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� 201209310 <br /> con}inue to pay to I,ender the amount of tl�c scpatatcly designatc;d paymcn�Cs (1�aY were due when Che <br /> insurancc coverage ceased Co be iu effecl. Lender will acoept, uae ftud retni�i Ehese pnymente as a <br /> non-refundable loas i eserve in lieu of Mortgage Iiisurnuce. Such loss reserve shall be non-refiu�dable, <br /> notv✓iEl�atnuding the fact Ehat the Loau is ulumately paid in full, a�id I.ender sHall not Ue required to pay <br /> Borrower any interest or aaa'vings on such loss reseive. l.endcr can i�o longcr rcquire losF rescrve paymc�its <br /> iFMortgage]nsm�ance covernge(in kho amount and for Lheperiod that Lender requires)provided by an <br /> insw�cr scic;cted by Lende�-agnin 6ecomes nunilnble, is obtainecl, nnd Lender requires separataly designated <br /> paymente towaid the premiunis for Mortgage Insu�anoe. If Lender required Mort�;age Insurnncc as a <br /> contliYion of making I'he Loan aud Rorrower w�s requircd to makc separaCely desigualed pn3ni�ents toward the <br /> premiums for Mortgttgc Insurancc, Borrower ahall pny the pxemiurt�s required to maiuYain MorCgage <br /> Insurance in effeot, or to provide a non-refundaUle loss rescrvq uuril Lcnder's requireinevlC for Mortgage <br /> Insuraa�ce evds in accordazicc wifl� auy writeen agreement between Borrower nnd Lender proeiding for such <br /> tennination or imtil teruiinition is required by Applieeble Law. Notlung in tliis Section 10 af£ects <br /> Borrowcx'a ol�lig�tion to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. <br /> NlarGgage InSw�ance reimburscs Lender (or tuiy entity that pnrchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur <br /> if Borrower does not rep�g 11ie Loan es ngreed. Borrov�ar is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. <br /> Mortgage insur�'s cvalitato Eheir loCa1 risk on nll sueh iusurance in focce fcoui tii�e to time, and may enter <br /> inte� agreemenCe with other psu ties thlt share or inodify their i�alr, or rcduce losaes. These agreeinents nre on <br /> teems and conditions fhati aa•e satisf�cfory k>thc mortgage inaiirex and the othee party(or partiies)to flieae <br /> agreemant�. "I hesc ngirocii�enEs ix�y ruliure the mortgnge insw•er to malca paymetrty using a��y source of fuiYds <br /> hhal the mortgage ineurex may hava availaUle(wluch m�y inc1udc funds n6�ained from Morlgage Insurance <br /> premiums). <br /> As �result of these agreements, Lender, a��y purc1�asor crf the Note, anoH�er iusueer, �ny xeinsnrer, avy other <br /> entity, or airy affiliate of any of tl�c forcgoing, may receive(direotly or indirectly) emomita Yhnt derive 1i�oin <br /> (or might Ue charactceizcd as) a porLion of Borrower's paymeirts for Mortgage Lisurance, in exch�nge for <br /> sharing or mociiFying the martgage insurer's risk, or reduciug losses. If stitch agrcement providos fhaL an <br /> nfFiliete of Leiider tzlces a share of the insw e�''s iislc in cxehange�for a share of the premiums paid to the <br /> insiu�er, the arr�ngement is oftcni Len'mc�i "oapCive reinsnrence." Purther: <br /> (a) Any sucL agreements will not aPfcet thc amounts that Burrower lu�s agreed to pay fnr MorOgaga <br /> Insnrancc, or auy ollicr terins of the Loa��. Sach agreemenCs will not umrease the flmunnt <br /> Borrower will owe for Mortgage Insnrnnce, nnd tlrey will not enYitic Borrowor to any rcFand. <br /> (p) Any such xgreements will nut affect Che righCa Borrower hae -if any- wiCh respect to tlic <br /> Mortg��ge insurance m�der ttie Iiomeo�vners ProCection Act oF 1998 m•any otl�cr lnw. These rights <br /> �nay iuclnde the riglit to receive certaiu discloanres, to reqaest nvd obtain ca�ncell�tiun of tlie <br /> Mortgnge Iusnrauce, to liavc thc 1'Iortgnge I�isnr:ence terminated �iaton�nClcally, and/or In receive <br /> a reftuid of any MorYgt�ge Lisur;�nce premfiirns 17�aC were iu�es�rued at fLe�tinte of snclt <br /> cxncellaHon or termu�ation� <br /> 19, Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; ForFeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereUy assigned to <br /> and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> IP che Property is damnged, such Miscellzneous Prooeeds s1�a11 Ue applied to resforation or ropttir of thc <br /> Pxoperty, if the restoration or repair is economically £vasiUlc�and Leuder's secucity is noC lessened. During <br /> such repair aild restoration period, Lcridcr shall have che right to hold such Miscellaneous Prooeede Lmtil <br /> T.ender has had an opportuniLy to inspect siich Property to ensw�e the work has been eompleted to Lender's <br /> ` snoozsss <br /> N EerzASKA-Single Fam Ily-Fannle fA eelFradtlle M ac UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Porm 3028 1101 <br /> ViNP OO VMPB(NF)(1106) <br /> W olters Kluw sr f-inanolal.Serulces Pn9e fl of�I] <br />