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201209152 <br /> continue to pay to Lender the amount of the sepnr�Cely de�ignatcd pa}nncnts Uiat were due whan the <br /> insm�aAice coverage ceased to Ue in eftact. Lender will accept, use and retain CheFc paymcnts as a <br /> non-rcfimciablc loss r�eyerve in lieu of Mbrtgage Insm�anca. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, <br /> notwithstiancling the fact 4hat the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shnll not be�required to pay <br /> Barrower eny interest or eninings on euch loss reseive. Lendcr ca��no]onger rac�uire loss reserva paqments <br /> if Mortgage Insw�vica covarage (in the �mounE end far the period that Lender requirea)providcd by an <br /> insw'cr sclectcd by Lender agaui becomes available, is obCained, and Lenfter requires separately designaCed <br /> paymenta toward the preiniuws for Mortgagc Insm-ance. ff Lci�der required MorCgage Insura�ioe aa a <br /> condition of maleing the Loan and Borrower was required ro m�ke separaCely designatcd pa}�ments towud the <br /> preiniwns f'or Mortgage I��survice, Borrower eha11 pay flie pretniuma required to m�iniain Morlgago <br /> Inei¢euzce iii eLLea6, or Lu provida ei uon-refuuJable lunc �encrvo, �mtil Lcndcr`s requiremant for Mortgage <br /> Iusurtince ends in accordsuice wiYh any wrifteu agreement belweeu Bonower and L,c��dcr providing for sLich <br /> ternunation or witil termination is rec�uired by ApplicaUle I,aw. Noflung in this Seotion 10 nffeeca <br /> Ror�ower's obligafion to pay interest a�t tlie rate provided in the Note. <br /> MorCgage Insm ance reiinl�urses Lendex (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it mny incw <br /> if 13orn>wcr does not repay t1�c Loan.�s agrced. Borrowcr is not a party to t1�e Mortgage Insm•ance. <br /> Mortgage insurcrs cvaltiiate thoir total rislc�n all such insarai�cc in force from tiine to t3me, and may entier <br /> inCo agreements with other parlies [hat shnre or modify Cheir riak, or rednce loeses. Thcse agrccmcnts are on <br /> terms aud conditions that are eatisFactoiy to tSie morYgaga insurer end the o�lier p�u Cy(or p�rties)to these <br /> abreaune�ifs. These abn�eements may require the inort�;age insurer to malce payinenCs using any som�ce of fiuids <br /> that fhe inorCgage insurer n�ay have auailable(which maq include fimds obtained from 1Vlortgage 1ns2traatce � <br /> premiums}. <br /> As ti resulC of these agreemenCs, Lender, nuy pmrol�nser oP flie NoCe, anakher inrurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> enHty, or any affiliaYe of�ny of the foregoing, may recaive(directly or indirectly) amounts thaC derive from <br /> (or inight be char�cterized as) a.portion of Rorrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchmige for <br /> sl�aring or iilodifying tihc mortgage instu�er's rislc, or rcduciv�;lonsc�, if such agreament provides that a�i <br /> ai'filiate of Lender tnlces n shnre o£tihe insnrer's risk in exohnnge fox a share of the premiums paid to the <br /> insurer, The arrTngeinent is ok'ten terined "cal�tiive reinstu'ance." Fm�ther: <br /> (a) �ny ypch agreements will nut affecC the amounts thxt Rm�rower h;�s agreed to pay Yor Mm•tgsige <br /> Insurmace, or airy otlier ternts of Clte Loan. Sncli agreements will nnt increase tl�e amount <br /> Borirowcr�vill owc for Mortgagc Insnrancc, and thcy will not entitle Borrowcr to nny refmid. <br /> (b) Any snclx agreeiuentc will nat nff'ect Uie rights Bor�rower h�s -if any-wiCh respect to E11e <br /> Mortgago Iusaranec miclor the Hoincowncrs Protcetian AcC of 1998 a� auy otlmr law. These rigLte <br /> m:�y incL�de the �•eceive cerGiin disclusares, to reqnest xnd obtsuu cancellatim��of the <br /> Mortgage Insnrauce, Co h.�ve Clee 1Vlorfgage Iusm•ance Cer�ninaCed anComaBct�lly, and/or to reeeive <br /> a refimd of any Mortgflgo Iusnraucc premi�nns tliat wcrc nncaiiicd at the 8me of sncL <br /> cnncellxtiun ur teri�in:�tion. <br /> 1 1. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; ForFeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereUy assigned to <br /> and shall be��aid fo Lender. <br /> Lf tl�e Property iF dv��agcd, such�Miscellai�cous Prococds shall bc a��>plicd to restoratiou or repair of the <br /> Property, if hhe restoration or repnir is econoinieally feAsible and Lender's security ie nof lessened, llueiiTg <br /> such repair end restor�tion period, Lender shell heve the righY to hold auch Miseellaneous Prooeeds until <br /> Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Pro�erty to enstu'e the work has Ueen coinl>leCed to Lender's <br /> 24002633 <br /> NEBFEASKA-Single Famlly-Fannle Mae7Fre�Ule Mac ONIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3020 t107 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(110 b 1 <br /> 4Valters Klmv er Financlal Sarvices Papa 9 of 17 <br />