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201209434 <br /> Insurance previously in cfft;et, at a cosl subslanlially equiv�alent to thc cust to Borrower of the Mortgegc Insurancc <br /> previously in cfCecl, liom an allernatc mortgage insurer scla:ted hy Lender. if substanUally eyuivalenl Mortgagc <br /> Insurance coverage is not available, Borrow�T shall conunue to pay to Le�der lhe amoun[of the separately dcsignated <br /> payments that were due whcn Lhc insurence coverage c�tsed to be in effecl Lendcz will accept, use and retain thesc <br /> payments es a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu oC Mortgagc Insuranca Such loss rescrve shall be non-rofund•able, <br /> nolwilhstanding lhe CaIX that ihe Loan is ul[imx[cly paid in full, and Lender shall nol bc rcyuired Lo pay dorrower any <br /> interest or exrnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer rcyuirc loss rescrve payments iF Mor[gage Insurancc <br /> coverage(in the amowri and for the period l6at Lcndcr reyuires)provided by an insurer selceted by Lender again <br /> becomes availablc, is obtained, xnd Lcnd�K reyuires separately designaled paymenu tuward the premiums for <br /> Morlgage Insurance. II Lender required Mortgage lnsurance as a condition of muking the Loan and 13orrowcx was <br /> required to make separately designetcd paymenls toward the premiums for Morlgage Insurance, Borrow�v shall pay <br /> lhe premiums required lo maintain Morlgage Insurance in effect, or to providc a nomrefundable loss rescrve, until <br /> Lender s requiremcnt frn Mortgage lnsurance ends in xccordance with any wrilten agreement betwcen Borrowcr ttnd <br /> Lender providing fur such termination or until [erminalion is rcyuired hy Applicable Law. Nolhing in lhis Seelion <br /> 10 affccls l3orrower's obligaUon to pay interest a[lhc rate provided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Insurxnce reimburscs Lc�dcr(ur any e�lity lhal purchases lhe Nole) for ccrlain losses it may incur <br /> if Borrower does nol repay thc Loan as agreed. 13orrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. <br /> Mortgagc insurers cvaluale lheir lolal risk on all such insurance in Corce from time to time, and may enter inlo <br /> agreements wilh olhcr pxrues that share or modify their risk, or reduce losses. These agrecmen[s are on lerms and <br /> conditions lhat are sausfactory to lhc mortgxge insurcr and the other party (or parties) lo thcse agreements. Thesc <br /> agrccments may reyuire lhe mortgagc insurcr to make paymenls using any source of[unds thxt lhe mortgage insurer <br /> may have availablc (which may includc funds oblained from Morlgage Insurancc prcmiums). <br /> As a result oC lhese xgreemcnts, Lender, any purohaser of the Note, anuthcr insurer, any reinsurer, any o[hcr <br /> entity, or nny aftiliate of any of lhe foregoing, may receive(direclly or indircclly)amounts lhat derive Gom(or mighl <br /> bc chazaclerized as)a portion of 13orrowp''s pxyments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for shxring or modifying <br /> the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. lf such agrcement provides that en xffiliatc of Lender takes a share <br /> of lhe insurcr's risk in exchange for a share of lhe premiums paid to thc insurer, lhe azrangemcn[is oficn tcrzned <br /> "capUve reinsurance." Further: <br /> (a) Any such agreements will no[ affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, ar aoy other terms of the Loan. Such agreements will not iocrease the amount Borrower will owe <br /> for Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle Borrower to any refund. <br /> (b) Aoy such agreemen[s will not afFect the rights Borrower has - if aoy- with respeM to the Martgage <br /> Insurance under the Homeowners Pxotection Act oF 199R or aoy other law. These rights may include the right <br /> to receive certain disclosures, to request and obtain cancellation o( the Mortgage Insurance, to have the <br /> Mortgage Insurance terminated au[omatically, and/or to receive a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums <br /> that were unearned at the time oF such cancellation or terminatioo. <br /> 11. Assignmen[ ot Miscellaneous Proceeds;Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigncd to <br /> and shall be pxid to Lender. <br /> If thc Property is damagcd,such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be xpplicd to reslo�ation or repair of the Prop�rty, <br /> iC the restorttUon or repair is economically feasiblc and Lcnder's security is not lessened. During such repair and <br /> restoraUon period Lcnder shall hevc the right to hold such Miscellaneous Procecds uniil Lender has had en <br /> opportunity to inspec[such Property to ensure the work has been complctcd tu Lender's saUsfactioq providcd that <br /> such inspcdiun shxll be undertakcn prompUy. Lender maypxy for lhc rcpuirs and restoration in a single disburscment <br /> or in a scrics of progress paymcnls as lhe work is completcd. Unless an ageement is made in writing ur Applicable <br /> Law rcyuires interest lo be paid on such Miscellaneous Procecds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowcr any <br /> inlerest or eaznings on such Misecllaneous Proec�ds. lf lhc resloration or repair is nol ewnomically fcasible or <br /> Lender's sccurity would bc Icssencd, lhe Miscellancous Proceeds shall bc epplied lo lhe sums securedby this Sccurity <br /> Instrument, whether or not then due, with thc cxccss, if any, paid lo I3orrower. Such Misccllencuus Proceeds shall <br /> 6e applied in[he order provided for in Seclion 2. <br /> N�RASKA—Single Family—Fannie Mar/Retldie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT- MEftS DocMaglcH,'�bxrrtna� <br /> Form 3026 1/O1 Page B of 15 www, <br /> •r� w� <br /> 's BANK 014025'I59 <br /> . FMOEQI 1207125453 <br />