<br /> Any flpplication of payments, insurznce proceeds, or Miscellaneous Procccd�to principal due uuder the Note
<br /> sl�ttll not extend or postpone tl�e due datq or cl�ttnge the an�ount, of the Periodio Payments.
<br /> 3. Ptmds for�+serow Itans. Borrower shall pay to 7,endcr on thc day Pe�iodic Payn�eute �ue due under the
<br /> Note, iuitIl tlie Note is paid in fiill, a sum (thc"FundA") to provide For payment of emounYs due Por: {a)taxes
<br /> and assessments euid other itains wl�ich can aCCain priority over this Securiky InsCrtunant as a lien or
<br /> encumbrancc on the Properly; (b) leasehold payinents or growxd rents on tbe Pro��erty, if any; (c)preiniums
<br /> for any and all insuxance required by Lender undex Sectinu 5; and (d)Mor4gage Insi�rnnce premiums, if any,
<br /> or any swns payable by I3orrower to Lcndcr in licu o�P hhe payn�ent of Martgnge Insurauce premituns in
<br /> accordaoce wtth the provieiona of Section 10. These items are cAlled"E+sorow Ifems." At origination ur at
<br /> �ny hiine during the term of the Loa�i, Lender inay reqnire that Con�inunity Aasociation Dues, Pees, and
<br /> Asessinents, if aiiy, b�escro�veci by Iiorrower, and such dues, fees and as5essmeilts shal1 bc an L-+scrow
<br /> Itcm. Boirower shall promptly furnish Yo Lender a11 notices of unounts to bo paid emcler this Section.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender tha Fwids For�scrow Items unlcss Lecider wnives Borrower'6 obligaYion to pay
<br /> the Puracis for any or all Escrow Items. Lendcr n�ay waive Boxrower's obligatiou to pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> any or a1I Escrow Items at any time. Any such waiver may only ba in writing. In tl�e event of sucl� �vaiver,
<br /> Borrower shall pay dircctly, when and where payable, t�he amounks dtiie for any Gscrow ILems for which
<br /> paymcnf of Fuuds has 6een wtuved by Lendar and, if Lendar requires, shall furnieh to Lender receipYs
<br /> evidencing such paytnenC wi{hin sucl� fime poriod as Lenc{er may require. Borrower's obligation to mal<c
<br /> such payments and fn provido rcccipCs shall£or all purposes be deemed to Ue a covenant aiid agreement
<br /> containcd in this Security Insk-umenY, es Yhe phrase"cove�2ant aud agreemenC' is used in Secdion 9. If
<br /> Borrower is obligated Eo pay Escrow Items dircctly, pur�uen[to a wniver, and Bor�ower fails to pay the
<br /> aznotuit due for an Esctow Itci��, Lender inay exerciae ita rights uncler Seetioi�9 and pay suoh am�unC and
<br /> Roxrower sl�al1 thenbe obliga[ed under Section 9 to repay to Lender any suoh amount. Lender may revoke
<br /> tho waiver as to flny or nll Eeerow Items ati uiy time by a notic��;ivcn in aceordanoe with Section 15 and,
<br /> upon such revocntion, Borrower shall pay to I.endcr all Funde, uid in auoh emounts, that ara tlian required
<br /> tmder tlris Section 3.
<br /> Lancler may, at any tiine, collect autl hold Funds in an aanaunti(a)sufficient Yo perurit Lendar to applg the
<br /> Funds ttt thc tiinc spccified imder RESPA, ntul(b) not to exceed tihe maximum aznount e�lcndor can req'uire
<br /> imder ItL5PA. Lender shall estimata the amouut of Funds due om tl�e basis of currenC data�nd reaeonable
<br /> estimates c�f cxpcnditiu�es of fiihire Escrow Itema or otherwisa in accordance witli Ap731icablo Law.
<br /> 'Phe Funds shall be held in an institution whose�deposits are uisured by a Pederal agancy, instrumcnLplity, or
<br /> anCily(iacludittg Leuder, iPLendar is vi institiutton whose deposits are so instu'cd) or in any F�ciernl SIome
<br /> I�omn B�nlc I,ender shall apply tlie PuiTds to pay tho�sexow Iten�s no laEer than the l9tne specified under
<br /> R�SPA. Lender sl�nll i�at chargc Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, vmually analyzing t1�e
<br /> escrow acanu�t, or verifying the L�'scrow Itema, uuless Lender pays Sorrower interest on tho Funds and
<br /> Applioable Law permits Lender tu tnake sueh a chfuge. Unless en agrcemcn{]�In�ulc in writing or
<br /> Applicable Law reqtures interest fo Ue paid on thc Futids, Lorider shnll not be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> iuterest or earnings on tho Fiuiv�s. Borrower and Lender can agree in wriCiug, l�owever, that interest sl�all Ue
<br /> paid on ehe Punde. Lender shEdl give tio Borrower, without cheu ge, an anrnial aca�unting of che Funds as
<br /> required by I2ESPA.
<br /> Pf there is a surplus oP Fuuds held in escrow, �s dcfiued under KLSPA, Leuder sh�ll account Co Borrower for
<br /> Ihe excess fiwds in aocordnncc witl�RCSPA. IP there is � ahortnge of Funds held in escrow, as defiiied mider
<br /> RLtSPA, Le��dot etiaill notify Borxower As requirod by RE9PIY, and Borrower shAll pay to Lender tl�o eunotmt
<br /> nece.ssary to make up the shortage in accordanca witli RESPA, but in no more than 12 montlily pnymenl�s, Tf
<br /> thera is a deilcienoy oP Funds held iu escrow, aa dcfiitcd under KLSPA, Lender shall notify Boriower ns
<br /> zaaazsss
<br /> NEORASKA-Single f-amlly-Pannle fdae/Fretltlle Idac UNIFORA4 INSTRUM ENT Porin 302B 1/01
<br /> VMP� V�A P6(NC)(1105)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnenclal Services Pane 5 of 17
<br />