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<br /> _ �. 9��T�/�w'' d�:��p�� �� .�}�"�
<br /> �:r..�L`•. �� iilll{�i���..{'t'�►� `Y C
<br /> • ' 7�Qf3E'i��[t W1TH sU the im�ovemenfs noar or Qe,�eafier eiected on the pmpe�cy. >4. :
<br /> = �� �. .. fa�uues now nr hacaftar a past of the pinp�aty.All r�lrsemeots and additions st�all adso be oove�red by this 5ecuriry lnsuvmeat ,
<br /> All of the foiegou►g Ls refeued to in tLis Senairy in�uumaut as the'�m�arty.° ' ..
<br /> .-'�� BORROW�R COVENA�iTS that Botro�ver i4 IawfuIIy seised of t(ie�te hereby amveyed and 6as the right m graz►t and .
<br /> ' .. . oomrey the Praperty and thai ihe Fnopacty iv�6�ed.exoept far eacumbrances of teoord.Borrower wffiraats and w�1i - _ ;
<br /> , defead geue�aliy dte oa�ie to the�'nPertY agains�all cla�ms and dern�ds,sabject to any ena�mbranoes of m�cord.
<br /> - ,- TEIIS SECURiTY INS'IIiUN�PC combin�uniform covwants for uati,onal use aad non-unifarm cov�with t�nided
<br /> � . v�iations by jatisdic6nn tn oonsdnrte a mrif�n secaiity insmmmeat cavering real pmpeity. . A .:
<br /> . ; UNII�ORP/I COVENANTS.Ba:mwerand Leader wve�ant and agnee as faIlow�
<br /> . �`:, ` 1.Pay�ent ot Princfpal aad Hnieresti�Payment and L�le Chatg+�. Boaoarer shall pmmpdY Pa}+ when due the .,
<br /> ' :f. �,: � piiatipal of and is►teteston thedebt evidenced bY the Note and ani►ArePaymeut and late cl�arges dae ander the Note. F.
<br /> ` ° 2.Fands for Tages and Insm�ano� Subjece w applicable law or to a a�o waiva iry Lende� Bouower shall pay tn •
<br /> ` t �.St.
<br /> � L�dar on the day mouthlY�enis sre dae eiader the Nate,onril the Noie is paid in fult,a sum("Funds'7 for:(a)Y�Y��
<br /> . ` aad assessmcu�w�h may atta�►priaritSr over this Seauiry Inst�umae�tt as a liea an the Propearcy:(b)YearIy lea�old paymeaia .
<br /> � � mr gm�md ieat�on the Pmge�ty,if any;(c)Y�Y��DroP�1►insmance gsea�mmn�(dj YearlY Aaod ms�ance p�� 1l`' �` `
<br /> , , anY.(e)Ye�IY moc�ge�euoe pre�N�+ms.if anY:and E�aal►sams PeYable 1sY Boaawer to L�der,m secardanoe wuL the
<br /> , � .. prav�ons af pazagRagh S. m lie�a of the pa�,vmeat of martgage i�ace�'Ihese if�ns ffie caIIed °EsRarow Items." , .
<br /> . ica
<br /> . .: Lmder may.at aay�me.colle�t and hold Fimds he an amoffit cEOt w exoeed the maxmmnia amoimt a iertdcs for a fede�aIIy retated ._
<br /> ,���, _'` for Ba�mwer's escaow ac�caant andez the fede�al Real F�te Seaternmt Pmcediues Act of 1974 as _ -- .
<br /> = - - �Se toan maY re�Iaire a rp e al .
<br /> �. - " .�_'f��- am�ded firom tia�to rime.12 U.S C.Sec�on 2601 et seq. (°RESPA`�.�mmotRer law tt�az agplies to the Funds seis a l� ..
<br /> � ammmt If so.Lendrr may,ai 2ny t�e.caliect aud hol�Fimds m an s�unt ant aa e�ceed the lesser a��L�nder may :. .
<br /> : u t • ,r.•.-
<br /> ' .F 'r.:'�", estimata the amount of Funds dh�oa dee basis of au�t data and�onsisle esdm�s c�expeaditn�es of faII�ce Fscaaw Items or � `., •
<br /> ._ .. .:.,��. . othe�wiseinaocardanceviithapptiraDlelaw. '"_'�--�..
