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<br /> ;f_ � ; .,� . • LOAN N0. 1 53 921 7 083 . .a;`
<br /> ,�,� . a�msu�,�e�►c�esa��ensw�s sr�raea�ceprame to��e�a�d s�uw iRaua�asc�dab mon�aseaausa <. �
<br /> '. '` Lendet 8hslt Rave th9 Hght to hoid tha poltctes and renewais.if 4ender requt�ea,Borrawer shall prom�By give to Lender � '
<br /> � j,,; atl�e�at patd premtums and rsnewel rtottces.in 4he event of toss.Borrower sRatl gNe pmmpt natice to the
<br /> . � ir�wance c�rdas�nd LenQer.L�rtde►may maice pro�oi toss ff not made promptiy by�Jotrawer. ,.
<br /> = `��� UNess€�,nder and 8o�rer ctheewise agree In wr@in�.inswance praceeds shali be apPtied to restoratton or repatr =_
<br /> , �ihe Propa�y�mage4,�8he restora4ion or repair ts economlcalty feasibie and L.ender's securfty is not lessen�.If the
<br /> ' ,. ` '��= cestoradon or�epair is�rtoi eaanomicaityteas(ble or LendePs securtty 4vo�t d b e lessen e d,t hs f n s u r a r 4ce proce e ds s h a U .
<br /> " �� �.'�:� be applted to thg sums aecured by this Secw�y lnsWmert.whether os not then date,with any�xcess paid to Borrow�r. �:
<br /> � ��� � � °� [f Bamawer�barttfans the P�operty,or does not answer w�htn 30 days a notIce iram Lender thttE tlte tnsurance car�er
<br /> ' '.`'� i�affere�4a s�tte a daim.then I�anflter may coAect the ir�surancs praoeeda Lender may usetha pcoceeds to re�atr . •
<br /> - �`���,� � .� .,�� or�store�Praperty or to Ray sums aecured by thL4 Secur�y tnstrumer�t v�fisther or oat then due.The 3�ay padod .
<br /> � . .. = vvi116egin when the nattce is gNes�. '
<br /> .;,��,; .� ' <+= Unless I.�enderand Borrower otheiw(se agree in��uttttrtg.enY aPPl�atian af proceedsta princtpat strall not e�dend ar ...� .r
<br /> .. `' .�� P�Po�e the due date af the monUUY I�Hmetds rei�red to in�ragraphs t and 2 or chartge the amourtt of the ` � `
<br /> , .-:.` � paymet�ta tf urtdet paragraph 2t the P�opeity is aoqutred by Lender.Borraw�rs righi 4o any insutance pfllides and � .. �a(��:`
<br /> proceeda res�dtln from damage tothe Property pdor to the acq�Isf�on shati pass to Lendet to tha�er�t af the sums
<br /> , . . � ."" serueed by 4hls Securfty lnsirurrte�tmmediateiy prtor to the acquis�tan. . .
<br /> : t .•. � �.' � ��pa�ey,R�s�vatloa�,Mat�anartce�1 Protection of the PropeRy:Bo�roerer's Laan Appitt�tto»;
<br /> � . . �� � Leasehotda Borrower stmil accu�y,estabUsh,and use the Properiy as BoRawe�s prbicipat reatdence witMn s6dy days
<br /> " � �� after the execu�on of thls Seccuity tnsWmerR and sha11 cort(nue to occupy the Properiyas Borrowe�s prtnctpal
<br /> ��_"��:._ �__°',,� nssidence far at least one year afterthe date ef atxttD'��3►,urdess Lernfer athermrtse a�ees In wrPting,which conserit . � .
<br /> ' . ;." .�- shaA not be unr�asar�bty�vfthheid or�mtess extenuating ctrcumstances exist which ace beyond Bomower's oor�ol. < <;�."..
<br /> . Barrewer�a0 t�ot destnoy.darreage or imRafr the Pro�erty,allaw ttro Propertyw deter�orate.or comma waste on the �
<br /> ' Property.Bortowershstl be in deia�Gt tf ar►y fodefture actien or proceeding,whether civD or crimin�.ts begun that U .
<br /> ���- � lsnders goad faiYh jadgmerR ceutd res�dt[n Mrfe�ure o�the Propeity or erthenufse mazedaliy impair ti�e Iten c�d by .
<br /> ° _..°°.-,'�° . this�erau�y I�trameM or Lender's security I�eresi Borrawer may cure such a deta�[�t artd�etnstat�as rc�vlded tn = ` �-�
<br /> ri,. p `.r�::.;�—
<br /> ' - . paragraph 1�,by causing the sction or proceedingto be disMssed wfth a ruling t�rat,tn LepMer's good faah
<br /> � detBnnirta�a�,Pnedudes forfefi�me o�the Borrawer's 6iterest tn the Property ar oiher�aterial tmpatrmerR o'f the lten , .� :.P;
<br /> � . creffied by this S e c u r P t y InsWmsrii or L e n de Ps se r a u�t y t n ie r e s t.Borrower s h a U a tso 6 e N d e t a u f t ff 9 o r r o w e r.d u r i n g t h e ,;;•;;�
<br /> ' . toan ap�llcation pracess��ve mate r k u ty f a fse or f n accu r�a te t�o m r a t ion or s t a tema r rt s to!-e n d e r(o r t a ll e d t o p r o v 1de � _'�.
