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<br /> - . i � .. � - ' � t• 44 �(.41
<br /> - . - y } .L� -t�S` :.� _ �� , • ti. � . < .'t � , - �,, ��37 .
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<br /> o , � r` ` � , ,`' c � ( " . . ,. ' _ t , r. ,.c ,.
<br /> , , • •� .. •� � , ° ` < < Ja`�.
<br />, . .. . ., �t' . . . " � .. � . � .' . . . . . . _ ` - L. t'., i ��. � .t . •` „
<br /> ., a . I • : 4' i� c ., ` .y u�—...._....f✓-�-L�.i.1 _...�_. �L �...._w .. _�ar-.��- ., ...�.��-
<br /> - . `�, l: __ ��.�.-.�-i..-.a�-a-�-^i_�_"��rw�.Y.. :..��— �� �
<br /> . . . • Y�L4 QOW�$�eiCB�C QeCLCd On t318� •. •
<br /> " �`� S.Ha�sd or�top�t9 Iasor�ace. Boaawer shaU keeP the uupro e �d auy other ha�d.s,incladinS tlood4 or
<br /> � . ' in�uned agaanst I�sg by fu�a..baza�ds�actuded ari'thin the tam°ext�aded co�� �e amo�mts and fcr the getiods that Leuder . <
<br /> u
<br /> <: 'this insiu�oe shall be msin�ned� .
<br /> '. �. � ` it�diag.far whicti l.ende,r ceclu�� Bmrower subjoct to I.eades's approval wbicb sLa1I not �.
<br /> - 4 �e---�^� requ�es.'Iha uis�uanoe cerrict Providing��shaU be chflsea by �o obmin _;°�5_;.
<br /> � be uru�asonably withhe�. If Bmmwer fals to maintnin oave�eSe desr�sed abuve.L,�e�m�Y•at I�ender's oP' n,
<br /> cove�a,ge w ptotect Leader's ri�ta in the PcoPe�tY in acoasdance witD paiagr�Ph 7.
<br /> ' • AU insnranae poliaes and reaeovats sbaU be eooe�abte w L�der and s6a11 inctude s�dard ��of� ,
<br /> U Leudet requ'sres.Borrower shall pm P Y� `...;.•.
<br /> .. . have tlie rlg�t tn twI�the Pnliti�s and ceacwals. Y t notice w the mn��-p c�ier and Leader.Lender
<br /> . . pnmuin�s end ceaewal aotioes.Ia the event of Ioss.Basower s6aD Si e PmmF �.
<br /> , �y�� b Bormwer. or air of the �'.,:
<br /> ' f of ioss if aot made pmmptlY Y �116�aPDlied to� �P �
<br /> Un2ess Leader and Bmmwer athe�vise agcee�n�,��P� �s ceot Iessened.If ttte r�at�or .
<br /> ` � prapeny damaged,if the cestnration ar repaa is eoonomicaitY feasfb2e�nd Lender's s�► ���]Ie�m the sams ."., ; '�
<br /> h won2d be Iessened.the ias�uance pmcxeds
<br /> . . repair is not emnomicaltY fe�Is ur Lender's seauitS► excess PaW to Borrower.If Bmsowea abaadons the :
<br /> , s�caie�by tt�SecmitS► Ins�nm��,��ar not thea due.witb ffi►y �'- .y ,
<br /> . � " pco .or does ot answ�within 30 days a natice f�om Lender that the iusmanc��has offered w seuIe a claine.thca .
<br /> p�y n co or reswie the Pmpeaty ar to pay sums s� �".-
<br /> � � Lendes may aollect the insu�ce p�oc� -
<br /> Irnder may ase d�e p�� �
<br /> . by�g��t,whethar arnatthen due.'tl�e 30-day Peiiod w�be�n whe�the natise is�v�►.
<br /> �. m writing.anY aPPI�°n of pmceeds oo Ps�sUall not extead ar postpone .
<br /> . U�I�eada and Barrower othetwise agcec� �1 and 2 ar ct�ange the amount of ti►a paS►meats.If�mdcx Pare�aPb `';.
<br /> --- -�- �� .�he due date of die monthly Paymeats=ef�ed to ia pasagraP olicies and�re.aultmg from d�nag�to the <,��'�..__:
<br />. ` . � ..�°s ' 21 ths ProFr�tS► is ecclu�md 6Y��+Bonower's tight w any i�P ��t immediatcly
<br /> ' acq�isidon shari pass to LcaQer o�the extent u€the saras secaued by tLis Sec�ulty : .
<br /> �P�Y P�r to the ra .`°
<br /> ., ,
<br /> ' � ` , ` piior to the soquisition B��er*8 Loan Application;Lea�hoids.
<br /> '- • 6.Qc�paII�9.P�*Yfltt�n,A'laiat�ance and Prote�ion oi the Praperty: da aftcr the execatioa of _.. :f;`
<br /> ' �a6liste,�d nse tde PcoDeity►as Bonow d s p ri a a y a 1 r�ideace withm si�y► Y$ --
<br /> . - ` Bmiuwea sba]1 cocaPY• � ag Bonowes's prmapal�ce fas at Ieas[one Y��the
<br />;- � �'� this SeauitY Iasnn��t and shall cundnne w ocruPY � �whicd con�t shall nfla 6e��IY w►thhetd.°!°�� .��"`=
<br /> � " � daze of accaDauaY.an1es41�end�r othawise a�ees � theP�opatp. "`'~
<br /> exist wLicb e�e 1�eYon�Bormwer's conuol.Borrowa shafl not des�oY,da��Se or� „ 1:
<br /> ��g� nu
<br /> � p�y�cty w de�ate,ar comma waste on ths progerty-Bo�a���1II���� farfeiAUe�� �
<br /> � alIow dte � _
<br /> �' ' :y� pmceedmg whe2her civil os criminal,i�began�S�der's gaad faith judSmwt could�esult iA f�feiunre of the pcopertY at
<br /> F� -��-i.
