary hereby request a copy of arty no�of defaul�enA a eopy of any noline -�>::��,�
<br /> �F � _
<br /> of sate thereurtder.be ma�d ta�neh pa�son v�leo�a party Ae�ato af tha sddress set fa�th tor s u�person�n e�h e r t h e f u s t
<br /> ��4 �,.: � '`� parag�apl�otthis0e�adatTn�statbelovi T .
<br /> `„. ��� ,�;:�
<br /> -. _ � .��. . :;�:..
<br /> `�° -f" ` .s;,'F:". 18 GO�dl.AW.�-ir��da#TrcSSShallbagovamedbyffielawanfthe8tateofNebrasim. '.•.=.r<^�_
<br /> . ' � : 4�`. tD Md ineu0 to �,'��i.2
<br /> � • •'.`• } ` 19. SUCCES�OpS AK�O�t:�ftS.7iiis.l�ead at TtusL end afi tarma,oondR�om and ob6gations herein.aPAN ; -.:, ;y�«
<br /> � ,��` .�.[�3 the Ee�of end�6mda�aQ p�.�a tiaretn.the'v heus.�mt devtsees.Versanal rePresentaUve�sueoa�oce end essigrts.The .' -..r��:A,�=�
<br /> : � , : �� termBane6t�'shaAmeanB�eawrterendfioiderofiheNam�,whstheroreotnaa�edas6�nefceiaryherain. -. , :--
<br /> " '� 2Q dO1NTANDSEV�iALUABILI7Y.AilmvertanOsmtdngteemstdsotT�tsha06a�rttattdsavetal. ': �i�'�
<br /> �. 1s��';
<br /> �.'�.,., .:•�*s. . �%.���`
<br /> . .7:ci
<br /> 21. SEVE�BlitTY.In the evetrt anyl cn�or mota of the ptovtsions co�hted in ffib�aed o!t�usL er the I�ote or erry ather ��f.�.
<br /> ,:..+,.�: ;..-�; seumly aistrurss�d Aiven in conneeUon vrilfi tAb Uansactlan�s0 far atiy�eason be hs[d to be invafid.�4egaiorune ot8�is t3sr2.i of � `';`f;''�i
<br /> ,`•':.i,i�;.,t •::,,`j< respe�t such bmra5diyt.11legal'dy.or une�oroesb03yt shnld at�apti�on of Beneftda�y.not afted any►a8�et Pmv�
<br /> a �
<br /> .�=;�:s;,•:;.•�.S�.#� TrusL A�t ffiL4 Ceed of Tcuat eAaA Ea onnstrued es it eueh invafid�e8�or unentoroeable pravfston tiad never 6�n�'heceln
<br /> -. �;. � 'j,:;%d i �. ' -
<br /> , „���,;� orffiereo�.(f�TvaGenotthbQeedaiTnististmc�Aasunentcroeabl�astoarryprutolthedeb6mitthefisntsi�3as�aTo��
<br /> I ' . .^.%�s%;.�°;. aa to arry p�¢¢�the Pmperty.the unsocure�zu�attiaQy secured portlon offfie debt shall be oamP�N R�P����'�
<br />-,.';.`':°�:i'��`: ,� thA remetnA�g mrd seamed or petd�ly see�P,�areon o!ttte dah��d e�pz�snm made on ths dehR v�z+rofu�71 m�undes . - .�°��
<br /> �.tis...,�:<„�:r ..,�„
<br /> ' ;:u5;a:..�,� ;•., .Z��. fomdosure cs�r eMoroamesrt ae�en at prnwdusa.shall 6e wnsMered p h�+e been f�4 paid on ertd a�AT��1�0�F�b'�'� , -
<br /> .::';::��'��:;.•.�.'�.��� ofthstpordonaf�edehtwhEat�usc.otsecuredornotfuVysecuredbytlieReno9t2�isDeedatTn�i ��:',zj;r:=::,
<br /> t
<br /> �-''� ��'�'1. `�.��' ' VYhenever used herein.fh0 sfie�gulet eliT,bOS Shell biCEl�9h8�(U�B�.Blid fh9 U50 018�78�de� °`r.,T�,
<br /> ��`'Q.,t ,:�E�''��s. ?2 NUM6ER AND�. ;r'''��'�'�
<br /> �`f;. .?: sltaDise app�io to ait ge�. � ;
<br /> �y� .. . . ' ..
<br /> . ?8. AC�AtiC£BY'¢[;-U�7EE.Tn�ai�pts this Tnrst wheh�.his U�aed of 7nesL dut�e�ce�d�Q edmawtedBe4� � �_�
<br /> , .y, 41:.,
<br /> � `''� madea puhitorocord as pc¢�6y taw. '��` :.
<br /> � � . . ,,:,
<br /> , �r,e.�,; 24. TRiiST�LtNB:EBTsW.:�iong as the Tnistee shda�et in goa�ta�tE and in refa�«e upon notloe��atlier fi7ar�mSon ,,'_s__
<br /> ' {�:','k, whid��in�S.saie d�sr��*c:�y Qeem to to n8able.end so[ong as Trustea sfia0 exere�e reasonabls pnzB�saa end es.�a in�s -�
<br /> . �, z�.,,,,:;1, admN'rtr�o�m�r�mder.T�shalloathadeblefararrytoseardamag�sw^^�inedmirteurtedbllfheTns�ausorartyBeneSdary
<br /> • •l'.-'��' �eted ihat the Tn�tee sha0 ba�ab(e 4nry tor�s cnm gmsa neBGSenae -
<br /> •- . ...�'i or bYanY ctlter�etsana vfiamsoever,il60mg ao�ressly stiP �
<br />- andw�fuldefauRintheDramisas. � ---
<br /> . � _-_
<br /> . . ,. . . `� IN WIT4VES3 VYH�iEOF.Tn�star has exeearted thb Master Oeed ot trust Form apd b]I tAe s�ing hereof admaNAedSes that he hea
<br /> -�.._� :: ,...f:: -
<br /> „ " ' .:�.; read nrtd�eeehred e tuD eopy Aaraof and ur�dersmnds fhat its tarm�,conddtona e�,d Me�rts are 1Uty ineorpon�sad into ths aetuat - .
<br /> �'--'="--`� i7ee3oZ'irus:ite oiy��eS csts.att d��a@s. � �
<br /> ' ' �, � �_.�
<br /> . .,:. �l
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<br /> . .� � -.
<br /> • �� .� ThotocegofigtnstrumentwasaeknawteCgedbetoromethg 3rdday�otOctdbes' .tg,�Z.Oy Arlene R
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