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201209152 <br /> yatisfactioii, provided that such iuspectiou sliall Ue undertaken promptly. Lcnder inay pay for the repairs <br /> and restoratiou in a single diabursemenk or in a Series of progress paymenla as Che work is coinpleted. <br /> Ui�less an agrce�nent is mada in writing or Applicablc Law requires interest to be paid�n such <br /> Miscellaneous Procecds, Lo�ider sl�all uot be required to paq Borrowor axry Intarest or eartungs on sucU <br /> Miseellaneous Proceeds. If the restcnation or repair is noY economically Pc�aeihlc or I,endar's security would <br /> be lcssoi7ed, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall Ue applicd to the stune secured by tlus Sccurity Instrument, <br /> whether or nol lhcn duc, witk the excess, if any, paid 4o Borro�vcr. Such Miscellaneous�Prooeeds shall be <br /> applied in tlxe order provided for in SccNon 2, <br /> Iix the evenY of a total lakit��, dcstr netion, or loss in vnlue of the Properly, the Miscellaueous Proceeds shall <br /> Ua applied to the sums aecm�ed by U�is Sccu+�ty lnetrmnenY, wliether or noC [hen ciuc, wiUi(1ie exoess, if any, <br /> paici Co Borrawer. <br /> In thc cvonC of a�arkial taking, destruction, or loss in valuc of the Property in which hhe Fair n�az'kct value of <br /> the Propefty imn�cdiately befoi�e 11ia parual Yaking, desh'ucCion, flr loss in value Is equal to or gr�ler tLan fl�o <br /> aniount of the sums secured by tl�is Sccurity I��striunent umnediafely before Cha parfial talcing, destrucYion, or <br /> loss in value, ttnless Borrowex and Lender otherwise ageee in writiiug, flie sums seoLu ed by N�is Security <br /> Instrumnnt shall be reduced by tl�e amounf of the Miswllaiicous Proceeds inulCiplied by ihe following <br /> fr�cLion: (a) the Cotal amounY of tlie stims secm�ed invnediately 6ePore thc parHal taldng, dsettuction, or loss <br /> in value cfivided by(bj Lhe fair iriarlcct valLie of the Property immediately Uefore fhe partial talcni�;, <br /> destruction, or loss in velue. Any balance shall be�aaid to Rorrower. <br /> In tlie event of a partial taking, deslruction, or loss iu vahie of the Property in which khv Cair ma��lcet value of' <br /> tlie Yroperky immediately before tlie p2rCi�l taking, destruction, or]oss in valt�e is less than the amount of the <br /> emns seeurod immecliztely before the parGal tnlcing, destxuoticm, or loss in valua, mfless Borrower and <br /> Lender otherwise agree iu Nn�iting, khe Miscellaneotts Proceeds shall Ue applicft kcr tlie smns seeured by this <br /> Security InsCcmnent whether or noC Che aiui�a arc then dtiie. <br /> [f the ProperYy is abandoned by Borrower, or if, a$er notice Uy Lender to Bonrower that the Opposing Party <br /> (�e dcfinod in fhe next sentienr,e) of�'ers to malce nn nward ta scttla a claim for duna�ges, Borrower Pails to <br /> respond to Lender wilhin 30 d�tys atter tlie data the notice is given, Lendcr is authorized to collect ntid apply <br /> the Miscellaueous Prooeeds either Co restoraHor�or repair of tlie Property or to the smns secured by thia <br /> Security Insliument, wl�ctho��or not ilieii due. "Oppasing Perty" me�ne Uie Yhird parCy tl�at owes Borrower <br /> Miscellnneous Proceeds or the party a�ainst whom Borrower hea e,righC oP�ction in regsrd to Miscelleneoue <br /> Vroceeds. <br /> Bonower shall be in de£aLilt 'sP any acCion or prooeeding, whether civil or ariminal, i�bo�;un that, in Lendai°s <br /> judgment, could resulti in forfeiture of the Property or��the� materinl impairment of Lender's interest in the <br /> Property or rights imdnr tl�is Seciu-ity Instrument. Borrctwe�� cai�cure s�ich a default aaid, if flcceleration has <br /> ocotu'red, reinstate�s provided in Scctic�n 19, Uy causing the actiou or prooeeciing to Ue dismissed witl��. <br /> �uling that, in Lender's judgmen[, precludes forPoituro of die Property or oUier materiel uvpairment of <br /> Leuder's iulerest in the Property or rights under thie Secm'iCy Inshui��ei�t. TT'ie proceeds of any awu'd or <br /> claim fox damages ChaC are ath'iUutaUle to the impeirinent o£Lencier's interest in tl�e Propertiy are hereby <br /> assigued aaid sha11 be paid tio Lender. <br /> All Miscellenwtis Prooeeds kl�at are not applied to reetoration or repnir oP lhe Property sl�all Ue applied in the <br /> order provided£or in Section 2. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin le Famll -Pannle MaelFretldle Mac 11NIfOrzM INSTRUMENT 24002633 <br /> VMPOO 9 Y VMP�e(NE)(1106�) <br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnanclal9evlocs page f�nf 1/ <br />