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<br /> i .:
<br />. . .. ' LOANNO. 1539217�83 �
<br /> ' ` `, ` ' if Lender exerctses thTs op�on.Lender shafi tve Bcrrcwar natice et acceieratton.Tha natice shaft p�sdw°�s se�ed .•
<br /> .:�.: �} ��:
<br /> . � of not less than 3D dayserrt.ff Bo�ower�fatls to PaYdU�isse sums p�to t�iie in wh�on ot�thlsepe�L�ender ma.y tnvoRe ` .-�. .
<br /> , by Ws Security IruWm instrur�entwithoutfurther nottce ordemand on Bortower. _
<br /> any remedtes permitted by this 8ecuriht g ��.
<br /> ,• .` 98.�oRO�ere�'s 6ilght to Retnst�te. if�om�w ed at �me P or to�the QaBrlier�ai�.�(a)5 days(or seuch oth�r�ad _ ,
<br /> = �� e�orCeme�d ot tMs Secur�tY tnswmert dtscor►tinu �►ll u��to si►y Power af sate co�
<br /> `:� - as appttca6te taw may spec�ll iar reinstate�I before sale af the PropertS►p _
<br /> � � . " ` this SecuritY tnstrum�Qr(b.I eM!Y�a �d��°due under this�iecuztt�i inswment and�the N�ote as�no
<br /> . � ° eormwes:(a)t�S►s Lender�11 gut+n� � ather coverrarits op agreemer�is;(c)Palls al�e�Panses incurred
<br /> . `' ` .� acceteratIon t�d o�ed:@)c�es e��ult�� � . .
<br /> - _ � In entorctng this Secu�tl►Irtstrt�men�insU�lnS��+u�t�t umfte�to.reasom'abt�mtce�l.�ende�s rtghts�din 4he Prope�4ll and
<br /> �• �� ` �� as Lender may teasanablQ�tNlreta sssuce tfmtthetien of thts Ser�ri�►
<br />_ . �
<br /> . . . � Borrower's obllgattonto Pay the sums sacured bYthis Se�InsWmern shatl con8nue unchan8ed.Upon
<br /> • `�; fhis Securit�f�n�g"�and the c ilgations secured hereby sha11 remain tulry eftecWe as ff
<br /> - ... retnst�emerd�y Borrower. in the case of�ccderation under . .
<br /> - `°. >.. no acceleratton i r�d ox u r r E d.H o w e v e►.t h l s d g h t t o relnstate shatl not aPWY
<br /> : �. �s.` para9raPh 17. tnterest in the Note(tc8ether with this Securityy
<br /> , �S Sat�of Npte;C�pge pt LAan SenriCer.Tha Note or a�� �n�eM There
<br /> Y� Instrument)may he sotd one or more tlmes wRhout prtor natt�d 8�d re thre oteeand tl►fs StacuttiY Be in the entity '
<br /> potovm asthe°Loan Se�vtcef1 that coUacta mornfdY paY� �
<br /> � in accordance with pataS�Ph 14 aloove and BpPftCa6le Isw. : '; . .
<br /> also nrali be one ar more chanSes of ths Loan Servtcer unrelated to a sa�e of the NoLe.[f there ts a change of the
<br /> �� � Senrlcer,Bomawer wIll be gNen wrftten notice of the c�an9a e�shoutd be .• �
<br /> ' �,;'L�_; Ttte n�ttce wiq state the name and address of the rtew Loan Setv1cer and'�e�i d�Yo wittch paym . .�'
<br /> ----�--=�=� =� m a d a Th e n o t i c e w Il l a�s o c ornaln a r ry o4her intormailon requtred by a8A
<br /> �, •.; �. 20.I�t�zardous Sums4ances. Borrowe�shafl not t��r hapil not d o�.no altaw anyone�els e o'd o�•anythtng affectl 9 . .
<br /> • • 8Ry H3?8it'�OUS Sl1bStSi1C28 OR Oi(R th8 PfOpBit�►.BOtfO to the presenca. .�_ ;; .•..
<br /> . . ` "';{ the Property that Is in vlotation of any Em+ironmees�of Ha�doups Substa►ces that S��'h►�'e�8nized to be . . .
<br /> -_ � :_`,„:..�, us�.or storage cn the Rroperry of smaii qua�itl . .
<br />- - . � �.�; appeoprlate to nom�al teslde�tal�sas and to maintenance of the ProAeny --- -
<br /> •� lawsu�or otheraction by
<br /> .�� . Borrower sh�fB mrompUY g�e Lender written nattce of enY imrest�gatton,dat�d any H da7ardous Substance or . .
<br /> ` •� n or rhratePartYlmrotvingtheProparry . ,.
<br />- f ���_'.,� � '� �� �YB�mer�al cLr regWatory sge cY P .
<br /> ::. . Emr(ronmental t�c c�f whtch Borrower has aa�ual tmowledSa If Bomawer teams.or is netifted by a�ry 9ovemmerdal or j:.� ,'r.
