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201209310 <br /> for the repairs and restor�tion in a single payment ar in a sexies of pro��ess payinente ns the work is <br /> completed. If the inswance or ooudemnation prooeeds are not sufticient to repair or restore tlie Properfy, <br /> Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for tlie completion oF such repair or restioration. <br /> Lender or its agent may make raasonable entries upon and inspecTiona of the Property. If it lnas raasonable <br /> cause, Lender may inspect flie interior of the im��rovements on the Property. Lender sUall give Borrower <br /> noticc at the cime of or prior ta such�n inGcrior inspeclion specifying such reasrniable ca'uae. <br /> 8. Borrower's Lban /�lpplica�ion. Boirower shall be in deflulC if, ciuring the Lonn a�licationpracesa, <br /> Borxower or any persons or enkities acting at the directiou of Darrower or with Borrower's knowledge or <br /> consent gave inateiially false, misleading, or inaccm�ate�infonnntion or statementa to I,ender (or failed to <br /> pravide Lender with material information)in connection with the Lo�ui. Mnterial representations include, but <br /> are not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Rorrower's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. I�rotection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights llnder this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Bor,rower fails to parf'orm Uie covenants and agreeinents contained in tJii��Security lnsfiu�nent, (b) fl�ere is a <br /> legal proceeding that inight significantly affect L�nder's ii2Cerest ni Ehe YroperLy and/or rights under Clvs <br /> Scciu�iCy Ins�i�un�ent(auch�a a proceeding in buflcrnptoy, probnte, £or condeimiation or forPeiture, for <br /> enforeement of a lien which may atta�i priority over tliis Security Histiwnent or to euforce laws or <br /> regulations), or(c)I3orrowet has abandoned tl�o Pr��perty, thcn Lender may Jo and pEry for whaCever is <br /> reasonable or appropriafe Co proteot Leuder's interest in the Property uid righte under this 3ectuity <br /> Instrument, inoluding�rotectin�and/or �ssessing the value of the Property, and secming antUor repairing <br /> tihe ProperCy. Lender's aotions can include, but ace not limited to: (�) payin{; any Suv�s sccurcd Uy a licn <br /> which has piiority over tliis Security Instr�iuzenf; {b) appcaring in r,ourC; and(c)paying reasonable attorneya' <br /> Fees to proteot ife intcrest in tUe Properly�nd/or righls under this Security InstrumenE, inoluding its aecureci <br /> position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property iucludes, Uut is not litnited to, enYering tlie <br /> Piroperty Eo make repairs, cl�2nge locks, replaoe or Uo�u d up doore And windows, drain water fi�om pipes, <br /> �eliminate building or otl�er code violations or dan{;crous conditions, and havn utilifies Cnrned on or ofP. <br /> AlthougJi Lencler inay take�etion under [his Secrion 9, Lender does not h�ve to do so and is not under any <br /> duty or oblig2tion fo do so. It is agseed tliat Lender incw�s uo liability for not t�alcing any or a11 nctions <br /> autliorized under tlais Section 9. <br /> Any ntizounCs disbtused by Lender under tliis Section 9 shall Uecome aclditiona7 deUt of Rorrowcr sccured Uy <br /> Uiis Seourity Insh�ttme�it. "Cllese auiotimts shall bcar interest aC thc NoCe rate fi�om fhe dale o�f disbuxsen�ent <br /> and shall bc�payal�la, with such interesu, tiipon notice from Lender ta Borxok=er requeating payment. <br /> If this Security luyh•ument is on a leasohtild, Borrowcr shall eomply wiCh all ihe provisions ol fhe lenae. IF <br /> Borrowcr acquires fee tifle to Ihe Properly, fhe leasehold and the fee fitle sl�ell not nterge unless Lender <br /> ngrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 10. M ortgage IP�surance. ]f Lender required Mortgage iusur�iicc as a condition of ix�aking fhe Loan, Borrower <br /> eliall pay the�areiniums required Co innintain 6he Moxtgage Is�surnnce in effect. If, for any reAson, the <br /> Mortgage Ineurance coverage raquired by Le�ider ceases to ba available fcom the inortgage insurer that <br /> pre�iously peovided such insurance aud]3arrower was rcquirccl to malce scparatcly dcsign�lcd pay��ients <br /> towarcl the preiniums for Mortgttgo Ineurance, Borrower ehall pay the premiums rec�tired to obtain ooverage <br /> sribs4u�tiallq eqixivalenC fo t(�e Mor[gage Insm�ance pxeviously in effeot, ��cost aubstanYially equivalenY to <br /> the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insuramce previotasly in eff'eot, from an elternata inorCgaga 'rnemer <br /> selected by Lendar. PL substiant�ially equivalent Moctgage I�isuraAice coverage is not avail�ble, Borrower shall <br /> zaoozsos <br /> NEOR/�SK�-Singla Pemily-f-annfe Meelfredtll�Mac IlNIPORM INSTROMENT Form 3028 1701 <br /> VM P(� VM P6(NE)(1106$ <br /> W oltere ICluw e�Flnaneiel 3ervlees Pn9n A ni 1] <br />
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