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201209603 <br /> Tha Fmids shall be held in an insti[ution wliose deposlts a��e insured by a fcderal agency, instrui�ientality, or <br /> enlity(iiicluding I.ender, if Lender is a�1 institution whose deposiPs are su iilsw-cd) m� in any Fecleral IToine <br /> Loan Bank Lender shall apply the}�unds lo pay the Escrow IPems no later lhau thc time speci�ed under <br /> RF.SYA. Leildcr shall not cha�ge I3orrower for holding and applVii�g the Pnnds, annually ai�alyzing the <br /> escrow accoimi, ur verifying die Escrow Items, unless Le��der pays Rorrower interest on tl�c Funds and <br /> Applicable L2w permils Lci�der to malce suclt a charge. Unless nn a�reement is made in��ri[ing or <br /> Applicable requires inlerest to be paid on the Fonds, Lender shall ��ot be required to pay Borrower a�ry <br /> intcrest or earnings on the l�unds. E3urrowcr and Lender can agree in writing, however, fhat interest shall bc <br /> pnid on thc Funde. Lender sha[1 give fo Bonawcr, without charge, an annual nccounting of the Fur�ds as <br /> required by RESPA. <br /> if tliere is a surplus of Fuuds held in escrow, as deYined undcr RESPA, Leuder s[�all accouni to Borrower fa' <br /> the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as defincd ui�de�� <br /> RESPA, Lender sliall noGfy Borrowcr as required by ItESPA, and Borrowcr shall pay Co Lender the amoun[ <br /> necessary m malce up t6e sh�r[age in accordance widi RFSVA, bat in no mm�c tlian J2 monthly �ayments. Lf <br /> t}�ere is a deficicncy of Fmids held in es��ow, ns de&ned under RF,SYA, Lender shnll nutify Boi��ower as <br /> required by RL.SPA, nud Borrower shall pay to Lender p�c nmoanf necessary to make up the det7cicncy in <br /> accordance wiCh RFSPA, bttt ii1�o more than 12 tnot�thly paymems. <br /> Upon payment in full of alI smns secured by tliis Security instromeut, Lendcr shall promptiy refund to <br /> Rorrower any 1'imds hcLd by Lender. . <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Ronawer shnLl pay alI taxes: assessments, chu-ges, tiucs, and impositions atn'ibutable lo <br /> tlie Peuperly which can attair� priority ovcr �his Securiry instnunen[, Leasehold payments m� ground rents on <br /> the Property, if airy, and Community Associntion Dacs; Fees, and Assessments, if any. To t]ic extent that <br /> these items ace LCs-crow Itcros, Bon�ower slzalL pay Lhein in thc manner providcd iu Seclion 3. <br /> Burrowcr shall promptly dischargc tmy lic�i which has priority uvcr this Sccurity Inst'nnnent unless <br /> 13orrower. (a) agrees iu writing to lhc payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a n�umer accep[able <br /> to Leuder, but o��ly so long as Borrower is perfonning sudi agrezment; (l�) contests the lien in good faith by, <br /> or defends agninst enfbrecment oT the liet� ii�, legal proceedings which in Lender's opiuion ope��ate to prevent <br /> fhe enforcemen[uf tllc lien whle�L�osa proceedinos arc pending, but only nn[i1 such proc;ecdiiigs are <br /> concluded; or(c) secures fimn the holder of die lien nn agreement satisTactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> licn to ihis Sum�ity Instrumenl. If Lender Actermines t(ial u�y pnrt of die Property is subju:t[o a licn wl�ich <br /> ca��attain prioriry over tLiis Securi[y 7nstrumeny Lender mny give Bon�ower a notice ida�iGfying[he lien. <br /> Wi�iiu (0 days of tl�e date on wl�icll diatnotice[s given, 13orrower shatl eatisfy the lien or take one or morc <br /> 01 the nctioiis sct forth above in Lhis Scction 4. <br /> T.ender may rcyuire Borrower to pay a one-lime charge for a real estate tax verification and/or reporting <br /> service osed by Leildcr in connecuon�vit6 tliis Loa��. <br /> 5. Prope�'fy InsuranC6. Bvrrowcr ehall i<eep fl�e improveincnts no�v existing or l�ereaf[er erecCed un lhc <br /> Proper[y insured against(oss by lirc, hazards inctuded within lhc tenn "extended coverage," and any o�hcr <br /> hazards including, butnot tuniYed to, rerthqualres and'floods, for which Lciidcrrequires insurance. 'lhis <br /> insurance slia[1 bc maintained ia the anwimLs (including deductible levela) and for tlie periods that I.ender <br /> requires. What Lender requires pursuant To klie precediu�sei�tences can ohange durii�g lhe [erm of the L.oan. <br /> Thc insurance carrier providing the insurance sf�all be chusen by Borrower subject to Lender's righl to <br /> disn�provc Sorrowee's choice, which riglit sltall not be exercised unreasonabLy. Lendee may eequire <br /> Borrower to pay, in conneclion wifh lliis Loan, either. (a) a one-time cliarge for flood zone deCemiinalion, <br /> cerLification and trncking scivices; or (b) a ono-timc charge for flood zone dc[a�minafion and certificaYion <br /> eeoia5a�i5 d=.���� eeoi3sa2in <br /> NEBRASKA-SinS�eFamiiy-FannieMeeffretlrlleMacUNIFORMINSIeUMFNTWITHMfRS ( frorm302fl11111 <br /> VM P�q VM P6A(NE)(i 1 O5� <br /> N'olters Kluwar Financial Servicss Page 8 of t% <br />