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<br />� •. , ' �} 't � , � t..,4 , . . , � } . . ..� . t . µ1.. . .
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<br /> _ ., . 't � .� 9''7�fa� �3L ��.�'
<br /> �Y,�^'
<br /> •� � � " f' LOANNO. x539217083 �
<br /> . .. . . _ . '4. .;.:
<br /> . . ,. : ' . 90.Condennna4tor�. The proce�ds of���p �or tor corne�yance fn 11eo f�nde�mr�tton,are he ebY� '��� �
<br /> - �°�F�:1-:, eny condem�artion or other taidng of any►Rart
<br />- ��=���";--�_.;� asstgned and slra116e pald to Lender. _ -
<br /> � ,�.:i, '':-`.,:�. !n the ever�i of s taiat tald►►g of the Propetty.the proceeds shal!6e a�op11ed to the sums seaar+ed by this Securfty
<br /> � �nsDUme�wheiher or noY then due,v�fth any excess paid to Borrower.ln the ever�3 af a parNat taidng of the P+roPBnli in
<br />: , �, , . .�"; wh(ch the tatr m�rtcet vatue Cf the Properry Mmediately before thetaWng is equ�to or gr�ter than the amouM of the . `
<br /> . s�ms sec�tred bY thSs SecwA1►In�Kt Immedtate[y Oetoce the tatdng,uniess Barrower and Lendet othe�a�een ,. ;
<br /> . � :` wrfting,ths sums seaued 6yth+�Secur�y InsYnuner�t shaU be reduced by the ama�t ofthe proceeds muitip �'�Y
<br /> ` !~ , '� ta4mNtng traaitnn:(a)the total amawR af ffie sums seatred tmmediate{y befote the tatdng,dtvtded bY(b)the isir mazket �,=.;`
<br />. . �,. �° • vatue of the Property tmm�dlateN ttefore ths ta�dng.My halance shail be�aid ta Borrow�tn the eve�of a parflal ":��-.
<br /> � � taEdng of the Property inwhlch thetair martcetvaiue af t he ProFerty tmmediate t y b e t ore t he t a t dng i s t s s s t h a n t h e
<br /> ':.,.�; �4-�:�,r�,c_.�: amowd a f t he sums secured immed T a t e l y bsfore th�tatdrtg,uNess BoRawerand Lender othen�ttse sgree in wrfttng ar , ,,.
<br /> � uniess sp�tt�6te tavi athes�xise provides.the praceeds shali be apAlied to the sums secured by this Sec�trtty ,:. ,..
<br /> �. : lnstnmtent wheihsr or noi the sums are then dua
<br /> . � �'��•r.� ff the IPcoparty is abandoned by Borrower.or ff,afteractIce by�ender w Bomawerihat the condemnor affers ta
<br /> "� . > maios an award or selfle a cfalm 4or damages.BomoweriaIIs to respond ta Lsnder wfthtn 30 days after the date th� . �.
<br /> , . ' . notice la gtven.Lendet ts aWiorized to caflect and appty the proceeds.at Ets option,eftherto restoratton�repatr of the - ,-�
<br /> � • Propercy orto the sams seaued by this SecurRy Ir�eM.whether or not th�due r �.
<br /> S t� i::.
<br /> .�. '; � Uniess Lender and Barrower othsra��agree[n wrfttng.81ry SPP�iC8d011 Of�C�Ced3 t0 p(iRClp31 S1�G�87QE!!d O� .,,Ixr._
<br /> . . .� P�Pone tf►e due date of tha monthh/P�#�sms referred to tn paragraphs 1 and 2 or cirat�gs tfte amow�t�such ;
<br /> , � � _ �yme„r�, t::`-:;:
<br /> , . � � :::�<.� 11.�ore+o�er Nat Re�eesed:Forbeuance��etader Not e Waiver. F.xtenston of the time br pa7�c�artt or �• �.
<br /> � . -.:�;�- c�a6�icatFon�!amoN�ation of tha sums sacured byth(s S�curfty lnsWmeM granted bY lende� an�su�cesi or in '�_,"��..._:,:
<br /> ��- I�erest of Bcmrvuer shall not operate to release tha 11ahD►�y af the original Botrow�ror Bomacve s ..
<br /> UEterest.�nder shaA nat be requUed to commence proceedings agaUist am►successor tn t�st or retuse w extend
<br /> � time tar paymsnt or othenrulse medlfy amo�Yrmion of the sums seaned by this Secwrint ins�a�ertt by reason ot any S .'
<br /> � demand made by the odgU�al Borrower ar Bomau�rer's succeasots tn irrterest My forbear�e�bll�ender In exercfsing -� .
<br /> a1ry�I�t or remedy shat�not ba awaiver of or predude the exercise of aml d�t or�emedy: � .. � ,
<br /> ,: a
<br /> :,.. ,.. • ,�... C o�c�s. Tha cu�a�ants and agreemer�ts of
<br />-:, ,-,'1� , . 12 Sus�essa�s�tl�si�geis�caant3i dofnt and�everal Lisbility; r,r:�
<br /> � � this Secue�y tnstnun���,�rtd�`s�Is�ne�t the successors and assigns a�8r�2r artd t�.9er�wer.s u b ject to t he ���:�
<br /> Y � . � . . p��a���gr�pA�?.Borrou��°s c�venants and agreemeMs shali be oint and se��a7.My Borrower who �%L
<br /> . ., ', I , �.'-
<br /> , .. . co-slgns t� �itY tr�mer�t but does nct execute the Note:(a)ts co-signing this Seaur�Y InatrumeM onfY to .�;���;,"
<br /> ��.�� mortgag�8r�ust and�Y�t 8orrawer's trRerest in the Property unQer the terms of thts Sectxf�l tnsw��N�is _.