<br /> `�-' regWaeory autfior�ty,ti�aR anY removai or�re��medial�acttaffins�tn acco�tdan�c.��wtd�i eEm�iirgonmeMat Lga�w� -
<br /> r;��;.:: . . ._ _
<br /> •r �. %���,,.. : •� necessarfl.6orrawarshatl promptlytake
<br />-- ��'`%'����.. � �� As used tnUr�s pareSraPh 20.°Hazar�dous Substanc�are those substances de��eas�ie or�ta�dcus � :;3.�;:�;
<br /> _�;x;,��;<�.r.�<,•` Nin substar►ces:gasc�[ne,kerosene. � orformaldehyde. '� ''•
<br /> ',.,.,:.• ,:.>,,r`„ mnerRai Law and thefdl� 8 volatIIe soNer�7s.¢r�terlals ccrdaintng a..�s �
<br /> - .. . .- � substances by�a ddes and h�3c�es. �„
<br /> ,;�'f - petroteum Produc3�.to�de pesti �?A,'�cnvironmer�fl tauV'means fed��and taws ofthe FY,_=
<br /> ''� and�adtoactNe mffierlats.As u�t �o�ed hat�to haa'�h.satetY or erntronm�t P �.
<br /> � � `.,,, `.� ; u�isdtcUon where the Property _ =
<br /> s:,., , aSf011owB: ,
<br />-�,;: ',;,.�...;;� � 1 NON-UMFORMCOV�NA{dTS.BorrowerandLenderiurtliercovenantatMn�
<br /> . . 21.Acceteaatton;Reme�tea 4ender shall give notice to 8or[oux�r pner to acxeteretiont�7lavring�o��+eP� �;
<br />���: . � . breac?�at a�ry�venar�4 oraSreement inthfs Se�ariry Matrumerot�ut not p�ortoaccete��a �on�q mui�redto ��'.,
<br />= �. �17 untesa appl��bte tsw provtdes otherwise).The nottce stmll�R..�Yi9t:(a)the detaut�(bl . �--.
<br /> �.�:�,:.�. �•�` ot leas then 3�days tro�tha date the no�ce ta�itven to�arrowin.�e nhdU�mia ay
<br /> ,., ,, es�a�edet�uYt;(c)e date,n —
<br />-_ -`��;�`` � ��Ie muat be cure�;an6(d)that tmiture to cure tn0 detauit on or betare the date speefti rn������a�� ��_�
<br /> ��nacce:�atlon o9 o the�tR�to r�e aRerac�cet�ratl�n�dthe�ght to�bflng e�adlon toasseR __-
<br /> . . � �rlMare�a�?arrovrer S
<br /> . -, �.;`., �a r�orFOxt�'�e of a defautt or arry e�e u�d�e t e n s e o!B o r r o c v e r t��c c e t e r a t t o n a n d e ate.l9�Ea�detauH�i�s tr�t u U a t �_,"
<br />- . �. �cn o:ba�re the dat eCAec i�e d�en4��ou�t ti Rher dema��and mn ino ethe p�awerp o t�I e and a n y =_.-
<br /> :. ��s secured til►this S uritll�
<br />-�.....:. � . :;.� T ��enrtedles permitte�by applicabie law Lendein b�tt noi t mI ed tooi�n,abei�e attom�tees and casts ot �:,.:-
<br /> I ;. ., �. � �e�amedtes�vlded in this pasagraII�21.includ �. : .
<br /> s� "_
<br />.� �� . . t6tta evid0nt� � '
<br />-�`. . ' ; ti the pawerast sale ts te�voked T��e ahaQ record a notice��datauft tn each courat��y Gs vfilch arry Part o!
<br /> .. .,`.;•.
<br /> - .. :�ti 4he Propeity is loc�ted an��aU m�:��+tptea of sudlo no41b�After thv��quired bY app bte�O ta, �:,.:�;{
<br /> �oRawar and to the other�sona prescribad by a� `�},�--
<br /> y p .,j,_
<br /> . .. I`�; Tnrote9�haU give pubflc no�eoha0 Q�the Proep erty W pubilc aic�."tton o e higheso btddot at�fhQ 4iecv�a�d Pl�ace . ��.;,
<br />---. � . , wttriouq demand on Banower,s
<br />-_- � � an8 unde�thetermsdestgnatea trotT�3�.o���f�e��pe���gfia announcesnemitt atUieUm sn0 ptace���
<br />-;��; ��� . , ; Truatee tn�y astpone sate o�all o anY O '.;:.
<br /> =" any prevlous�l scl�edWe�s� t,on�er or tts destc��ee may purcrisse the i�roperQy at nrry�ie. • .
<br /> :.� ' • Upon recetpt o4 psym��ot tha pflco bid.Trea��shatl deQver to the�c-paaser Trustee s deetf s�m►eYin9 .,; ,
<br /> «. :
<br />---� � tha proaerty 1tP�e recitats in the Trus'�e'e deed sh�l be pdma tacie evide�cs�ot the truth ot tha sta2em�ette made �;(��+
<br /> -���•: �he ree�9s ot the sat0 tn the toltov,ing or�er.(a)to ail coats und eupenses ot �.,,,,_,
<br /> - . . thotete. Trus4e0 shail BRAjY P
<br />_ .. . fOiiM36�9I�
<br />_�:;.; . . ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(990�1. ••
<br />__ ,�,,..--.-._____ . • --""r-.'..'_.' . . ' , �. ... . � • .' • ... • ..
<br /> - • . . , .
<br /> _ . .
<br /> _.-. :,. . . � . . . .. _
<br /> , � . � : . .. ,, _ .. : .
<br /> . . .
<br /> • ' � -- ---�-------_-�_ _ _ __•_._..-_ _.._. _. � ' . ' — -- .. .. .
<br /> '. . , •... , ,; • ,.
<br /> . •� . . .. . .. � . , . .. ;- • �.�,� �� -,:
<br />