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201209310 <br /> BORRO�VE+R COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seisecl of the esteYe hereby conveyul and hAs the right Yo <br /> grant And sonvey the ProperYy wid fliat the Property is unencumbered, axcept for encumUrauces oP record. <br /> Borrower warrants aud will defend generally tlie fit1e to the Yrop��ty e�gainet all claiins and de�nantls, subjcct to <br /> any encuu�brances ofrecord. <br /> THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMFNT' coinbincs uniform covaiaiits for nntional nse aud non-unifonn covenanCs wilh <br /> limitcd vttrittfiona by jurisdiction to consti�uCe a uni£orm seourity�inedivment covering reel properry. <br /> Uhiform Couenants. Borrowcc ancl Lender eoven2n6 and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment CHarges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pay when dne the�xineippl of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note a�id naiy prepaymant <br /> charges aud laie char�;es due unde��thc Nnta Borrowcc aha11 alao�ay�fimda for�scirow Iieina pureuant to <br /> Section 3. Paym�nts duc under U�e Nofe and tlus Seourity Instrument ahall be made in U.S. currency. <br /> However, if any check or other inshument received by Lender as payment uuder tha Note or tliis Security <br /> Icismiment is ret�irnec1 to Lender unpaid, Lender may reqLure that a�ry or a11 subsequent payinents due under <br /> the NoY�e znd tlris Secm�ity Insfrtunent be made in one or n�oro of tl�o following forn�s, as nclectcd by Lcnder: <br /> (a) casl�; (b)moncy orcler; (c) ccrtified ck�eck, baiilc check, treasurer's cheok ox cashier'a eheok, provided nny <br /> suoli oheck is drawn upon an instiCurion whose cieposits ere insured by a federal agency, iustrumentality, ar <br /> entity; or(tl)Elaatroiuc�unds Trans�ler. <br /> Payments ace deamad reoeived by L,ender when received aC ti��e location designated in thc N�te or ttt suol� <br /> othe��1ocation as may be desi�latcd by Lunder in eiccordance wiCh Ehe no�ioeprovisions in Section 15. <br /> Lendex may rehun nuy payinent or p�xtiel payulent if the pnyment ar pertial payments are insuffioient to <br /> bring the Lo�n current. Lender may accept�uiy payment or partial payinent insufficient to Uring the T,oan <br /> cturent, without waivcr of any rights heremider or prejudice to its i��gl�ts to refuse such paymcnt or partial <br /> paytuente in the firture, but Lender is not ohligatc;d to apply such p�tymenSs aC lhe fimc cuch pn5nnenCs �re <br /> accepCed. If each Periociic Paymenl is applied as of ifs scheduled due date, tihen Lender need not pny intiereat <br /> on unapplied funde. Lender may hold such unapplied funds unYil Boxrower makes paymenYs to bring the <br /> Loau cm'rent, If Sorrower does not do so within a reascmab1e period nf time, Lender shall either apply suoh <br /> fundF pr retum them So Borrower. If not ap�lieci eadiex, auoh Pmicls will be applied[o the outstanditig <br /> principal balance under the NoYe immediately prior Eo 1'orecloswe. No of'fset or c12im wliich Ron�ower nughE <br /> l�avc now ox in the futuxc againsti Lender shsill reliave Borrower from making pa}nnenls due Lnicler the Note <br /> and ttris Security Insh•ument or performing the covenants end agreements secured by this Security <br /> Instrmneiit. <br /> 2. Application of Paymerlts or Proceeds. Except as otherwise dascribed in tlus Section 2, all payinents <br /> acceptied uid applied by Lender ehall Ue applied in Che fallowing order of priority: (a) interest due Lmder the <br /> Notc; (b)prir�cipal duc under the Notc; (o) amopnts dtu;undor Sectipii 3. Stieh plynientc ehall ba applied Co <br /> ee�ch Periodio Pny�nent in[he order iu which it became dne. Auy�remaining amoimts shall be applied fixeti to <br /> lata cha��ges, second to axiy oCher aznomits due under this Secm�iry InstranenY, uad then to reduce tha <br /> piincipa7 balance of the Nota. <br /> ff Lcnder receivcs a payineut from&jrrowcr for a delinquent Perioclic P2�yment which inchid�.s 1 suPficieiit <br /> ainount to pny any late chaxge due, the peytnent n�Ay be applied to the delinquent pnymeut and the lake <br /> charge. If more Yhazi ona Periodic Paymant is nutstanding, Lender may apply auy payinent received 4'roin <br /> Bomower to Uie tepayinent of the Periodic Payme�rts if, and to the extent.that, each payment can Ue paid in <br /> full. '1'o thc cxtont that any oxcass cxisfs after thc paymenl is npglied to 11ie fitll�agmont of one or ixioro <br /> Periodic Payments, suoh exoess may be�pplied W any late charges due. Vohmtnry prepayments shall be <br /> flpplied first to any prepayment chazges and then as described in the NoCe. <br /> ` zqoos�ss <br /> NEeRA9KA-3ingle Famlly-Fennle Mae/Redtlle M eo UNIFORM INS'fRUM EN'I Form 3028 7/07 <br /> VM P n VM Pfl�NE)(1 705) <br /> INollers Kluwer Fln�ncial Se:'vices Pac�e 4 of 1� <br />