<br /> .. � 'Ihe Fands sLall be held'm an instiwtiflm ufiose d�are in.amed by a fedaal agency.iastrameamlaip.or eni►MY C��� � .r`,
<br /> �� �� Leuder,if L�der is sudr aa ia�an)�i�n 2ay Fede�al Haaee I.oan B�k.L�der shaD appIy the Faads to pay the Fs�row �_�,.;
<br />;'� �• : �: .` It�s Latder may not charge Ba�owea far P►oldimg and applying the F�dg.aantt�S►analYrjng tbe esaa�v axoffit,or veafYmB � :''`"'
<br /> �,.
<br /> " = 8��saaw�tem.s.antess I�ea�r�aya Borrower mte�est am d�e Funds aad applicable law pamitv Leader w malse s¢cb a charge. -___
<br /> �, .,�..$ Ha�ver.Leade�r may neqia�1�Ower ou pay a an�time charge for an indee�ud�t�1 es�te tax m�o�g s�ae ase�by
<br />_, .";'` . ' I,a►der in caa�aa whh t�k,�anles4 appticabte law pmvidca othea�vLse.Un�rp ag�eemmt is ma8e ar�mg�F�;able law ���
<br /> . � ; �6,�—�
<br /> . . :F re�luires mt�ta be paid.I+�u shall uot be requ�ed to pay Bmrow�r a�►y�ar e�nmgs on t�e Funds.�r�rowea eud
<br /> wr
<br /> � �-
<br /> I,endPS may a�in writing,ta.w�vea,tLat int�est sball be Daid oa the�is.I�eader shaD give to Berrower,wn5aat chax8e.�m s,,,,F.,
<br /> atmual aecoaat�ng of the Fumds„s'howutg czedits and debits t4 the Funds aud the ptup�for which each debit to dut L�as�s�
<br /> � o
<br /> `�'r���� ''.. . made.'Ihe Fmids ate pledged as addidonal se�ultY for all snms sec�ued by 4�is S�rity L�sm�t � �.'.�.,
<br /> �.� �.�,���
<br /> ; ;: Tf the F�mds detd by I.eada exoced the amauntv peam�tted tn be he2d by app�c�able 1aw,I.eader shaII arcauat to Bormwca for ���':
<br /> � �`t �' the exoe�Fuads in ar.cardance with the reqm�ements of applic�ble 1aw.If the amo�t of the Fimds 1�by l.ender ai any time is � ,;.�,�,
<br />• ` �'',�;� ..'. °"�
<br /> not su�ician to pay the Bscmw IUe�s when due.Lend�may so notify Baaowea in writiag,and,m ssch u�se Boaowa sbaII pap ���r::..•;
<br /> �.,' ` ou L�dea tfte amo�t n�e�g t�tnalce ap dte defit�rcF. Baaow�shall make up the deficiency in no mote th�►ta►elve ----
<br /> . • m.�ur�1Y PaY�►�ta,at Leadds s�e disccetion. _
<br /> - . ., . � Upnn paymea�t in fall of�tL snms s�aaed by this Seau'sty Instrumea�t,LeRder straiIl�romptiy refand to Boimwer any Faa d s '� _�-
<br />- � aeld by Lemder.Ef�ander Parag�aPb 21,Lender shall acqulne or sell the PropeMy.i�dcr.prior to the acq�an or sate oP the -- -_.
<br /> ,� d$t
<br />- ��4; � ptopeny,shaIl a�anY�held by l.ead�r at the wae of arq�or s��s a crednt aga�nst the smns seWred by Q�is ,-
<br /> � ;:� ,. , S��.
<br /> �f", " ' , 3.Apptkat�n of Pay�sarle. Un2ess appliwble law provIdes othasv3se,aU�ayur,�ts recei�nad by Lender�d�pa�aphs _-
<br />"t:;S't`�. � . . ; ' i�and 2 sl�all be applie8:fust.w m►Y DregaYme�t ci�acges dne und�the Not�sec�n�,w ammmts payable undes paragiraph Z:
<br />—��,:r•.� •.;..:rfr,;, .