<br /> ,::,,"•,� , Iusacmaent or I.eader's secority��B�wer anay cate su(�t e �
<br /> . nth e s w i s e�Y�P�t h e t i e A�x e a t E d b y �t Y �o b e d i s m i s s e d w i t b a r u l i n g t t�a t.i n �:�`�f�
<br /> vided'usx h 18,isY cs�ia8 the acdon ar Piviceed'm8 b
<br /> . : .' � d e�I t a n a�s�,es P� � m o t h�m a�i a 1�t of `
<br /> Leades's gaad faitb determina�an,Pre�ud�forfeiAUe of the B�ruwer's���1 1e�P�Y ,� �-�.
<br /> ' Insaume�t ar L�d ds�►iatc�cst.BoauRes shall also be in defanit if Bauower.durip8
<br /> the
<br />_ ' +'��`�� the tie�c�tcd UY dils 5ec�it5► �e or inaccanate information os s�temeat�m Lender(or fa�Zed m provide Leuder wit!► �_ �
<br /> ''��:- ��-� ---
<br /> � ,,.; .. ��.�f'; ��{���in oonnecdon with the Wan e v i d e nced b y the Na� mcludmg,but not l�aited w. c�t�en�iuns �._, .._._
<br /> '�:�_.�: of the ProgeatY as a Pr�c�1��If t6is Sr�ritY L�su���an a tease�o2d.Bmmwei � ;:_
<br /> wnceaniag Bonrower's a��5► ��fe�titte�r c2�e Praperty,the teasehot�and the fee tttle shaIl -
<br />= �as �� shall camPly wi8t sil the pmvisioas of the lease.If Bamuwer 4 �f-�.,�
<br /> :,,,.., _,.._
<br /> - '•�:.:�'r:��,��;�.• � W t�e metga in writmg. -
<br /> �,,�,•,��.�.r, not m��less Leader a�ees � � �-
<br /> ' in t�e QroDert'9• If Baac��faits w pe�oim tttee c��ants and agreeme�ts cnnt�ured
<br />- `;�.�j��'���. 7.�t�ttnn of Lender's Righh� dy affeci Lea�a°s iigbts in the Yrape�tY(sas�as a _ -
<br /> ;.�:r t h i s S e r u r l t Y InsCume°b or thete is a tegal pma"'.�din8 t�at�� � .._'
<br />- ..� . . p r o c e e d i n 8 i n b a n l n m p t c 3'•P�O�'for condemm6ea ar f o r fei�vr t n e a f o r c�I.,.�s a r re g a L�.,a"'`a oas),���►d��naay�tade
<br /> • far whatevea is a�ry�D��t h e v a l u e o f t h e P r o p e rt Y�I r e a d e r a�m��' in w m t.F a Y m B r e a s o n a b l e .'
<br />- ' . . an s�ns ses�ued bY a]i�ts whicb 6as OrtoritY o�er tir� SecuritY Instrat°ent,��g der tbis yara�tapb?.landea �-���'�-
<br /> - , , PaY�B �Y s'� w make repairs.AA�ngh Lander may take� - -
<br />._ atto�aeys fees and ente�iag on ths L>aFeztY :.�
<br /> � . does not have w do so. h 7 shaD become add'ntianal debt of Barrowet sec�aeA by this SeauitY -
<br /> ° . ., Any amounts disUuc�d bY��undea this Paia�ap �amoBnm shall bear�tesest from the da0a of .
<br /> .` ' Ins�s,Un�ess E�oaawa�I�dea a�ee to other tesms uf PaYme� nesdag PaYmeant
<br /> `�.:'?����'••�, � ' �. le vuith interest.uDan notice fi�Q�emde.a tti Banowea rc4 p =
<br /> _ . .����w;� disb�s�s�naent at the Note iate�:d�:..11 be payab +
<br /> :yf.: �• &�itmtg,�e Insuranc� If�nder requi�ed mottgage ins�auce as a wnd'uioe o�in ef�ect. If� m.a�nn�e
<br /> � . Instrum�t,Bmmwcd shaU PnY t1�e Dr�►�:equited tn ma:�n the mattgag �
<br /> mortgage insuiance cavaa8e rc4uired by Icader IaPses or ceases to be m effect.Barmwa sha11 DaY the p�i�s��$
<br /> • � ' obtain cavcaaSe substantialty ealuiva�nt to the martgage lnsuraace Previous�Y in effect.at a cost snbs�ntiall ve�yb Lender.If
<br /> in effeci.fmm an alteanate mottgage ins�r�appro
<br /> - .. � cost 1n Boaawer of the mortgage� Y�nat avmlab2e.HoimwEr sLall DaY to Lendcs each month a saaz�� .
<br /> a
<br />— � . .1 substaatially equivale�t mortgaSo� mivm being Daid bY Bamnwes ahen the iasurance aoveraige ia�ssed
<br />— . . � on�twelftb of the yeaity mortgage insu�►ce pre ,
<br /> . . ' be in effec�LeaQer aill acccPt,use and retsln these paYment�av a loss reseave 9n lleu of mortgage insur�cc.l,oss reseave
<br /> - �. � Fortn 8048 9J90 �
<br /> - ' � s aapo a of s Inilla:s:
<br /> = e �.6R(H-.�t921�.01 .
<br /> - . ' . . ' ., �
<br /> -_ , . � .
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