<br /> not psrsonalty obftgated t�apay the sums szcured 6y this Sec�a�ty tnstrume�and(cj aSreea that L.ender snd any other ,� `--
<br />_'`:��:. •:. , , '� Borrawer may agree to e�.nd,modiryi.inrbear or make any accommoda4tans wtth re acd to thetenns of thls 3ectu'rtyt . -
<br /> - •. .. ,� 0 9 �.,:-_._
<br /> � � InsWmer�t orthe Notewfthout tha2 Bormwer's conser�.
<br /> , ' . �`�: t9.6aan Charge9. H tha�aan secured by thLs SeciuBy fnsuumeM is subject to a taw whtch sets ma�dmum loan =_
<br /> �� •� '� oharges,and that tauv ta f�na�y iMerpreted so that the trnerest or other loan charges co1lected or to ba coftected(n .
<br /> � � '�' cenne�tlon with 4he loan exceed the permlued limfts,then: a)any such laa�1o1�arge shall be r�duced by the amount °=
<br /> � � �`�s� nce�ry to reduce the char+ge to the permtued limf�and(�)a�ty sums atr�l col►e�d ftom Qorrower�nfiich . �. - =
<br /> --�. � ' ~- °` mu�e u�e d e d permitted ifmits v+m t�e r e f u n d e d to Boma�xer.L e n d e r m a y c h o o s e t o m a k e t h i a r e t u rt d b y reducin g the . ����?;==-
<br /> - �.��...�` wDl be�treated asa paRlal D BpaYme wfthnout any p�epayment charge under tl�e�� a c e s p d n c t p a l,t h e r e d�t c t t o n
<br /> ��-_..'-�
<br /> , ��..,.
<br /> � ' �� ����` 14.Nolice�. Aary npticQ to Bo�rawer pt�ovided br tn thts Security tnst�umeM shaU be�Nen by ddivaring(t or Rry �
<br />_ � 'r '' ��� . matltng ft by ftrst class maQ uNess appitcabte law requires use of anoiher methad.Th�nottce shail be directed to the � '�"` �'
<br /> _�� � : . ' � : Properiy A d dress or any a t her a d d r e s a B orrower dast g n a tes b y notice to Lsnder.My notice to Lender shaU be glven
<br /> �, �:�.,' by ffist ctass ma0 to Lende►'s address stated heretn or arry other address t enQer d e s lgrrates by notice to 8�mower.My
<br /> : n a t i a�p r a�t c�d for tn thls SecurRy InsUUment sha11 bs desmed to have besn gtven to Bomower or Lender vfien gtven
<br />_. . . � �,`�..=;: as ptotdd�Gn thts patagraph. _ .
<br /> � 18 Goveming Law;8everability.This Securfty Insaumer�shall be govemed by federat taw and the law of the -r�..�
<br /> � ' � .uisttictton In whtch the Property is facated.ln the event that any ravlsion or clause uf this Securfty lnstntment or the �,,,. .
<br />— .. �,.� �•,:�.� �ote cenflicts wlth apAlicabte lavr.such coMitct shaU not aftect�er provislons of this Security tnstrumeM or tha Note
<br /> � • `` whtch can 6s ghren effectwfthout the caMlicting pra�Aslon:To this end the pravisions af this Secufiry InstrumerR and the
<br /> c;�':�.�`. Nate are dedared to be severabte.
<br /> -�;�,.�,.�;a
<br /> � '�`����' � 18� Borrowe�PS Copy. Borrow�r sha11 be gtven one cor�formed copy of�e Note and of thla Securfty InsVUmeM. .
<br /> _ :: , � .::
<br />-=.��=::�a'': ' 17. Tranafor ot the Proporty ar a Be�eeflcta/tMerest in Borrower. tf aD�r any part ot the Properry or arry
<br /> � � -��4:`::�'� tnterest tn R is soid or Vansferred(or H e beneflclal tnte�est tn Borrower is sasi artranslerred and Borro�r�r ts not a � .
<br />� � � natural personj without Lender's prtorwritten conserR.Lender m3y.at Its op�on.require tmmediate payment In ivll ot�ii
<br /> � ��'��`��� sums secured by thls Security Instnament. Hawever,th�o��s�all not be exercised by Lertder it exercise is �
<br /> --- . " � . � prohibhed by tede r a i tav�as of the date oi thts S e�a m t y Instrume�. ;
<br /> _ z
<br /> • � '(SCJCMbTNE//0192/3078(9�90}L PAtiE40FA �
<br /> - _ _ . . _ . _��_..- . -. - _ .._.. _ .. _ w .:;--__
<br /> - -- - -- - — _ - - - - ----- -- -- - -- - .
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