<br /> satisfaction, provided that snch inspection sl�all be undcrta1ccri promptly. Lander�nzy paX for tl�e repairs
<br /> and restoraEinn in a eingle diebursctnenC or ina aeries oPprogre.ss paymenCs as She work is compleCcd.
<br /> Urfless�i ngreement is mnde in wrlting or ApplicnUle I aw requirea interest to be paid on such
<br /> Miacellaneous Proceeds, Lender ehall uot be reqtiiired to pay Borrower azry interesE or earnings on such
<br /> Miecellaneoua Proceeds. If'the restoration or repair is not economically feasiUle or f.ander's security woLild
<br /> be lessened, tl�o Miscclle�na�ue Yrocc�de shall be applied lo the smn.g aeciued by uhis Se;curity InsCrmilent,
<br /> wheiher or not then due, with the exoees, if ntry, paid to Borrower. S�ch Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be
<br /> �pplied in the order provided f'or in Section 2.
<br /> In the euent of a total taking, desYruotion, or loss in value of the Propeety, flie Miscellaneous Proceeds shall
<br /> � ba applied to tlie swns secured by this Scctiu•ity Tnehumont, whcther or not then duq with the cxecss, if ttny,
<br /> paud to Borrower.
<br /> Tn the ovent of a p2rtial taking, dealruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the falr market vtdne of
<br /> Che Properry immedintely before the partial Yaking, dest�uction, or loss iu value ts equal to or greater than the
<br /> 2mount of tihe stuns sectu'ed by tihie Security lnst��tiunent rnvnediately b�forc tl�o partial taldng, destruodon, �ar
<br /> loss iu value, un1oss Rorrower and Lender otherwise agree in writiug, the suma seoured by this Secuxity
<br /> instrument shall be reducecl 6y the unouut of the Miscellx�ieous Proceeds multiplied by the follo��iug
<br /> fraotion: (�t)the totatl nmomit of tha smns secm�ed i�nmediately before tlie partial taldug, deshuction, or loss
<br /> in value divided Uy(U) fl�e fair marlwt value of thc Ptn�erCy iminediately before the parCill taking
<br /> destructi�n, or loss in value. Any bnlanoe sh�11 be paid to Borrower.
<br /> In flie eve��t of a partial talcing, dc;s6ructioi�, or loss in value oP the Properly in which the fair market value of
<br /> tl�c Pro�erty iinu�eciincely before the partial t�lziug, destruction, or los�in value is less than the amomrt oP the
<br /> scuns secured iimnediately before the partial tiakiug, destruction, or loss in v�1ue, tuiless Borrower and
<br /> Lencler otherwise�gree in writing, the Miscel1aneaus Yrocccds shall hc applicd to thc sums seeurcd by Chis
<br /> Security Iustru�nent whcther or not thc�iuns ere then due.
<br /> If the Property is abxndonod by Borrowcr, or if, afCer noCioe hy Lencler to Borrower LhaC the Opposing Party
<br /> (��s deGned in the n�t seutenoe) offexa to m�lce en award to settle a cl�tim for damages, Borrowar fuls to
<br /> respond to Lender within 30 days aftec the date flie.uolice is given, l.eiider is authorized to collecf�nd apply
<br /> the Miecellaneous Procceds either to restoratiion or rep<ur of the Properly ox fo fhe euins sec�tred by this
<br /> Security InsCrwnent, wheYher or noC tihen dtte. "Opposin};P�rty" means Uie Cliird party 11�at owes Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneoue Proceeds or fl�e}�arty against wl�om k3orrower has a right oP action in regard to Mi�oellaneous
<br /> Procecds.
<br /> liorrower sl�all be in dcfault iC any action or proceeding, whelher civil or criminal, ic begim Ch1l, in Lender'a
<br /> judgn�ent, cotild resulC in forfei[ure of the Property or oYhe�•niekeiinl impairment of Lender'a ixiterest in the
<br /> Property or rights undar this Securiky I�istnunent. Borrower can cure snch a default�uid, if acceleration has
<br /> occw�reci, reiiistate as provided in Scctioi� 19, by caueing the aeCion oe proeeed'u�g to bc disinissed with a
<br /> ruling ChflC, in Lender's judgneut, precludes fox£eihire of the Property or other mnterial impairment of
<br /> Lender'e interest in the Property or rights under this Security L�sirmnent. Tlie proceeds of'axry award or
<br /> claiui for damages that are attributab1c to the in�pairmcnt of I,endcr'e interost in thc Property arc hareby
<br /> assigncd and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> All Miscellaneous Yroc eeds that are not applicd Io teshoration or repnn�of the Property shall be applieci in the
<br /> ordc��provided for in Seclion 2.
<br /> ` 2�ooxsss
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singla Fonilly-Fen�ila MeelFreddle Mao UI.9FORM INSTRUM ENT Porm 302b 1/01
<br /> VMP pp VM P6(NE)(1106)
<br /> Wolters I(luwer f-inancialSerNces Page 19 oi 7]
<br />