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201209152 <br /> designaked a substihrte noHce adch•ess by norice to Zender. Borrower shall�rompcly notify Leudex of <br /> Borrower's chauga oi'addt ess. If Lender specities a procedure for ra�orting Borrower's cl�inga of address, <br /> then Borrower sl�all only report a cha�ige ofi address througl� ffiat epecil�ied procedure. <br /> There may be only one designated notica address under this Secm•ity Instruinent at anN one time. Euiy notice <br /> to Lender s1ia11 be given by delivering it o,r by mailing it by firyt clays rnail to Lendea�'s eddress stnTed herein <br /> ut�1ess Le��der has des'rgi��atai anotl�cn�address by noCice to Borrowcr. fury norico in connection wiHi Chis <br /> Seourity Inetrument shall not be deemed to h�ve been given to Lencler until actually xeoeived by Lender. If <br /> eny iiotice required by tlus Seourity InstiuinenC is also required Luider Applicable Law, the ApplicaUle Law <br /> requireinent�will sarisfy the corresponding rcquirc7ncnt under d�is Sc;curity Instrumciit. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severabifity; Rules of Construction. 'fhis 5ecuti6y lny�rumenl shn(1 be goveinGd by <br /> fed�ral law and the law of the jurisdiokon in which the Property is located. All righYs aeid obligations <br /> contained iu tlris Securitp Instrwnenti are suUject to auy teqniremants �nd liinitatione of ApplicaUle I,aw. <br /> Applicnble Lsw iniglrt explicitly or implicit1y allow the��artios to agrecby conhact or it might be silatti, tiut <br /> sucl�silence�l�all not bo const��ued as a prohibifion agnivst ngreement by conteaeC. In the event that nny <br /> provision or clause of this Security Instrumeut or the Note conflicts witli Applicable Lflw, auch oontlict shall <br /> not affect other provisious af this Sectuity IneY�mnenf or the Note which ca�i Ue given effect without the <br /> coi�licTing provisioii, <br /> As t�ised in tliis Seciu�ity Instrwnent (�) words of thc mesctidinc gencicr shall mcan and includc correaponcling <br /> ncutcr words or worda of Che fninv�ine gender; (b)words in the sin�tilnr shadl menn end include the plw•al <br /> end vioe versa; and (c}the word "mey" �ives sola discretion wifliout any obligation to talw axry Aetian. <br /> 17. Dorrower's Copy. Borrower shnll be given one copy of the Note ancl of this Secwity Instr�unent. <br /> 1$. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in f3orrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in <br /> the Proper[y" meavs eny legal or beneficial interest in tha Pro�erty, including, buY not limited Co, thosa <br /> benaficial interasts L'euisferred in a Uond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales eontract or escrow <br /> agr�eeine�rt, tlie inte��t of which is the transfer of title by Borrowcr at a futurc dato Co a purchascc, <br /> If a11 or any p�a't of N�e Property or any Interest in tho Property is 9c�ld or transfcrred(or if Boxrower is not a <br /> nntnral�erson and t�benefioial interest in Borxower is sold ar transfexred) wiHiout Lendei's prior written <br /> consent, Le�ider may require iir�mcdiato paymcnt in fidl of all sums sccurcd lry this Sccurity Lnstrtm�ciit. <br /> However, this opcion ahall noC be exercised by Lender if ei�oh exereise is prohibited Uy Appliceble Law. <br /> If Lcndcr cxc��cisea thie option, Lender ahall give Botrower no6ice of ncoeleration. The voiice shnll provide n <br /> �eriod of not less �lian 30 days fi•om the dake the noYice is given in necordnnce with Section 15 within whicli <br /> Bon•ower musC pay a11 suins seoured Uy Uiis Security InsuwnenE. T£Roirower fails Yo pay tliese sLuna priox to <br /> the expiration of this pariod, l�ender may involu: any ra��cdios per�1�ittcd by t1�is Scc�trity Insh'�imc�rt witl�out <br /> fnrther noLice or dein2nd on Boxrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's F�ight to Reinstate After Acceleration. IPBorrower meets cercnin conditions, Borrower <br /> shall have the right to have anforcement of tlus Security Instruinent discontinued at Tny time prior to Yhe <br /> earliest o£ (a) five days bafore sale of tl�c Property pm s�iant to any powe��of sale contained in this Seourity <br /> InetcumenC; (b) s[ioh oChee period ae Applicable Law irught speei£y for the tenninai[ion oF Borrowet'a righC to <br /> reinstete; or (c) eut�q of n judgment euforcing tl�is Sectiuity IvstiumenC. Those conditions u�e that Borrower: <br /> (a)pays Lender a115tuns which then would be due under tUis SecuriCy hisC�ument wd tha Note aa if no <br /> acceleration l��d occurred; (b) curGS arry dofnult of any c�tl�er covenan�s or agr�oments; (c)paye all expcnses <br /> incurred in cnforoing Ch'vs SeouriLy InsCrume�2t, iuchiding, but not limiCed Co, cezsonable atforneys' fees, <br /> property inspec6on and valuation fees, and other feea iucurrecl for the purpose of proteoding Lencler's interest <br /> 24002fi33 <br /> NEBRNSKA-Single farriily-fannie MaelF�etltlie Mac t1NI�ORM INSTRUMENT Porro 3028 1101 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NF.)(11061 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnenclal Services Pane 12 of 17 <br />