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<br />.. � : `� a y �q ��.� 2 . � � 7 - � . ..�� .. _ � � ._, - ...,,a,.--$t� � -- '— .' •""'`Q e. -
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<br /> . '} ' ' .
<br /> �i`�.t. q� �►
<br /> - :°�':. ' • payments may ao tunga�e mquired.at the ogtlon of Leudd.if mat1gage�nsurance�vaage�Ot1�ea�and fas�he pertod .
<br /> . ' �` ' V that Laadar c�4aires)Provided by an iasum�eppmvcd Dy l�der agtria becomes sva�aDls aud is abtalnaf.Boimw�s1�11 pay tlte
<br /> •�.< ' p�ms sequireA ta mainmiu m�tgage�ca in effect.o�to provIde a ios9 ees�ve. unt�the r�quicaneat for moitgsge
<br />� ins�aaoe ends in a000�daa�e witb any writt�ag�eaaent between 8onower and Leadea or ap�ticabte taar.
<br /> . , g InSyestFna. Leader or it�ageat may ma�e t�eatanab2e anuies upon ead in�pections oi the Pc�ty.I eader sball giva ` <
<br /> �.:..��; Baaower a+otice at the time of ar pri�m an insFecdan specifymg reasoaaMe c�use for the inspecaun. . '
<br /> ..-- "— v , YQ.Coad�mnatiom 'llie graaeeds of a�y aw�d ar ctaim far Qamages.�t or oonseqn�tiai.�a onnaectioa witA�y --� ;.
<br /> ° � oondemaauon or at�er taFang of any part of the Prope�ty,or for canvey�oe in tieu of ooademnaitan,aie h�elsy assi�e3 snd `�,. .
<br /> sLall be�id w Lat�er. �.
<br /> Ia tIIte eveat of a rotal ta]dng of tbc Pmpeaty,ttce prooeeds s�all be applied to ihe sums secaaed by tAis Se�xuity Iasm�aeent. ;". 'i
<br /> ��'� . ` whet4��nnt the�da�wnb anY eacess paid to Boa+uw�1n the eveat afa pamal tatang of thePmpetty in which the fair a�arkei
<br /> . ' vaIue of�te Fmpaty�S►Defaie the tak�►g is e�qoal w ar gReater thaa the amaunt of the svms seaaed by this Seau�ty
<br /> Insuameut i��Y 6efate the tat�ag,tmiess Bnr[owet aad Lender ot�rise ag�e ia vrdti�g,ttte sams secuted by tlus __.
<br /> � Seamrity InsL�nment stiaII he iednced by the mmrnmt of the pmoeeds maItiptied hy d�c following fracdon:(a)the total�i of ' .'
<br /> II
<br /> , t�e smas sec�ued immediatelY bef�e tIle ta&nng,Qivtded 6S►@)dte fnir market vaIue of tIIe Yra�perty imtned�ely be[are the
<br /> . ... , '_ taIaag.Any baTanoe sbari�epafd tn Bona�In dte event o f a g m ti a l t a k i ng o f t h e P t o p a t y m w h i c,b t h e f a�r m�e t v a l u e o f t h e �;.:_._.
<br /> _ . �,.�. . �►�Y�t$e ta�oSag is Iess t�an the amouni of dse sams s�lmmediatei9lsef�e the m1da8,anle�s
<br /> ��". �o�wa and Lead�r otherwise agtee in wri�ng ar anlcss appllqble 1aw othe�wise pt+nvides,d►e piaoeeds suaD be spplied to the �_:--
<br /> ' ' sums sepued 6y tbis Sec�y t�as�t whethec or nec che sams ace thea aue. �
<br /> � If the Pt�pcny is abandou�by Bmmwer,ar if�,after nfluce by Lemdea m aoAawe,r that the oond�nor offers m make� �:- ,.
