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201209434 <br /> consent shall not 6e unrcasonxbly withhcld, or unlcss extenuating circumstxnces e�cist which are beyond Borrower's <br /> conlrol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Mainteuance and Protecfion of the Propertyg InspeMions. [3orrower shall not destroy, <br /> damage or impair the Property, xllow lhc Property to dcicrioratc or commit waste on the Property. Whelhcr or nol <br /> Borrower is residing in the Properly, l3orrower shall maintttin [he Property in ordcr lo prcvcnt lhc Property from <br /> detcriornting or dccxeasing in value due to its condition. Unless il is delermined pursuanl to Section 5 that repair or <br /> reslortttion is not ecpnomically feasiblc, Horrower shall promptly rcpair the Property iC damagcd lo avoid further <br /> deterioralion or damage. If insurencc or condcmnxUon proceeds are paid in conncction with damage lo, or the laking <br /> oC, the Properly, Borrower shall be respansible for repairing ur res[uring the Property only if Lcnder has rcicascd <br /> procccds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for lhe repairs and resloralion in a single payment or in <br /> a series of progresa paymcnts as lhc work is completed. 11'the insurance or condemnadon proceeds are not sufficienl <br /> to repur or reslore[he Properly, Borrower is not relieved of 13orrow��r s obligx[ion for lhc complc[ion uf such r�pair <br /> or restoration. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspcetions of the Propcxty. If it has rcasonablc cause, <br /> Lcndcr may inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. Lender shall give BorrowcT nolice al the Gme <br /> of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such rcaso�able cause. <br /> S. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrowcr shttll bc in dcfaull if, during the Loan application process, <br /> 13orrower or any persons or cntitics acting xt thc direclion oFBorrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consenl gave <br /> mazerially falsq misleading, or inac;curale informalicm or statcments to Lcndcr (or fxilcd to provide Lcnder with <br /> matcrixl information) in connecuon with the Loaa Material represenlntions include, but are not limited to, <br /> represenlaUvns concerning 13orrower's uccupency of thc Property as BorrowcR's principx] residence. <br /> 9. Proteetion of Lender's Interest in the Proper[y and Rights Under [his Security lnstrumen[. If(a) <br /> Borrowcx fxils to perform the covenants and agreemcnls conWined in lhis Security lnslrumeny (b) there is a legal <br /> procccding thttt might significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security lnstrument <br /> (such xs a procecding in bankruplcy, probatc, Cor condemnaUon or forfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may <br /> attxin priority over this Security Instrument or to enforce laws or regulations), or(c) dorrower has abandoned the <br /> Property, then Lcndcr mxy do and pay Cor whatever is reasonable or appropriate lo protecl Lender's interest in the <br /> Properly ttnd righLs under lhis Seeurity Instrum�nt, including prolecting and/or assessing the value of lhe Prc�crty, <br /> and securing and/or tcpairing lhe Property. Lender's aclions ctm indude, but arenot limilcd[o: (a)pttying uny sums <br /> xcurcd by x lien which has priority over this Security Instrument; (b)appearing in court; and(c)paying reasonable <br /> attorneys' fees to prolect its inleresl in the Property end/or rights undcr this Security Instrument, including its secured <br /> position in a hankruptcy procceding. Securing lhe Property indudes, bul is nol limited lq entering the Propcxty to <br /> make rc,pairs, changc locks, replacc or board up doors and windows, drain waler from pipes, eliminate building or <br /> olhcr codc violations or dangerous condipons, and have uUliUes turned on or ofL Although Lender may take action <br /> undcr this Scction 9, Lend�v does not have ro do so and is not under any duty or obligation lo do so. lt is agreed that <br /> Lcnder incurs no liability Cor not taking any or all ac[ions authorited under lhis Seclion 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Sc�tiun 9 shall becomc ttdditional dcbl of Borrower sccurcd by this <br /> Sewrity Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at ttre Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be <br /> payable, wilh such inleresl, upon noticc from Lcndcr[0 33orrowcr rcquesUng payment. <br /> If this Securily lnstrument is on tt leasehold, 13urrowcr shxll comply with xll thc provisions of lhc lcasc. <br /> Borrowcr shall not sumender the leasehold estatc and intcrests herein conveyed or terminate or cancel the ground leax. <br /> �orrower shall nol, wilhoul lhe express writtcn conscnt of Lender, alter or amend[he ground lease. [f Borrower <br /> acquires fcc title to the Property, the Icasehold and the fee liQe shall nol mcrge unless Lender agrecs lo [he merger <br /> in wriling. <br /> 10. Mortgage Insarance. If Lendcr requircd Mortgagc Insurancc xs a condition of making thc Loan, Borrowcr <br /> shall pay the premiums rcquired lo mainiain lhe Mortgagc Insurancc in effect. lf, for any rcasoq lhc Mortgagc <br /> Insurancc covcragercquired by Lcnder ceaxs lo bc available&om the morlgage insurer that previously provided such <br /> insurancc xnd Bormwcx was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, f3orrower shall pay thc prcmiums rcyuircd to oblain coverage substanlially equivalen[[o the Mortgage <br /> NFBRASKA--Single Family—Fannie MaelFreOtlie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT- MERS pocMagice!',�z�r,nr,�;, <br /> Fortn 3028 1l01 Pege 7 of 15 www_docmagi<.mm <br /> •y� wi[ <br /> `[ <br /> BANK 014025159 <br /> . FMDEED 1207125453 <br />