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<br /> . .z. ; ' ' ' �g7 �0 �,�03 `
<br /> � . ,` 3 16.Borrawe�Pa Copy. Botmwer aHall beg►ven ame oonfoaned oopy of the ats and o tAis Security Iasuumeat �
<br /> • � .� u
<br /> 1 7.T r a a s f e r o t t�e P r o p�tq�a B�eP'sdsl Lterest in Bormwer. If alt ar�y part of the Piopertl►ar any intacest in it is
<br /> . _ � '. '..� soW or transfcrced(ar if a ben e�a a l inreoest in Hoimwcs is sold ar uansfeired and Boaower is not a n a w r a lp�n)w i l l ho u t �
<br /> w
<br /> . E.ender's p r i c=�vtitt�n cansea�LEader may,at its oprio0.���P�eat in full of all snms secured by this Secauity
<br /> � .� �� Ias�um�nt Hawever,this opriaa shall not Ise eace,�sed by I.�d�r if e�c a d s e is pm h�i t e d by f e d e r a l I aw ag o f t he d a t e o f t h i s .....
<br /> .:� Security Ins�umenL
<br /> If Leader exe�ises tDisopuuon,Lender shall give Bamavrer nottoe of aooelciation.'Ihe notice sLall provide a peaiod af not iess
<br /> a
<br /> . �,� tl�an 30 deys fmm the da�e the notice is delive�ar ma�7ed within wbic6 Houowex must pay aU sums secured by this S�y
<br /> � �. -e Insttamem.if Bonawer fa�s ta pay these sams piior m the expi�a�ian of this peaiad,Lcader may mvoke any remedies peamiued
<br /> ' °,. ` '° •� by tbis Seauity InsOrumeai withont fiuther notice ar d�uaud oa Bouower. . :�:.
<br /> In ume
<br /> . • :.� IS.Bor�mser'�Rfi�dt to Reinstat� If Baanwea meets cert�in wndttinns, Boaower svaD have the ri�t ro dave _�,`�.=s:
<br /> � enf�emeat of this Sec,mry Insuumeat�at aay time ptinr to the eartier o� (a) 5 days(ar such other penod a4 f
<br /> .a: �` appl3c�ble Isw m8y�fo�remsmremeut)1�efoie sate of the Pcopaty piusuent to ffi►q gawar of sale canffiined in this S� _ .,
<br /> . ' . �p►OT�1��tr�r O S jII�1 C�OICI�g i�3 SCQII11j►inchnime�t T�IOSO COAQi110tIS 8tC�121 BOIIUWC'�:�S�pay S�� '`%.�_,
<br /> � . smms which thea w o n l d be dne andes this Secauiry Ias�mm�t and t h e Not�as i f ao soce t e r a t i nn h a d ooc u m e d;@)c u�a n Y �.:. '-"
<br /> � defaWt of�yr oth�oaveaants or ag�eaceat�(c)Pays a11 exFeases maa�ed in enfarang this Se�rity►Ias�ameau,inciud'mg,bui ' :-
<br /> iea
<br /> � ' not limiied w.reasanable atmmeys'fec�and(�mkes such action as Y.endea maY�easonably reqnire to asss�ee tbai the 1ie.a af dns � •�;,.�;�
<br /> . .��` • . Se�auiry Iasttamcnt,Leatder's rights in the Ptapeity and Btmowet's obfi�o n to pay the smns secaced iry this Se�auity :�_'
<br /> Ins�meat sbaII cantinue�ged Upnn cemstat�nent Isy Boaower,Wls S Inso�ament and the obfigati�ons s�ucd ,,
<br /> � ' tielebq shall remain fiilty e�ect�ve as if ua R�p��n�+*+had occm�d.Koweva.t�is�tu m�te sLari nat agp2yr in the case of ;:r:.
<br /> ' ' � a�ranon tmdrrparagrapb 1� '.
<br /> ;� ,;,
<br /> • l9.S�Ie aY Nmte;Change of Loan Service�: 1he Noie or a paraal inL�st in the Note (wget�,with this Se�uiry
<br /> . Instrnme�may 6e sold one or maie times withoui prFar uouce to Bamnwer.A sate may�vtt in a c6�ge m the emtity(tmown � %�
<br /> � av the"I.oao Srsvice�that col�eCts manWy paymeats due�der the Note snd thi�Se�auity Iasuame,nt lhece atso u:ay bc one or �,'�:j 5
<br /> � � - maie cl�aages of the I.�an Services�etated to a sa2e of the Pio�.If thae is a c.bange of the Lo�n Seavices.Bonowa an'II be _ .
<br /> ` givae v�citt�notice of the c6anp,e m acocaQdaace whb parag�aph 14 above and aFpticable taw.The notice w�state the name and f . ..�_.F
<br /> ': � • � �� edMess of ti�e aew Loan Seavicer�d the sddres4 to whic6 paymeuts stwnId be made.'tiie no6ce anU aLso canrain any othca �: - .
<br /> �->-°- .- �;�- aifmmadon rzotuired bY agPiis�bls taw. '��•.-6=
<br /> - ?A HezardaasSubstan�. Bmrower s�aII noi�nse m p�a�it the p�euce, as� disposal. sWraB� or release of anY �,:�;r,�
<br /> ��..,. �. Hmardaas Sabstauces an ar ia the Pcopeny.Bazmwer sAall not do.uor auow anpone eL�co dn.anytt�n8 affec�g the Ptapaty -_-
<br /> . .: that Ls ia violati�on of aa�r Envuronmental Iaw.'ibe p�eceding tao se�tte�ces sbari not applY to ths P,res�o�res�ennal ns��s "�� [_
<br /> e
<br /> la °- --
<br /> . , � P�npeacy of s�naU qaantrties of Haz�dous Substanees that are gen�aIly reca�azed w be appmpna� '.` .
