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201209152 <br /> in hhe Property and rigl�t5 under tl�is Security Inslrumant; aaid(d) k�lces suoh action as Lc��cicr inay <br /> reasonably require to assure that Lender's inte�•est in fl�e k'roperty and rights under thie Seourity Insh uinenC, <br /> nnd Borrower's oblig�a�tion to pay the snms sacured by this Security inst��wuent�, shall contuiue unohnngad. <br /> Lcnder may require that Borrower pay sueh reivetatement eums �nc1 expenses iii ono or more of tlie followiug <br /> fornvs, as aelec1'ed by L¢ndcr: (a) cash; (b)money orcier; {c) certii'ied check, banlc check, Iseasurer's chulc or <br /> cashier's clieck, provided �uy such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are ineured by a <br /> federal agency, in9ttumentality or entity; or(d)Elech•onic Funds Tranefer. Upon reinsfatement by Borrower, <br /> this Sec�iri6y Instruuicnt and obligations secured hereby shall remTin fully effective A�if no accelcration had <br /> ocourred. fIowevex, this righl to reinslflte shall not atrrrly in the case of acceleration under Seckion 1 S. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in thc <br /> Note(tiogether with tins Security Instrument) can be sold one or more times wifl�out prior notice to <br /> Rorrower. A sale might resulC in a changa in the entity(lniown ns the 'Zonn Service�•") tl�at c��llects Pe��iodic <br /> Paymenfs duc undcr the Note<�nd this Security Histnunent aud parforme other mortgage loan servicing <br /> obligations undei the Noee, this Security Instrmncrrt, and Applicavle Law. Theie also it�ight l�e one or more � <br /> chaugas of the ZoAn Servicer unrelnted to a sflle of the NoCe, IP thero is a cl�ange of the Loan Seivicer, <br /> Aorrower wi1] be given writitan notice of'the change wluch will stnte the nnme a�xd nddress o£the new Lonn <br /> �ervicer, the 2ddrese Lo wl�ich paymonts �l�ould be m�de aa�d any oflier inFormeYion RESP�1 requirea in <br /> cormecCion with e notice of h�ansfer of seivicing. IP Che Note is sold and thereafter tlie Loan ia�serviceci by a <br /> Loan �'ervicer other iliaii the ptuchasar of the Nota, the marEgege loAn servioing oUligaHons to Borrower will <br /> ren�ain with fhc Loan Servicer or Ue transferred to a succassor Loan Servicer antl �re not Assumed 6y the <br /> NoCe purchaser unless oNlerwiso prodrded Uy tl�e Notc purchaser. <br /> N�;ithor Borrower uor T.ender i��ay commeiice, join, or be joined to any judici�tl aeYion(as either an <br /> individunl liLiganl or Che mcmber of a�clase) thnt aris�s from the other party's actions puisuaut to this <br /> Sacurity InstrvmenE or that allegee Hiet the other party has breached arry provision oP, or any duty owed Uy <br /> re2son of, this Secw�ity Inst�wneut, wrtil such Borrowar or Lender has noYified the ather paz•ty(wiHi sueh <br /> notice given in complizmce with�lie rcq�iircinents nf Scc;tion 15) of such 211eged Ureach and ai'Pordeci Yhe <br /> other p�rty hereto a reasoxiable period after the giving of such notioe eo take corrective actim�. If Ap�licaUla <br /> Law provides a time pei'iod which mtitst elapee before cextain action can ba talcan, th�tt�ime period will be <br /> deeined lo be reaeonable for�m�po�es of tihis yaragraph. 'fhe notico of acce1eration aud o�poxtm�ity to eixra <br /> given to Borrower ptvsuaut to Sectiou 22 and the notica of acceleration giv�n to Borrower pursunnt to <br /> SecHon 18 sha11 Ue deemed to satisfq the notice and opportunity to Talw correcUva aetiou provisiona of khis <br /> SecCiou 20, <br /> 21. HazaYdous Substances. As �iee<1 in tl�is Section 21: (a) '"Hazardoats SetbsPances" are Ihose substexices <br /> defined as toxic or hazardons substnne�s, pollutants, oi wasCes by�nvironmc77tal Law and tho f�>llowing <br /> subatancea: gasoline, keroseue, other fl�mmable or toxio petroleum prociucte, toxic pesticides arid herbicides, <br /> volatilc splvonts, matcrials containing asUestos or formaldel�yde, and radioactive matariaLs; (U) <br /> "L'nvi�ronmerr�tal Law"means fecieral laws and laws of fhe jurisdiction whcrc thc Property is located that <br /> Lelatg to healYh, safety or enviromnenCal proEection; (c) "Envirror�naeralal Cleanup" includes Erriy responao <br /> acHon, rernedial action, or re�nova1 action, zs defined ui Fnviromnetital Law; a�nd(d) an "F,nvironr�2enlad <br /> Conclttlun"�i�eatis a coiY�iiCion fhat ctin cause, .conlribute tq or otherwise friggo�'an F,nviromne��tel Cleanttp. <br /> 13orrower s1�all nof cauee r�r pe��mit tl�e presence, usc, disposal, stora{;e, or release of any Haz��dous <br /> Substuiees, or Clveahen Co relcase any Harh�rdous S`�ibslancee, �n or in thc Property. Borrower sllall not do, <br /> nor allow anyone else to do, anything Affec6ng the Property(a) thnt is in violatiou aP any L+ndvroim�ental <br /> Law, (U}wluch craatea an Enviromnental Condttion, or (c) which, due Co Yhe preseuce, nse, or rele�se of a <br /> Hazarcious Subetu2pc, crcaCas a conclilion tl�at adver�dy affocts Yhc�value of tl�e Property. The preceding two <br /> -- enoaxaas <br /> NEORFl51<A-Single Famlly-Fannle MeelFredAie Mao UMFORM INSTRUM WT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP p VMPO(NE�{17051 <br /> Woltera Kluwer Finanalal 3a'vicea Pa9e S of f7 <br />