<br /> not be exercise;d unrcasonably. Lender mxy reyuire Borrower lo pay,in connwtion with lhis Loxn, cilhcr. (x)a onc-
<br /> [ime charge for tlood zonc dclerminxtion, certification and tracking services;or(b)a one-time charge for llood zonc
<br /> determination and certification services and subsequenl chazges ette;h timc remappings or similar changes occur which
<br /> reasonably mighl xffec[such determination or certificxuon. Borrower shall ttlso be responsible for the paymcnl of
<br /> any fees imposed by the Federal 6mergency Manxgemcnt Agency in connection with the rcview of any llood cone
<br /> dctcrmination resulting from an objection by Borrower.
<br /> If Borrower fails to maintain any of lhe coverages described above, Lcndcr mxy obtxin insurancc covcrage, at
<br /> Lcnder's oplion and Borrowp''S expense. Lender is under no obligalion to purchase eny particular lypf:or amount
<br /> oC coverxge. 'Chcreforc, such coverage shall cover Lendcr, but might or might not protect 13orruwcT, 13orrowci s
<br /> equity in the Property, or the contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liabiliry and mighl provide grealer
<br /> or lesser coverage than was prcviously in effecL BorrowcT acknowlcdges that thc cos[oC the insurance covErage so
<br /> obl•nined might significantly exceed lhe cosl of insurance lhal Dorrower cuuld hxve ob[ained Any amounts disburscd
<br /> by Lcndcr under this Section 5 shall becomc additional debt of 13orrower secured by lhis Security Inslrumenl. These
<br /> amounts shall bcaz inleresl at lhc Notc ratc from the datc of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interes[,
<br /> upon notice from Lender lo t3orrower requesting paymenl.
<br /> All insurance policies rcquired by Lender and renewals of such policies shttll be subjecl lo Lender's right lo
<br /> disapprove such policies, shall include a standazd morlgage clausc,and shxll name Lender as mortgagec and/or as an
<br /> additional loss payee. Lender shall have lhe right to hold lhc policies and rencwal certificates. lf Lender rcquires,
<br /> Bomower shall promptly give to Lender all receipls of paid premiums and renewal notices. lf Borrower obtains any
<br /> form of insurxncc cwerage, not olhcrwisc rcquired by Lender, for damage lo, or destruclion of, the Property, such
<br /> policy shall includc a slandard morlgage clause xnd shall name Lender as mortgagec and/or as ao additional loss
<br /> payee.
<br /> In lhc cvenl of loss, Borrower shall givc prompl notice lu the insurence carricr and Lendec L�nder mny mnkc
<br /> proof of loss if not made prompQy by Borrowec Unless Lender and Borrower olherwise agree in wriling, any
<br /> insurance proceeds, whelhc.�r or not[hc wdcdying insurxnce was required by Lender, shall be applied lo restoration
<br /> or repair of the Property, if lhe resloration or repair is economically feasible and Lendcr's sccurity is nul lcssened.
<br /> During such rcpair and restorxtion period, Lendcr shall have lhe righl to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender
<br /> has had an opportunity [o inspcct such Property to cnsurc lhe work has been completed to Lendcr's saGsfactioq
<br /> provided (hat sueh inspec[icro shall be underL�ken prompdy. Lender may disburse proceeds for lhe repairs and
<br /> restoration in x singlc paymcnt or in a series of progress paymen[s as[hc work is compleled. Unless an agreemenl
<br /> is made in writing or Applicable Lxw rcyuires inferesl to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lendcr shall not bc
<br /> rcquired lo pay Borrowc,T any inlcresl ur carnings on such procecds. Fccs for public adjuslcrs, or othcr third pxr[ics, _
<br /> reheined by Borrower shall nol be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation oC Borrowe�.
<br /> If the resloration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would bc lessc,�ned,the insurxnec procc�cds
<br /> shall be applied to[he sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument, whether or nol then due, wilh thc excess,if any,paid
<br /> l0 13orrow�r. Such insurancc procccds shall bc applicd in the order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> [C}3oirowcr abandons thc Property, Lender may file, negotiatc and scltle any available insurance claim and
<br /> relaled maUe�s. If F3orrowc,T ducs not respond within 30 deys lo a noticc&om Lender thttt lhe insurxnce carrier has
<br /> offered to selUe a claim, lhen Lender may negoUale ttnd settle the claim. I'hc 30-duy period will begin when the
<br /> notice is give�i. In either event, or if Lendcr acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrowcr hereby
<br /> assigns to Lender(a) Sorrowc.v's rights lo any insurance proceeds in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid
<br /> under thc Nole or this Security Instrument, and(b)any o[hcr of f3orrower's righls(olher than the right to any refund
<br /> of uncarned premiums paid by Borrowcr)undcr xll insurance policics covering the Praperty, insofar as such rights
<br /> are applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lcndcr may use thc insurance proceeds eilher to repair or restore thc
<br /> Property or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note or this Securiry lnstrument, whether or nol thcn duc.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Borrower shnll occvpy, cstnblish, and usc lhe Properfy as Borrower s principxl residence
<br /> within 60 days aller lhe executio�of tttis Security Inslrumenl and shall continuc to occupy the Property as 13orrowa's
<br /> principal residcnec for xl Ieast one year after Lhe da[e of occupancy, unless Lendc.�r o[herwise agrees in writing, which
<br /> N�RASKP.--Single Family--Fannie MaelFredtlie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT- MERS pocMag/c�6;�
<br /> Fomt 3028 1101 Pege 6 of 15 www.docmagic.com
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<br /> `? BANK 014025'159
<br /> . FMD�_1207125453
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