<br /> _—_ .". . a�r�d or seuIe a�d(a�im f�,owr dau�age�s,^Boaa�wea fa7s m�espond to Lende�w�L'm 30 days aftsr ahe date rhe noti.^ce is give4�� _
<br /> c:�t��. �1 F�� IS�W W11PIi��i�y 4W�f Gi��YVary��aYUY(�aw/M������.ry�W��� __ ''.
<br />�.�_.t�l f.� .:.' .
<br /> .. bj111f13.S�1LJ1�ta W�Pd OrIIOt f�ICD�i1C. L�-
<br /> ,.'..c.'.:.-�`-�.
<br /> ;��., "'" UDICSS��lC ffill�BOIZBWC[O11leiWLSB 8$iP�C Ia WfIUIIPa.�Y BPP��Of jlYpOPCdS t0 Q!lJll�BjISII IIOt CRICIId OI jWs"�QBB —
<br /> , the d�e dar$af�e mom6ly paymeats refc�dl to in pacag�apl�1 and 2 ar cbaage theamount of sa�paymentg. �-
<br /> . . -;':?��h� 11.Sttn+awer Nat Red�1,Forb��BY Lender Nai e WeFver. Exte�itozs of the time ffer paymient at ma�un
<br /> � � � ',sf.; a���of the siuns seaued by this Sec�ity Insma�t g�am�by I.ender to aay sacoess�in int�t of�armwer sLaD
<br /> . ;",. .
<br /> ` ':';.� `�.,>;u;%; r�og�ate to m�se�e lia�ii�of the os�ginal Ba�ovre��Bamawer's snoces�s m in�sest Lendea shatl na�6e ceqai�ed w
<br /> � � :`-E,�� oo�ce Pmceedings ag��Y sn�ss�i�Intea�st c�Ycfuse ro extead tuna farpaymeat ar othe:wise madify amo�of
<br /> ..1 :� %';',:?,ti d�e s�s s�aued by this Se�¢sisjl Ins�ne�a2�Yy�asan af aay de�aand�te iry tLe oiiglnat Bom¢wer or Bmmw�'s sa�us
<br /> . � ; ia inta�st.Any forbeazaace T�I.euder in exeaei�ng any right or m�edg�aD naft be a waiver of or prectude the execGise of any , _
<br />_.�,,'��-''�: %:
<br />`�:.;.y;�= '• �_ .,. �tortea�edy.
<br />�''�'�'� " : ''� 12.Snooe�r�and Assc��omnd,dotnt and Sev�mlldab�Ity;Co�gners.'� covmants and agr� �of tLis
<br /> 4�. .. i .. . -
<br /> _ ::.`�� Sec�riry�sunm�ent shall bind mid beneSt tha snceessois and assigas of Lendea aad Bormwer.sabject to the j�nvL�ions of
<br /> ... ..�t .
<br /> —.— - `� p�u�..ph 17. Bormerer's cacenant� snd a�meu� sh�1�jomt and s�ren�l. A ny B v t mw�s who eo�slgns this S e r a a i ry � ._
<br /> . . � .�;; Insttumtat b�does not execute the Not�(a)is co�si8uin8 this SecaritY Insbvment onty m mortgAge.8�ant mid wmrey that
<br /> . . � .,; Bouawea's intaest in the Propeaty andcar the teams of this Secmity►In.sttumenfi N)is not peasnnally oblipted t4 pay the sams _`._
<br /> ' .',i setu�ed by this Secutity LtsCnmenx ead(c)egees tb2t E.�adet and any other Bmmwer may sgt�e w extedtd.m�9.fotDeer or „ _
<br /> . • . " .� ;.; make�y a000mmadadans with regasd m tLe teams of ti�S�mdry Ins�ume.nt ar the Not�withont t6at Bolmw�'s consent °!-
<br /> . . •, .`; 13.l.oaa Cmargee. IP the Io�sec�ued by ti�s Seca�ty InsOra�a is sabject Oo a 1aw which sem rat�tmtue to�cl�arges. f�;-
<br /> ._�.i:. . �' aad tbat law i4 G�aity iatespceoed so tLat dae is�Lerest or othea loan c�wllected or tn be ooIIe�im oannection witb the imn L� ;"
<br />,._,�;,: . : . .., eacePd 8ie p�i�'ed l�aits�Qce.n:(9)a�ny�loaa cdarge aLall ba redaced by the amrnmt n�sy w reQ�ce i&a charge m dt�� � .
