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201209152 <br /> 12. Borrow er Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. L�xteneion of the Cime for payment or <br /> �nodification o£aunorhi��tion of tlte scuns sectued by thie Seciu-ity Inshumcnt�;raaited by Lender to Borrowec <br /> or any Successor in Tnterest of Borrower sl�all noC operek�e to rel�se che liabiliry of Borrower or any <br /> Succe.ssors in hrteresti of Borrower. Lencier sha71 not be required to commenoe procc;edinbs a�;ainsti vry <br /> Succeasor in Intcrest of 13orrower or to refuse to exlend timc for payuienC or otherwise n�odify amortization <br /> af the suma secm�ed by tl�is SccuriYy lnstrwnent by resaon oP any demand made by the original Borrower or <br /> any Successors ln Interest of Borrowcr. Any forbearance by Lender iix exercieivg any right or resnedy <br /> iucluding, without limitation, Iender's ¢ooeplence ofpayments fiom tlurd persons, enliti�s or SLicoessors iu <br /> Intereet of Borrower or in amouuts less than the amotint ihen duo, n1�a11 not be a waiver oF or preclucic�the <br /> exercise of any right or re�nedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Dound. Borrower coveuants nnd <br /> agrees tl�at Bon�ower's obligations and IiabiliCy el�al] be.jourt a�id severaL FIowever, any Borrower who <br /> w-sign� this Sccw�ity lustrument buf doea not execule lhe Note(a"co-signer"): (a) is co-aigniug tl�is <br /> Seouxity Instrumonti�nly to mortg�ge, grant�nd convey the co-Fi�2cr's interest in tihe Pxoperty nnder the <br /> terms of this Seci�rity Ins�riuvcnf; (b) is not peisonally obligateci to pay Che sums secured by tlus Securily <br /> Instrmnent; and(c) agrees thnt Lendec and any other Borcower ean agree to extend, modify, forbe�r or make <br /> any accommodations wiUi regud to the terms of fhis Security lnstrument or the NoYe without fhe co-signe�'s <br /> consent. <br /> Subject to theprovisions of Sectiou 18, any Suocessor in Interest nP Borro�war wlio as9umee Borrower's <br /> obligations under thie Sect�ri6y Inslrnuicnt in writing, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain all of <br /> � Bon ower's rightis and benefits undex tl�is Security I��atrument. T3orrower sha11 not be released f�'om � <br /> Barrowcr's ob1igatione and liaUility uuder this Security Inafruulcr�t unless I,ender agrees to such release in <br /> writing. The covenants and a�,n'eemeuTs of this Security Insh�wnent ah�i111�ind(cxcepf as provided in Section <br /> 20) and benefit the suocessors anci assigns of f.ender. <br /> 1 a. Loan ChaYges. Lender inay charge l3onower fees 4'or servicea perfortued in conncotion with Rotrower's <br /> default, for the purpose�oP pirotecling Lender's inCercht in the Property�id righta under this Security <br /> Instriuncnt, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, properly inspcction and va�luatton fees. In regnrd to <br /> nny other fees, the al�sencc of cxpceas authority in tl�is Secuiity Inshmnent Co chargc a spccific$e to <br /> Borrower sl�all noC be construecl us a�prohibifion on thc cl�ar�ing of encl�1'ee. I.ender may noti chergc Fcos <br /> Uiat are expressly prohibiticd by this Security InsU-mnenf or by[Lpplioable Law. <br /> If tihe Loan is subjcct to a law which sets maximum lonn charges, and fl�ak law�s finxlly int�erpreted so that <br /> the interest or other loau chargcs co1lccted or to be collecfed in connection with the Loa��eYcccd the <br /> perinitted limits, then: (a) nny auch 1o�u ol�arge shall be reduced by the amount necessery to reduoe Cho <br /> cUarge to tha permittied liuut; ttnd(b) any eums already oollectcd#'rom Rorrower which axceeded permitted <br /> linv6�s u✓ill bc rcfun�icd to Rorrower. Lendar inay chooae to meke lhis refiuid 6y rod�icing tlie princip�l owed <br /> tuicler the Note or by making a direct payment to Borinwer. If�refitnd reduces principal, tho rcductrwi will <br /> be tr�eated as a partial prepaymenti without nny�repayment charge(whe8�ie��oi iiot a�rep�tyment charge is <br /> provided for undcr fhe Note), I�orrower's acce�tiance of�ny such refimd madc h��direct payment to <br /> Borrower �vill consfitufe n waivcr of ar�y right of action Borrower inight have arising ou�of such ovcrdiarge. <br /> 15. Notiees. All notices given by Borrowc�'c�r Le�ider in conneclion with tliis Security Ins6ruuient must Ue in <br /> writing, Any notice to Borxower n�oovnectio�a w'rtl�this SecLu ity Histi'umant shall be deemed to have bcc�� <br /> given to Rorrower whan mailed by first clnes mail or when actually dc1rvered to Borrower's notice addresa iP <br /> senC by oii�or incans. Nokice to aary one Borrower shall consGhite noGce Co a11 Borr�wers unless Appliceble <br /> Law expreasly requires ntherwise. 'Che notice address shall be the Property Address rixiless Borrowen c��s <br /> 24002633 <br /> NGpR��SKA-Sinple Fam ily-Fannic M adFreAdie M ac UNIFORh1 INS'f RUM ENl" Form 3020 7101 <br /> VMPp� VMPeNG) 1106 <br /> bVoltera I(luwer Flnanclal5ervices Page 11�of 1� <br />