<br /> - ' � . ' Lende�wfth arry material tnfomtailon)In oonnec�on wfth the toan evMenced by the Note,in�udtng,b�not Ilmaed to. �.'�'_"=
<br /> � repressr�EIans conceming Borrouuers occu cy of the Property as a principal�esldence.If thls Securfty Instntme�t fs � �
<br /> :::. ��.::
<br /> °'.;. , on a��'�,Borrower shall comply wfth I the provlsions of the teasa tf Borrower acquires fee tflte to the Property. .,;�._
<br /> � � the teas���nd the f�e tHie ahail nct.merge uNess lsnderagre�to the merger tn uurft�iog.
<br /> '°� .
<br /> �.`' .<�;��.� .: 7 Pro�aCtiara of Lende�s Rlght��th�Property. If 8omawer fatts w peibim ths crn.��r�ts and agreemer�ts
<br /> , ¢soMalned U thla Sec�u�y Instnimer��arsthere is a legal procaeding that may sIgniflcantly�act Lender's Nghts In tha Y -
<br /> ' � :� Proparty(such as a proceedtng in banlmipicy,probate,tor candem�tton or torfefture or Qa entorce laws or
<br /> ���'f� cegWatlons),then i.end�r may do an��}ay tor whatever ts necessaryto protect the vatue c��e Property and LenQer's ��-•
<br /> � , ,`;�''` r' g atry smns secureti b p rityy J
<br />- •.. .;�;;r� - dghis tn tt�C'roperty.lende s ar,ita�may Inctude payin y a Iten rri�h has rIo over thts ':�'.r°=
<br /> Sectuity(cratrument,aAPearing in c�.PaYin9�easonable attarr�Yg�fees and entedng ccr�e Properiyl ta make -
<br /> '' , repatra A�heugh Lend��ay take ac�Ion under thLa paragrap h T.L e n der de�es not hav+e t a do so �-
<br />- My amounts d�by L.Bnder underthisg�ragraph 7 shali becorrre�itlona!debi of Borrower secured by
<br />= 43�is Seciafiy Instnm�Er�.+L''Ness Borravuer and Len�*r agree to oiher terms af payment.thc3sa amour�te st�ail6ear
<br />= -. � btteresz�r�cr.c�he date of disburseenent at the Note rate and s9r��s payabte.wfth iMere�r:�n nodce irom Lenderto , "_
<br />- . � Boma��c�resvn9�5�� - =
<br />-.� �= 8.M�tgage Ine�raace.!f Lender requUed moRgage Insurance as a candi�on of making the foan secured by thls --_
<br />�,�';' .:, � Security tns�rumem,�acrower shall pay the,premtums required to mai�in the moKgage tnsurance tn eHect.lf,tor arry =__
<br /> ° :��� � reason.tha mortgaga f�s�ance coverage requir+ed foy lender Iapses or ceases to be t�e f f ect.Borrowar s h a l l pay t he , -
<br /> _ . �;::_�:+.. , . premiums�qWred ta ebt�in coverage substantlally eq u i v a fent to t he mortgage i nswance p re v lo u s l y tn e N e c L a t a oo s t
<br /> �� �j��sfi��`�� sub�C�equtvatertt to the cost to 8omawer oYthe mortgag�a�nsurance p r e v lous ty In e�ec�from an altemafe .
<br /> •- ���� . moRgagp Ccr.,�urer appraved by Lender.if substantially equivat�rnortgage tnsurancs oa��rage is not avail�able, _
<br /> ava
<br />_ , ��... : : 0orrotivetsfiall payto Lender each mornh a sum equa!to one:�a�th of tt�e yeady mortgage Insunance premtum being
<br />=- . pald by Borrawer v+h�cn t�e insttratice co�rerage lapse�or ceased to be tn�.lender will accept,use and retain these . .
<br /> v�,: . , paym�rttsasa tossr�acare b Ueu ot mortgage tnsurance.l.oss resen►e��s may no tonger be required.at the °,' .
<br /> -_ . aptton of Lender.H mortg�ge irtsurance coverage pn the amow�i and for pyrlods tPe22 l.ender�equlres)provided by : _
<br />-- an insur-�r��praved by I.ender agaln'hecomes ava(lable and�s e�biatned. 8arrovrer sh�il�ay the premiuma requirc�co ��'
<br /> • ' , maIr�an m.ortgaga insurance in eNect�•or to pravide a tosa rese�ve.untU the requtremesii49r mortgage insurance e�s
<br /> - . ` � in accordance wtth atry written agreameM 6etween Borrawer and Lender or�ppficabie law >>.. .- �
<br />-�� �. � 9. IrrspgcUon. Lender or fts agerit may make reaso�mble eMrie9 upoare�d inspecUons of tho P+r�erty. LenQer . ..
<br /> — �.�:���: � : �.. •shafl glvo Borrower nottce atthe timo ef or prior toa�inspectlon specifying reasonable casise farthe Inspection. .
<br />— :;:...
<br /> , �r,•h,:
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<br /> ::�` . � . . .
<br /> .. _.� ISC/CMDTNE//OY92/8028(88�}L PAG@30F8
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