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201209603 <br /> 2. Applieation of Paymenis or Proceed5. Lxcept ns othcrwise described in this Section 2, all paytneiiLs <br /> accepted and applied by Letider shall bc app(ied in the fullowii�g ordc�� of priority: (a)intcrest due under U�c <br /> Note; (b)prineipal doc under die NoCe; (c) a��ioun�s dtie tmder Sec[ion 3. Such payments sl�a(l be applied to <br /> each PerLodic Paymcn[i�� d�e order in which it be�ne due. Aay rcmaiilu�g amount.s shall be appl ied fiist to <br /> late charges, second W nuy olher nmowits due under this Security InStrumcnt, and then to reduce the <br /> principal balance of tl�e Note. <br /> If Lender receives a payment fi�om Borrower lbr n dcliuqucnt PerioAic Vayment which includes n suIlicient <br /> amount to pay any late charge due, C(ie payment may be ap}�licd to the dalinquent payment and the lnle <br /> charge. If more lhan onc Pcriodic Payment is outstanding, Lender mny .ipply any payment receiveci from <br /> Borrower tu d�e repflyment uf lhe Periodic Payments if, and to t6e extent fhnt, eacli pnyinent can be paid in <br /> full. To [I�e extenC YhaC any excess exisfs afler �lic paymc��t is ¢pplied Go the fulf paymen[of one oe more <br /> Periodic Payments, such excass may be applied to any Iatc chnrges duc Voluntary prepayments shall be <br /> applied first W a�y prepaymcnt charges and then as desa�ibed in tlze No[c. <br /> Pary application of payments, insurei�ce piaoccds, or Miscellaneous Yroceeds to priucipal d��c undcr thc Note <br /> shnlL not extend or posCpone tlie dne date, or change ttic aivount, of che Periodic Yayments. <br /> 3. Funds for Eserow Items. Rorrower sl�all pay W Lentler on thc day Periodic Payments are due under die <br /> Nots, tmtil lhe Nulc is p;�id in full, a stnn(the "Funds") to providc tbr paymcut of�miounts due for. (a) taxes <br /> and assessments a�ld other i�ems which can ai:tain priority over tbis Securily Inatrumenl as a lien or <br /> cncumbrance on tl�e Yroperty; (b) LcaschoLd paynxnts or ground rents oo the Properly, if aiiy, (cj premiums <br /> for uny and atl insurance reqoired by Lendcr undcr Scctimi 5; and(d)Mort�gage lnsurance premimns, if�any, <br /> or ai�y simis payable by Rorrowee to Lender ii� lieu ul�tlic paymen[of Mortgage Ins�rance premiu��is iii <br /> accord��lce will� lhe provisions of Section 10. "fl�es�e ilems are calLcd "Escrnw items." At origination or a[ <br /> any Yime duri�g the I:em�of tlic L,oao, Lender may requii�e that Co�nmunity Association Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Bon�ower; and cuch daes, fees pnd nsscssmcuts s11aIL be an Fscrow <br /> Ilem. Borrower shall p�romptly fnrnish W Lcnder all notices oP amounts [o be paid under tl�is Scction. <br /> Burrower sl�ali pay Lender the F'unds for 13scrow I�ems unless Lender waives Bonawer's obligaliun W pay <br /> the Ftmds f�or a�ry or atl fiscrow Items. Lendet mzry wnivc Bon�ower's oblig2Cior�to pay to Lender 1^unds for <br /> aay or al( lscrow Ilcros at any time. Any s�ch waiver mt�y only bc in v,��i[ing. in the event of suck� waiver, <br /> Rorrower shall ptry dircetLy, when and where payable, the amo�mts duc Yor any Escrnw Items foa'which <br /> payment oP Funds hes been waived by Lender and, if Lendei ru�uirw, shall fi�rnisl�to L,�nder receipts <br /> cvidcncing such paytnent wiQ�iu suci� lin�c period as Lendet iiiay requu�e. Borrower's obLigation to maI<e <br /> such payinants and to provide receip[�shalt for alt pwposes be deemcd to be a coveoan�and ag�ecnxnt <br /> contained iii Lliis Sewrity Tnstrument, as lhe phrnsc"covenant and agreetneot" is used in Section 9. lf <br /> Rorrower is obligaled to pay Escrow Items directly, ptu-sunn�t� a waiver, and Ron'ower faits to pay the <br /> amount due for an LSscrow Item, Cender may exercise its rights under Section 9 anA pay such amount and <br /> Borrower shall tdien be obligatcd undea� Section 9 to repay to Lent3cr any such amount Lender may revoke <br /> I]�e waiver as to any or aLl Gsctow Itame a[any time by a notice given i��nccordancc willi Section I S and, <br /> upon such revocacion, Borrower shall pay to Lender al I Funds, and in s'ttch �mo�mts, thal nre Lhen requircd <br /> nndcr �l�is Section 3. <br /> Lender may, n[niiy time, collect and liold l�uuds ii�en amuuut(a)s�fYicient to permit Lender to apply We <br /> Funds a[the time specilied under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed LI1c nlaximum amount a lender can require <br /> undcr RESPA. i.ender shail estimatc the amount o4'Runds due on the bnsSs uf currcnt data and reasonable <br /> cstimatcs of expenditutes of fuuire Escrow items or otheiwise in aa;ord�mce willi Applicablc Law. <br /> 880�356ti�6 ��r P 660135A616 <br /> N�RASKA-SingleFamlly-FannleMaalPreddleN.ucUNIFOHMINSTROMENTWITHMEffS �� Form30281l01 <br /> V M P� VM P6 Paqe 5 of��)� <br /> Wolmrz Klumcr Financizl Servlcas <br />