<br />_ ��,�,•f� ;;. t�rd.to intere�s da�fourtL,ro Prineipal dII��d tast.to any late cl�arges dae�der the Note. .
<br />- . �;:::�r�;'•r�: q,Cha�rges;Liens. Baaowea shaU pay a11 ta�ce,s.a�se.saneAts,c L a r ges.fi nes an d i m p o s i tianv.u t u i b u t a b l e t o t h e P ro p e rt y ,_
<br /> r r s.
<br />_.:�:.'� Rs�may avain priortty over this Secura�.T�.stram�t,aus!leasehoW paymentv or.grewndrea�ts,ff ma�t..Botrowet sball pay thesa =--_
<br />-�:;�,G.j :. .:. _ �.�..'
<br />_-':.}�,, aL'*` ons in the maaner gmvidEd in para�ayL 2.or��e pa�d'u�t1�at mann�.Bo�a+��r shall pay them on�time�c11Y to the � .
<br /> :��r�:`�: peason awed psymen�Ea�uer shall pmmpUy fiun3sh w Lender all nodces of amoanm w be yaid undes�flis para�a�h.If ;i�f��"�.�
<br /> �fl
<br /> .. � • Baimwea matces these pa}�.�tv diiecdY,Borrowea shall pmmptly fumisb w l.cader receipts evId�cmg 8ie paym�. '�kis�'':,
<br /> • s ai
<br /> - � •,�;� Bmmwea s�promp:IY discl�arge aay lien wt�ich�prioriry over this Se�urity Ins�ument�mtess Bormwer.(a)agrees m ��,ts;�.��,-�
<br /> '......�.,. i.� • .
<br /> _ :i:.+y%`a 1= .
<br />° . �.,�S�: . writing to the�me�t of r�e obligatinn seaued by tLe tie,n in a mannei aoceptable w I,eader,(b)conoests m goad faitb the lien ��a..,. ..-''
<br /> _ . � � by, or defe�ds agams��i'ar�ment of the lien iA,teSul Omc�n89 whicb in the Le�der's opinion oQe�are r,�pseveat the '�;�;: ..
<br /> ..;:� eaf�emt of the lien:or(c)ser,a�es from the holder of the tte�aa age�mcat satisf�cturY to l.endPa s¢b�.�g the lie�to :::,�..
<br /> � this Saurity Instrament If Leader detrdmines t6at anp part of the P�o�eity is subject W a lien ahi�aay�aitt�nrig+ov�dils .
<br /> _ ��:: Security Lnstwneat,Leader mal►gh'e Borrowea a nodce idendfying the li�.Bormwe�sha11 sat�fY s�e iiea�sake one ar more : . �
<br /> - � of the actions set fmth above within 10 days of the glving of notice.
<br /> � Form 8a28 8/80 •
<br /> • . (�-8R(NE)(o2ts).ot PaaoBate onrttate: .
<br />_; .. . . . . • . ,
<br />_r _ .. . _ . .._ .- -. ..._� . _ . . . . , . � � -- - -
<br /> -. � . . . ' ' . ' • . - ' . ' . � ., , +.r . . . - .
<br /> - . - . . � � . . -. . . . . _ _ ' . • .
<br /> ' : • . . _ " • � . � ' . . . _ ' , . . . . � �
<br /> ... � , .
<br /> . . . . i , , . .-
<br /> . �
<br /> ,-.-__ . ._. _ ... . _ . . .— ",___ .�. ._..—'__"—"�_.._._ ;. '_"__ "_—'_ —_—_— _ _ — —'� - __._
<br /> . . .. � _�_._._. ._'r __
<br /> . __. ___.'. . _. _ ... ._..
<br /> ._.__ _ - .__- .. .-____ . . .. ._ _ _ .. _. ____. _ ._.. _ - _ _ _—_ _ . —.-- —_
<br />,.p. . -.. _ -. - . �.- .- _ �. . , _ _ _" ..' . '.-_
<br /> � .i.. . � . . - .. � � - . ' � .. - '. , . � ,. �. � _ `��:.__._ . _— _ �.
<br /> .. '� , . . . -. . �'Y � .�..
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