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201209310 <br /> required by RLSPA, and Boxrowex shall pay to Lender the amomrt necessvy to ixu�lce up Uie deficiencg in <br /> accordance with RESPA, Uuf in no more tl�an l?. inonthly paymcn�ts. <br /> Upon pnyment in fixll of all swns secw ed Uy this Secnrity h�sfrument, I.ender ehall promptly rcfimd Co <br /> Bomower anp Funds held by I,ender. <br /> 4. ChaYges; L'lens. Borrower sha11 pay all ta�ces, asse�ssments, chargcs, fince, and in�positione nClribiatn6le Co <br /> the Properdy wliich can attain priority nver t1ve Security In.s�lunent, leAsehold payments or ground re�iEs on <br /> t1ie Prope��ty, if any, and ConvnuniLy Aesociation DueS, Pees, and Asses&inents, if any. To Uie extent that <br /> Chese items are Esorow Itetns, Barrower sha11 pa�y them in tl�e mamier provided in Scction 3. <br /> Borrower sh�ll pxomptly discharge any lien which has priority over U�is SecuriYy 4nstrument unless <br /> Barrower: (a) agrees in wri$ng Co Che paytnenti of the obli�ation secured by Che lien in a inamier acceptable <br /> to Lcnder, but only so long as Borrower is performiug such agree�nent; (b) conCests the lie��iu good faifli by, <br /> or defends ngainst anforcemeut of tlie lian in, legal proceedings wl�icl� in Lnnder's opinion operate to prevent <br /> the enforcexnent of the lien wl�ile those proceedings arc pcuding, but only uutil suoh proceedings na•e <br /> concluded; or(c) secures fi•om the holcicr of the lien an agreement sakiefactory to Lender subord'uiating tlia <br /> lien to tl�is Sccurity InNtran�en�, If Lender determines that�uiy pAit of the Propeity is sub,ject to a lien which <br /> c�n aCCain priorily over llus Seourity Insh•un2ent, Lendei mtty give]iorrowet z�i�otice identifying lhe lien. <br /> WiHiin 19 da�ys of flie date on wliicl7 that notice is give��, Borrowcr ehall sa4i�fy fhe lien or [alce one or more <br /> o�f the actioivs set forUi above in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may requira I�o�Yower Y��p�y a onc�ti�ve oharga for a re�l efltate tnx verifica�tion aud/or reporting <br /> service used by Lender in connecCion with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insuranee. Borrower shall keep the improveinents uow exisCing or hereafter erected on tlie <br /> Property insured against loss by're, haznrds included wiCUin Uie ferm"extendeci coverage," and any otl�cr <br /> hazards ineluding�, but uot limited to, earthqualces and floods, for wl�ich I,endcr reqniees insuranne, This <br /> insuru�ce shall ve�nain�ained it�fl�e amounts (iiicluding deducfible levels) and For theperioels tlklt Lender <br /> requires. WhaG Lc��der requiees pursuant to the preceding sentencea cen change dming the tenn oE the Loan. <br /> 1"he insurenne carrier providing the insuranoe shzll be chosen Uy T3orrower suUject to Le�ider's right to <br /> disappxove Borrower's cl�oice, whicll right s1�a11 not be exercised uureasonably. Lender mny raquire <br /> Borrower to pay, in com�eoCion with lhis Loan, aiUzer: (a) a one-time oharge for flood�ove datarminaEion, <br /> certification and tracicing services; ar (h) a ono-titno cl�arge Por flood�one detei7ivnation and oertifioation <br /> servicea �nd subseqn�nl oharges each tiu�e remappinga or similar changes occtu•which reasonablg inight <br /> affect enah cletennination or oertification. Borrower sha11 also be responsiUle for the payment of any fees <br /> iinposed by the Federal L�mergeney Management Agency in c;om�cctiov wi{h fl�e revio�v of r�ny flood zone <br /> deterinination resulting'fi•oin an obJwtion by Bonrower. <br /> If Bocrower fails to maintain any of the coveragrn dcsoribed above, Lender�nay obtain ineivanee coverage, <br /> at Lcndcr'�option and Borrower'e expense. Leuder is under no obli�;ation W puxch�se a�iy particultu type or <br /> �mouut of cover2ge. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, Uut inight or inight not protect Borrower, <br /> $orrowar's equiYy in Uie Praperty, or the contents of the Property, a�arnst any rislc, hazard or liability avd <br /> mibl�t providc grcaker or lcseer coverage than w�e preuiously in efFeot. IIorrower �olrnowledges fhat the ooet <br /> of the insuranoe ooverage ao obt�ined miglit eignificantly exceed the cost of iusuranoe that Borrower could <br /> haue obtained. Any ainouuts cliebtiu'sed by Lender under fl�is Section 5 shall become additional dobt of <br /> Ron'ow��'seeured by thiv Sccurity Tnst��ument. 'I'he,�c amo�mts shall beae interesC nl CheNote rpke from the <br /> date of ciisbilrsement znd shall Ue payable, wifli sueh interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower <br /> requesting�ayment. <br /> -- z4nazsen <br /> NEBN.4SKA-Single Femlly-Fannle IdaefFreddie Mnc UNIFORM WSTRUPA ENl Form 3028 1101 <br /> vnaa� vn�Ns�Ne���ios� <br /> Woltois Kluwer Financial SerVices Peee e o(1 <br />