<br /> � �'; �uued ii��d(b)anY sc�s a1�dY wIIecKed fmm�sowed which����limits wU be refimdsd w Boaawe� .� _
<br /> . �. ' . °:�: �der may d►�se to���s refrmd by red¢cing�a.princlpal owed�mdet the Not�ar by maldng a diract PaYm�at w �'.•:
<br /> m et
<br /> � .� :' = Bomoorea.I��A:gune reduces princtpal,a�reductIoa wiU be ueated a9 a Pardal Prepayment wi�hout any pav,�ymeat c��cLw.
<br /> .. ,. . �,�,.; �-"
<br /> • • . ;;�;; ,,, uadertheNofE. ,
<br /> . .- ,."�.�� 10.Notlee9. Any nodce�o Bo�we,a�:oWded for in tbls Secvaity LLStrumea�t s1�aU be given by deliveaing r�as Dy malHag II �''-
<br /> .. . ; i�.y:fast c�ass cua7�Isss appticable law teq�usa of another methad.The no�tce shaU be d�recteA to the P�a{�r�:q Addre�s or .: .
<br />- , ,�'1 any ather address Bocmwa des�ates by notice w Lender.My nodce oo Lea►def sLall be giver�by�rst ctass ma�tn l�eaded's
<br /> � ����s�' �' address stared hereiu or any athea address Lender de�gnates by noticce m Bomower. Any notice DmvIded for m this Seauity ,�;,-.'_
<br /> ;',y;��.;' •
<br /> , „ F c��.: Insor�ea►t sdatl be deemed w t�ave beeai�r�to Boaowea or Le,nder whea giv�a9 prnvlded i�t�ris parag�aph. '`
<br /> . .�:;ilh�i �� � i•�..�..
<br /> 15.Goveming Lew;Severa6�ity. '�h#s Security Inswment s3all be goveaned by fede�a] law and the 1aw of dt=
<br /> ' �•:.'. s jurisdiction m ahich the Fc+ape�ty is lacxted. 1n dte eveat that any pravLsion az claase of t�is 5ecurity IasUUtnent ar the Note � ,�^':'
<br /> p �5� .
<br /> .., . ., oontticts witP�ap�rllcable�^�,sucb confllct shall not affa�other psavisioa9 of this Security In�nent Qr tl�e Plore whicb can be .�"
<br /> � ,.�;;+{�f_� .� Biven effect c�+hhout the coctlictiing gsavision.To ttds end ttie pr8v�.�anns of th9s Security InswmeAt snd the Note are declat�d to •
<br /> ,. .1;,i�;;;°�, be s�veaable. .
<br /> � "'ft�i't�` _..
<br /> i Form 80�8 9/90
<br /> .. , _ -
<br /> . :�:, ��R(NE)ta��e).o� Vagoeote Inttlata:
<br /> •c;t;�.�
<br />_ • ;a���'.
<br /> '���1�(j�;l{ t
<br /> S.. . , ' : ' • . ,. ' . .. _ . . _ . _ : . - . ,. .. . ',.
<br /> �.. � . . .. ' . . . , . ` •. , ,. . • ' ' .. .
<br />:,� � • � ' ' " . �. . . . ,.. .. • • '
<br /> . , . . . .
<br /> . • . .. ,
<br /> ; .. • . . . . . .
<br /> � : , � � ' , . . , • • . . ' ��' -
<br /> '.I. . . . . . . ...1J - — ' '._.—.__..--.__— __—__— _ — _-- —__ —..—._
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