<br /> •" andw aaia�auce of�e Fmpe:ty. .?r���
<br /> � Bazmwer sbaD QmmP�Y 8�e Latder w�aot�ce of sny invesdg�tia�.c,laim.demaa�,laavsmt aa ottser action by any
<br /> � - . govemmental or regnlatoiy► e�ncy nr grivais party mvotviag the Propeaty and nny H�rdous Snbstaaoe ar Envmonmenml I�w �;�;:.�:.,
<br /> of which Baaowes l�as�1mowledge.If Bom�wei lesms.ot is noti6ed bY anY govetnmeuMdl or zegulaLOry authority,thai any �.•�,.`�.';3.,
<br /> m�
<br /> �� � removal ar ath��nediad4n ofaay HazaMua4 Snbstanee affecting t�e Ptopesty is necessary,Boaawea sbali grompdy take all _
<br /> `'�r: �, .: uecess�y temedisl aclioaa in accaNance witb Euvhonme,ntal Law. { '
<br /> - As use�in tbia patag�aph Z0.°Ra�rdous Snbs�coe.s"are those sabsC�mces defined aa w�dc or 1�a�r�rdous snbsKances by � __
<br /> — -- =� Environmental Iaw aud the follawing sabsKaace� gaso�ae. kc�s�� other Qammable or toxn: petiole�uu pioducis,ta�Ic = .
<br /> F� pesticiQes and heabisides.voIaWe soIvents,marerials con�aing asb�4tos or farmaldehYde.aad iadiosr�dve mateaiaLg.As used m . "'�°".'
<br /> . .`_; this p�aph Z0."Environmental Law"means fedeaal laws�.d la�vs of the jurisdiconn wheae the Ptaperty is tacated ttmi nlate `';y;f_�:
<br /> : �= tohealtb,safet'or environmental pmteqion. .� .�,
<br /> . ��'�t�''�
<br /> . , ' °� NON•UNII�ORM COVENAN'I'S.Bosrowe,r and Lender fmQ�er cove�ant aad agree as follow�
<br /> ; ,.•
<br /> .�:�_ Zl.AoceleratFon;Remediea Lender sbaU give no8oe to Borrower prlor to soceteratton foIIowiipg Bon+awer's brcacD o!
<br /> . , any �ovenant ar agrcement in thts Sec�tty Iastromeat (b� not prtos m aooeleralio� ander DaregraPh 19 anlrss --
<br />- .,.�...:. . ..., : aDptdeable taw provJdes offierwLSe).7'E�e notice shaR spedty:(a)the defaalt:tb)the actton reqatred to cmre We defaNt;(c) �
<br /> `�''��� . a dat�not I�s than 30 deys Prom the date t�e Qo�tce��iven to Bon�awer,Dy wflfcls ttie defantt must be car�di and(� , -_
<br /> ;��:,, . - ,
<br /> . • ., ��,, t�at faihue to care the defantt oa or before the date spedlte�l in the eo@ce may r�m acceleration o�the sums s�se�
<br /> • � ::, by this Security�trament and sale ot the Piroperty.The nottce sha�t f�er mt'�m.n Borrawer oT the rTgbt to reinstate
<br />_ � . . after aocelera�ma�nd We rtgbt to brtng a oomt actt�n 4o assert t6e ua�-e�4enae c�Y a delantt ar any other defense o! �=`
<br /> �: . Borar�wer to mcceteratton and sate.IP We defanit Is not c�l on or 6¢tmre tDe daCe�ft¢d in the nottce,�.eader,at ita �,ii;
<br />_ _ �e .
<br />_ :;r; .. aDtf�nt,rnay reqaire imm¢diate payffient In ihD of a!1 snms seaQed by this Sec�ity Instr�en!wItdont tarther deman d
<br /> 9 .
<br /> and may invaSs�t�e power oY sale and any other reme�ies permt4ted Dy apyBcable Iaw.Lender s6aD be e�d to eoIIfct ,
<br /> . . . . . a�expenscg�a¢d tn pmsuing tRe remedies pravtded in tbts paragraph 21.inetadiag,bnt not limited tu.reasonaDis : .
<br /> . attorneyB'fe��d easts of title evidenc� � �:,,:,
<br /> .:,.,,,
<br /> - . HS the pawer ot saIe is InvoiceA,7Yastee shall record e natice op defaalt in eacL oounty in whicP�any part oY the ,,:trf�
<br /> - ' ... } PtagX�ly is tocated end s6aU mail oopieg o!sucb not�e in the manner pressrlbed by apylIc�ble faw to Barrawer and to the '••';�;:-
<br /> , . � . , . : other$zrsons�'�srdbed 6y appllsab2e taw Aiter 1he time required by appltcabfe law•7Yast¢e sI�aU give pnDttc aatice of �
<br /> - . � � � saie to the pe�an�in the manner pre�"E�rO 6y applicabte taw.�wlthout dema�W a���rcr,shnll sell tt�e �
<br />-- � �'��! ' Property at pui�s aactioa to the btghest bid�r at the tfine end p�ace aefl a+nder the te�s desig�.2..�in the notice of saie � �
<br /> , ;;� �•'� ' Fae�n�.D20 9/90 ` . ,
<br /> _ . � Q�-SR�NE)tazt2s.o� Peaa8m8 rr.a:s: .
<br /> - � • O . ..
<br /> -- - .. _._. . .r--n . . . .. . . . � � -- � ,�L
<br /> • . . . . i. . - -. , _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ .
<br /> ,
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