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201209434 <br /> In thc evcnl of a lolal laking, deswction, or loss in value of the Property, lhe Misu;llancous Procceds shall bc <br /> applicd Lo lhe sums secured by this Sccurity Inslrumcnt, whether or not thcn duq wilh lhe excess, if nny, peid lo <br /> Borrower. <br /> In the event of x partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Propc,T[y in which the fxir market value of <br /> the Property immediately before thc partixl laking, destruction, or loss in vxluc is cyual to or grcater than thc amounl <br /> of the sums secured by this Sccurity Inslrument immediately beforc thc parlial talting, destruclion, or loss in value, <br /> unless Borrower and Lendcx olherwise agrec in writing, the sums sccured by this Securily Instmmcnt shall be reduced <br /> by lhc amounl of thc Miscell:tneous Proceeds multiplicd hy the following fradion: (a)thc[olal amount of[he sums <br /> secured immedialely before the pxrtial teking, destruction, or loss in value dividcd by(h)thc fair market valuc of[hc <br /> Property immediatcly bcforc the parGal laking, dcstruclion, or loss in valuc. Any balance shall be paid to Borrowcr. <br /> In lhe evcnl of a parlial[aking, dcstruction, or loss in value of the Proper[y in which lhe Cair markct value of <br /> ihe Property immediately beCorc thc pxrtial laking desWc[ioq or loss in value is lcss lhan d�e amount of thc sums <br /> secured immedixtcly beforo the pazlial laking, dcstruclion, or loss in value, unless 13orrower and Lcndcr olherwisc <br /> agree in writing thc Miseellaneous Proe.�eeds shall be applicd[o the sums secured by this Security[nstrumenl whether <br /> or not the sums arc thcn duc. <br /> If the Property is ttbenduned by Borrowcr,or if, aher noticc by Lender lo Borrower that thc Opposing Party(as <br /> defined in the next sentcnce) offers lo mnke an award to scltle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to <br /> Lcnder within 30 d•ays aher the date the no[icc is givcn, Lender is a�thorized to collee,t ttnd ttpply lhe Misccllanews <br /> Prweeds eilher ro restoralion or rc,pxir of lhe Property or to[he sums secvrcd by ltils Securily Instrument, whelher <br /> or not then due. "Opposing Pazly" means lhe third party lhat owe,s Borrower Misccllaneous Procccds ur lhe party <br /> against whom Borrower has a righ[of ac[ion in regard to Miscellaneous Proceeds. <br /> f3orrower shall bc:in default if any action ur proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in Lcndcr's <br /> judgment, could result in forfciture of Lhe Property or other material impttirmcnt of Lender's interest in lhe Property <br /> or righu undcr this Securily Instrument. 13orrower can cure such a default and, if acceleration hns occurred,rcinstete <br /> xs provided in Scction 19, by causing the adion or proceeding to be dismissed with x ruling that, in Lender's <br /> judgment, precludes forfeiturc of[he Property or olher material impairment of Lendcr's interest in thc Property or <br /> righis under this Security Instrument. The procceds of any award or claim for dxmngcs that are attributable lo thc <br /> impairment of Lender's interesl in thc Property aze hereby assigned and shall bc paid to Lendcr. <br /> All Miscellaneous Procccds that are not applied to restoration or r�pair of lhe Propeny shall bc xpplicd in the <br /> order providcd for in Scc[ion 2. <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbeerance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exte�uion of the time for payment or <br /> modificalion of amorUzation of the sums secured 6y lhis Sccurity Instrument gran[ed by Lender to Borrowcr or any <br /> Successor in Interesl of Sorrower shall not operxte lo relcase[hc IiabiliLy of 13orrower or any Succcssors in Interest <br /> of Borrowcx. Lender shall nol be required to commenec proccx:dings agunsl any Successor in Interosf of Borrower <br /> or to refusc lo extend lime for payment or othcrwisc modify amortization of the sums sc�vred by lhis Security <br /> Instrument by reason of any demxnd made by thc cniginal 13orrower or any Succxssors in Intcresl of Borrowcr. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy including, without limilalioq Lender's acecptance of <br /> payments fmm third persons, enUlies or Soccessors in Interest of Borsower or in amounts less lhan lhc xmount Lhen <br /> duc, shell not be a waiver of or preclude the excrcisc of eny righl or remedy. <br /> 13. Joipt and Several Liability; Co-signers;Successors and Assigns Bound. Horrower covenanls and agrccs <br /> lhat Bomowcr's obligations and Iiability shall bejoin[xndsevcral. Howcver, any 13orrower who w-signs lhis Sccurity <br /> Instrumenl bul does not execute the Nole(a'bo-signer"): (a)is co-signing this Security Instrume�l only to mortgxge, <br /> grant and convcy the co-signer's interesl in lhe Property undcr thc terms' of lhis Security Instrumcnt; (b) is nol <br /> personally obligaled to pay thc sums secured by this Secvrity lnstrument; and(c)agrees that Lender and any othc.r <br /> Borrower can agree to extcnd,modify, forbeaz or make any accommodxtions with regard lo the terms of this Security <br /> Instrumcnt or the Nole without the co-si�ner's conscnt. <br /> Subjecl lo lhe provisions of Section 18, xny Successor in lnterest of Borrowcx who assumes Borrower's <br /> obligations under this Security Instrument in writing and is approved by Lender,shall o6tain all ofBorrower's rights <br /> and benefits under this Security Instrumcnt. Borrower shall not br.releascd from Borrower's obligations and liability <br /> N�RASKA—Single Family—Fannie Mar/Fretltlie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT- MERS DocMagFc�� <br /> Form 3028 1/01 Pege 9 of 15 www.docmagiamm <br /> �y� w:'e <br /> `" BANK 014025�59 <br /> . FMDEED_1207125453 <br />